Drug dealer girl

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Eddie's pov
I let out a sigh as I pulled up to Rick's place. His car wasn't there. Should I just go home? I'm really not in the mood for this right now. I debated with myself back and forth before turning the van off and getting out. I walked up to the front door and knocked. I waited as I heard Want Some, Need Some by Poison playing from the speakers. I then heard a crash, making me jump lightly in surprise. The door quickly swung open and my eyes widened.

I looked down to see a very attractive girl. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hair wild, a bottle of Captain Morgan in her hand and the smell of pot coming strongly from her and inside the house.

"What?" She questioned.

"Where's Rick?" I asked.

"Who's asking?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" I questioned her.

"Rick's friend. Who are you?" She took a swig of the liquor.

"I'm a client of his." I replied.

"Wait," she stumbled back inside, leaving the door open. I looked inside and the place was more destroyed than before. There were beer cans and liquor bottles everywhere. She then came back with a note in hand. "James?" She looked up at me.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow in question.

"Guess not, Um," she looked back at the sheet. "Rodriguez?" She looked me over as I shook my head. "Figures, um," she looked back at the sheet. "Munson?" She looked back up at me.

"That's me," I nodded.

"Weed and special K huh?" She walked inside. "ARE YOU COMING?" She called out. I walked inside and shut the door as she rummaged through every drawer in the kitchen. "Where did I put everything?" I heard her mutter.

"You got a name?" I asked.

"(Y/n)," she replied as she placed a bag of weed on the counter. "You only go by Munson or you got a normal name?" She asked.

"Eddie," I grabbed the bag. She quickly turned and smacked my hand, making me drop the bag back onto the counter. "What the hell?!" I rubbed my hand as it stung.

"Don't touch until you've paid." She told me before looking though the drawers again.

"You're a bitch you know that?" I told her. She looked over at me and shrugged.

"Been told once or twice." She grinned before turning back to the drawers. She smirked and held up the bag. "Found you," she then tossed the bag onto the counter beside the weed. "Pay up, Munson." She held her hand out. I pulled the cash from my pocket and handed it to her. She counted it and shoved it in the back pocket of her jeans.

"Can I ask, why is Rick not here?" I asked her.

"Got sent back to jail, got caught taking this beautiful Camaro while he was high out of his mind." She sighed. "I told him not to do it but the idiot insisted." She rolled her eyes.

"Sounds like him," I nodded. She looked me over again.

"I like your vest, got some good bands on there." She smiled.

"Thanks," I smiled back.

"You make it yourself?" She asked. I nodded. "I made one a while back but it got ruined and I never fixed it." She sighed. "Bully's am I right?" She finished off the liquor in the glass that sat on the counter and she tossed the glass into the sink, the glass shattering. She went into the fridge and pulled out a beer.

"I think you should stop." I told her. She looked at me as she opened the bottle.

"Don't tell me what to do," she snapped. She then took a sip. I walked over and took it from her. "What the hell?!" She glared at me.

"I said to stop," I repeated.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? You don't know me!" She shoved me into the counter and tried to grab the bottle from my hands.

"You're gonna drink yourself to death if you don't stop." I told her. She grabbed a half empty bottle and chucked it behind me, the shattered glass and warm beer covering us as she shoved me into the counter again.

"GIVE ME THE BOTTLE!" She yelled as tears started to run down her face.

"No." I told her sternly. She glared at me and pulled my money from her pocket. She shoved it into my pocket and took the two bags of drugs from the counter and rushed into the bathroom. "Damn it," I ran after her and knocked the door.

"Go away," she sounded like she was crying.

"Not until you give me the drugs back." I told her. "Are you actually crying because I took a beer from you?" I sighed.

"No!" She snapped. "You need to leave," she whimpered.

"Look, I can't, you have my only source of income and I don't think I should leave you here by yourself." I told her. I then heard the door unlock and I watched it open.

"Why do you care?" She wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Because you're a person like me and you seem sweet, except if you're told no." I told her, making her giggle. I smiled and offered my hand to her. She hesitated, I couldn't help but think that something clearly something happened to her. She took my hand and looked at me. I smiled softly and she smiled back, her hand becoming less tense in mine, the slight tension still noticeable. I led her out of the bathroom and to the kitchen once again.

"I was thinking, I'll pay you for the drugs, I'll take you out to eat so you can sober up a little and then I can take you back to my place we can watch movies or something." I told her. She studied my face, I'm guessing, questioning my intentions.

"Okay, try anything Munson and I'll kick you in the balls." She threatened.

"I promise I won't do anything." I laughed nervously.

"Good," she nodded. She handed me the drugs and I handed her the cash.

"You like burgers?" I asked. She nodded. "Cool, I know a good place," I told her. She turned off the music and she followed me to my van.

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