10 things i hate about you

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I hate the way you talk to me,

"(Y/L/N)!" You turned to see Eddie March over with a smirk.

"What?" You sighed.

"You got the English project?" He questioned.

"I told you I won't have it till the end of the week." You told him.

"What's got you so bitchy? Wait! Is it that time of mouth?" He questioned.

"Go fuck yourself Eddie," you rolled your eyes, storming off.

"I'M TAKING THAT AS A YES!" He called out from behind you, making you groan out in annoyance.

And the way you cut your hair,

"DAMN THAT HURTS!" Eddie cried out as you yanked his hair harshly.

"How did this happen?" You rolled your eyes as you tried to get out a large wad of gum, multiple leaves, and knots in his hair.

"Jason," he replied.

"I might have to cut your hair." You sighed.

"NO!" He quickly turned to look at you. "DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR! I swear if you cut it-"

"Eddie I think I should. Do you want this to keep happening, it's like you're begging for this type of abuse!" You told him.

"Out," he pointed to his bedroom door.

"What?" You raised your eyebrows in question.

"GET OUT!" He snapped. You scoffed and turned, walking out and to your car.

I hate the way you drive my car,

"SLOW DOWN!" You shrieked as Eddie roughly turned a sharp corner. He laughed as he drummed along to One by Metallicaon the steering wheel. "EDDIE I SWEAR! SLOW DOWN!" You snapped.

"Calm down," he looked over at you then back to the speedometer. "I'm only going 80." He told you.

"THE SPEED LIMIT IS 55!" You glared at him.

"So what!" He snapped back. It was then a siren went off from behind you. Eddie quickly looked at you and you shook your head as you sighed.

I hate it when you stare,

You listened to your math teacher lecture and you doodled lightly in your notebook.

You could swear you felt like you were being watched. You looked up and looked around the room. Your eyes focused on the source of the feeling in the front right desk. Eddie starred all the way to the back left corner where you sat, his eyes watching you and everything you did.

You quickly wrote 'what?' In large letters on a sheet in your notebook and you held it up so he could see it. He looked at it then back at you, shrugging. He smiled, winking before turning back to the front of the class.

I hate your big dumb combat boots,

"Look what I got," Eddie marched into your living room, not even bothering to knock on the door.

"Hi? How are you? No I'm not busy." You told him as you closed your math textbook. He quickly stomped on your coffee table, spraying mud all over the wood. You glared at him as he just kind of chuckled.

"Sorry," he apologized. You nodded wanting him to proceed with whatever this was about. "I got boots, Jeff thought it'd be a good addition to my style." He took his foot from the table and started pacing around your living room, tracking mud everywhere he stepped with the dark brown boots.

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