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The memories tormented your mind every night. Enduring it only made you more numb.

The flashes of blood and Eddie's screams were enough to make you cry out.

Your friends were dealing with it a lot better than you were, but that's expected from a girlfriend who just lost her boyfriend of two years. Dustin helped a lot and so did Wayne. There was just one thing. Losing him made something click for you. You swore you were going insane and no one blamed you.

One morning you couldn't help it. You raced over to Eddie's trailer and banged on the door. Wayne opened the door, concern written on his face. "(Y/n) are you okay?" He asked you.

"Where's Eddie?!" You asked him, ignoring his question.

"What?" He questioned, shocked you'd ask such a thing. You pushed past him and rushed inside. You hurried down the hall and opened the door, some of his room still there, some of this things were put in boxes. You turned as you heard footsteps. Wayne looked at you with fear as tears brimmed your eyes.

"Where. Is. Eddie?" You asked him.

"(Y/n), please," he shook his head, on the verge of tears.

"I want him back," you cried, rushing over and hugging him tightly. "I need him." You sobbed.

"I know, but he's gone (Y/n)." Wayne cried.

"No," you shook your head. "No, he's, he's okay, he's probably just out getting beer or something." You told yourself.

"Look at me," Wayne grabbed your shoulders as tears raced down his face. "He's gone." He told you. You sobbed as he pulled you back into his arms, you clutching onto his long sleeved shirt.

Then this happened.

Dustin sat beside you at the park bench while Steve and Robin were talking, taking a small walk. "So, how are you doing?" Dustin questioned as you stared off in space.

"Fine," you replied automatically. You never looked at him, your eyes fixated on the lonely glass bottle beside the trash can.

"You know you can be honest with me right?" He placed a hand on your shoulder, making you flinch. He removed his hand and cleared his throat.

"What are you some kind of shrink now?" You finally looked over at him.

"No, but I was there too, I was close with him too, not as close as you but I get it." He told you.

"You get it." You repeated. "You. Get. It? No Henderson, you don't, I thought I was gonna spend the rest off my life with him and now he's gone." You quickly stood. "So don't tell me you get it." You told him.

"(Y/n), please listen to me." Dustin stood up and walked over to you.

"No," you chuckled. "Why should I?" You don't know." You took a step closer and he was quick to make space between you both. "DON'T EVER TELL ME YOU GET IT AGAIN DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" You yelled.

"Woah, (Y/n) calm down!" Steve rushed over and pulled Dustin behind him.

"You know what, I don't need this," you shook your head as you turned. You started to walk away when the bottle once again caught your eye. You picked it up and chucked it harshly into the lid of the trash can, the glass shattering everywhere. You then started for your car again.

And then this.

You finished your last beer as you dangled your feet in Steve's pool. "Hey," he sighed as he sat beside you.

"Hi," you replied.

"Beer for your thoughts?" He handed you a new can, earning a soft chuckle from you.

"That's a dark place, you sure you wanna go there?" You asked.

"Still trying right?" He asked you.

"Going to a shrink sucks," you sighed as you opened the can.

"Well you refused to talk to us so we had no choice." He took a sip from his can.

"Yeah well, it's not as bad. I just feel like I could've saved him. If I had just jumped though the gate sooner-"

"Stop," Steve placed his hand on your shoulder. "Stop telling yourself that." He told you.

"But it's true Steve. I could've saved him but I didn't." You looked at him.

"You tried," he sighed.

"Clearly not hard enough now he's gone." You sighed. Steve then shoved you into the pool. You gasped as you hopped out of the cold water. "What the fuck was that?!" You punched him in the arm.

"You needed to clear your mind. Never tell yourself those things do you understand me?" He handed you a folded towel that once sat beside him.

"Fine, I'll try." You you glared at him as you wrapped the soft material around you.

And this...

You sat beside Eddie's empty grave. "I uh, I'm doing better, well, somewhat. You were right, depression is a bitch." You sighed. "I've been distancing myself from everyone lately, every time I see them I think of you and what happened."  You told him, hoping he heard. "This is stupid," you sighed. "I can't live without you Ed's. It's weird without you. I don't know how I can make it though life knowing I won't spend the rest of it with you." You cried softly.

"I get weird looks in the halls now, some of pity, some of hatred. I feel like I should be used to it but you aren't here to keep me grounded. I've gotten in too many fights already." You wiped away your tears as you sighed. "I really miss you." You touched the stone gently. "I'll keep trying for you, I promise." You smiled softly as you pat the stone. "I love you," you then stood and walked off.

That was a while ago...
Now almost two years later you've slowly came to terms with it and you did try. Everything was going right, you graduated high school and got into your dream college. You were happy. Your friends forgave you after your harsh behavior towards them and you all were happy. Still hanging out and doing dumb things together.

Not a day goes by where you don't think of Eddie. He's always in your mind. You swear you could feel him around you too. You still loved him and you knew you'd never stop loving him.

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