The perks of being a vampire (smut)

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You groaned as Eddie pinned you to the wall as he kissed your roughly. You knew his stamina was out of this world but his need for sex was something else. It seemed like he wanted to fuck the living daylights out of you all the time. However this time he seemed more desperate, you had a feeling he was able to smell the blood since it's was your designated "shark week," as you liked to call it. Eddie pulled away and he panted as he just stared at you, pure lust in his eyes. "Eddie, I'm not sure about this," you admitted. "I know you know," you told him. He led you to the bed and laid you down.

"Do you trust me?" He asked quietly. You nodded. "Okay, I promise I won't get carried away." He told you. "I'll do anything you ask with no hesitation." He brushed your hair behind your ear.

"Then bite me," you told him. His eyes widened slightly in disbelief. You've never asked him to bit you but you wanted it, cause let's be honest, those fangs of his drove you wild.

"You sure?" He questioned.

"What happened to no hesitation?" You smirked. He chuckled as he climbed on top of you. He then started to place gentle kisses on your neck. You gasped as you felt him suddenly bite where your neck and shoulder met. He then pulled away and looked at you. "Go ahead," you told him. He then started to suck the punctured skin, earning a groan from him. You whimpered as the ache for him grew. "Eddie," you gasped. He quickly pulled away.

"Did I do something?" He asked anxiously.

"No, you're okay, I just need more." You reassured him. He nodded and he quickly helped you undress. He then moved down your body so he was eye level with your cunt. His eyes looked up at yours, asking for your permission. You nodded and he immediately attacked your sensitive nerves. You gripped onto his hair as he ate you out. "Oh my god Eddie." You moaned. He suddenly inserted two fingers, the coldness of his rings and the new friction made you gasp. His tongue continued to work your clit while is fingers pumped and curled into you, hitting the right spots. You could feel your orgasm nearing as his pace quickened slightly. He then pulled away from your clit, continuing to finger your cunt. You looked down at his face, his lips and chin covered in your arousal and blood.

"You're close aren't you. I can feel you squeezing around my fingers," he smirked. You nodded feverishly as he wiped his face with the back of his hand. "Use your words sweetheart," he smiled.

"I'm so close Eddie," you whimpered.

"That's my good girl," he purred. He then pulled his fingers out.

"Why'd you stop?!" You looked up at him.

"Because if you're gonna cum, it's gonna be on my cock, not on my fingers." He smirked. "So you gotta be patient sweetheart." He told you. You nodded and helped him take off his leather jacket, his wings now visible.

"Why do you hide them?" You asked.

"Well, until now, I thought you'd be slightly freaked out with the whole vampire thing." He admitted. You shook your head. "Now, I'm assuming you like it," he smiled devilishly. You nodded as you giggled. He then pulled his shirt off while you undid his belt and jeans. He quickly shimmied his pants and boxers off. He then climbed back on top of you. He smiled as you cupped his cheeks. He leaned down and kissed you as he started pushing into you, the odd taste of your blood and wetness still on his lips. You both moaned into each others mouths at the much needed friction. He pulled away from the kiss and placed his forehead on yours as he filled you up completely. "You feel so good," he panted. He then started to move slowly. You noticed his wings shutter, making you smirk.

"You're really enjoying my pussy aren't you?" You ran your fingers down his chest, a rush of boldness took over as you looked deep into his eyes. He stopped moving.

"What?" He questioned.

"Get on your back Munson," you ordered him. "You told me you'll do what I ask with no hesitation, so get on your back." You smirked.

"Yes ma'am," he pulled out and laid beside you. You sat up and moved over so you were straddling him. He looked so gorgeous under you, his wings spread out on your white sheets, his hair a mess from you pulling it his brown eyes memorizing every bit of your body. You then guided his cock into you with a breathy moan falling from your lips. You started to bounce as his ringed fingers gripped your hips. You knew there'd be bruising from how hard he was gripping you. You moaned harshly as he hit the perfect spot.

"Oh my god," he moaned. "You're doing so fucking good sweetheart." He praised.

You could feel yourself coming close and you could tell he was too. He was twitching inside you and his body was starting to tense. "Hold it for a second baby, I know you're close but just hold on a little longer." You told him.

"I don't think I can," he whimpered.

"Try," you started to grind your clit on him as you lowered yourself on him. He noticed and his hand reached down, rubbing harsh circles into your clit. You gripped onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his skin. You moaned his name as he took one of your breasts in his mouth. Leaving hickeys and little bites. His tongue swelled around your nipple as he sucked. You screamed his name as you came. You provoked his orgasm as you clenched around him. You rolled your hips slowly as you rode out your highs. You then stopped and pulled him out, laying beside him.

"I love you," he whispered as he held you, his wings keeping you both warm as they wrapped around the both of you like a blanket.

"I love you too," you smiled, kissing him gently.

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