Good girl gone bad (pt. 2) (smut)

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You started to gently rock your hips against Eddie's as you kissed, feeling his erection growing beneath you. Your hands that were in his hair tugged lightly, earning a soft groan from him. Your heart fluttered as his hands moved from your waist to your ass, stopping your movement. You gasped as he pushed you off and climbed on top of you.

You quickly pulled your shirt off and helped him remove his, exposing his tattoos. He then started to shimmy your cheer skirt down your legs as he kissed and nipped at your neck and now bare collar bones. He managed to pull the skirt off, leaving you in your matching set of black laced undergarments. "Holy shit," he muttered with a smile. "Did you plan this sweetheart?" He placed little kisses on your jawline.

"I wish I could say I did," you smiled. Eddie chuckled and sat up.

"Well," he then quickly ripped your panties off. "I hope they weren't expensive." He waved the now ruined material before throwing them somewhere in the room. Part of you was upset considering they were expensive and they were also your favorite set. But you mostly thought it was one of the hottest things you've experienced. "I'll buy you a new pair." He told you, now ripping your bra, tossing it with your panties.

"You better," you giggled as he stared at your breasts like they were the most amazing thing he's ever seen. He looked up at you for reassurance and you nodded. He touched the soft skin, making you shiver. He then started to kiss and suck at them, leaving dark purple marks. You moaned softly as he took your nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it.

"Fuck Eds," you whimpered. You felt his hands slide down to your soaked cunt.  His eyes flickered up to yours as he inserted a finger and curled it, earning a moan as he hit your g-spot. He groaned as his hips rutted into the couch cushion. He added another finger as he moved them in and put painfully slow. He then removed his fingers and held them up as they glistened in the light. He smirked as he looked into your eyes.

"Open that pretty mouth sweetheart." He ordered you. You did as you were told and just as your lips parted he shoved his fingers in your mouth, the strong taste of your self making you groan. He pulled his fingers out, wrapping the same hand around the base of your neck as he pulled you into a desperate kiss. You pulled away and grabbed his handcuff shaped belt buckle. "Please Eds." You whined.

"Please what?" He tilted his head as if he didn't know what you wanted.

"Please fuck me," you pleaded.

"So needy," he chuckled lightly. "My naughty girl." He looked you over and reached for his belt. He then paused just as he was about to undo it and smirked at you.

"What are you doing?" You questioned.

"I'm doing nothing, you are gonna show me just how badly you need this cock." He told you. You glared at him as you gave in to his little antics. You quickly undid the belt and undid his jeans. He pushed your hands away and he stood from the couch, pulling his jeans and boxers down. You bit your lip as he crawled back on top of you.

He then placed his tip to your entrance and pushed in, stretching your virgin walls. You gripped his shoulders tightly, your nails digging into his skin. He looked up at you as he pushed all the way in. You winced, making him stop. "You okay?" He questioned, worry evident in his voice.

"Mhmm, just not used to it." You replied. "Keep going." You told him. He nodded as he started to move slowly.

"God you feel so fucking good," he moaned.

"You too," you admitted. His thrusts started to quicken and the pains quickly turned into pleasure as he hit deep inside you.

He took your hands and pinned them to the arm rest. "Sweet and innocent (Y/n), being my little slut." He grunted, earning a whimper from you. "Oh you liked that didn't you?" He smirked. "Do you like being my dirty little slut?" He gripped your neck lightly.

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