"Your date"

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Jacob has been in love with you since freshman year but has always been too busy to ask you out. To be honest you thought he was an absolute douche. He was mean to everyone, especially one of your close friends, Eddie Munson. So when rumors spread around school saying that Jacob was going to ask you out at the upcoming prom you couldn't help but go to your friend for help.

"Are you crazy?!" Eddie started to pace around his bedroom as you sat with your legs crossed on his bed.

"It's just a dance." You told him.

"No, it's prom (Y/n), I don't go to prom." He told you.

"Come on, it's your last chance to go, plus you'd be doing me a huge favor." You pleaded.

"Do I have to wear a tux?" He sighed. You nodded. He groaned as he leaned against the wall to look at you.

"I'll be wearing a dress, you know how much I hate those." You reasoned. He thought for a moment and sighed as he looked at the ground.

"When is it?" He asked.

"2 days." You told him. "I already have a dress and I know Steve has a tux you can borrow." He sighed and nodded.

"So let me get this straight, I'm going to prom with you because you don't want Jacob to ask you out?" He questioned.

"Yup," you nodded.

"If it's to piss off Jacob and to help you I'm in." He smiled. You smiled and held your arms out. He walked over and hugged you tightly, rubbing your back gently.

"Thank you," you looked up at him.

"Anything to help my girl," he played with your hair as you told him the plan.


You looked in the mirror, anxiously readjusting your (y/f/c) dress as you heard your mom call for you. "EDDIE'S HERE!" You heard her yell. You walked out of your room and down the stairs. You hesitated before walking into the living room and there stood Eddie dressed in a tux.

Your jaw dropped slightly as you looked him over. He looked amazing and little did you know he was thinking the same about you. His mind and heart racing as he saw you standing there in your dress. You both were used to seeing each other in jeans and a t-shirt but this unlocked feelings you both didn't realize you had.

"You look gorgeous," he breathed out.

"Thank you, you look very handsome." You smiled.

"You both are adorable, can I take pictures. You know, to show the grandkids." She teased.

"Mom," you groaned out of embarrassment. Eddie chuckled as he hung his head. He looked up at you.

"Come on," he held his hand out. You smiled and walked over, taking it. You noticed his rings still remained on his fingers as you laced yours with his, pressing against the cold metal. You both took pictures and after you said your goodbyes Eddie drove you to the dance. It was the first time you both were going to prom.

When you got there you walked into the gym and smiled at all the lights, decorations, the loud music, and people dancing and having the time of their lives. It was then you spotted Jacob talking with some of his friends. You felt someone take your hand and you looked over at Eddie, who's gaze was held on the boy you were previously looking at. He then looked down at you. "You're lucky I think the world of you," he joked. "Because (Y/n) I'm gonna be the best date you'll ever have." He smiled boldly.

"I believe that," you smiled back. You both looked over and Jacob was watching you both.

"Care to dance?" He asked you nodded and he walked you to the dance floor. You both messed with each other and danced for what felt like hours.

"Is he still looking?" You asked. Eddie turned slightly.

"Yup," he replied as Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield ended. The first slow dance for the night came up, Angel by Aerosmith playing through the speakers. Eddie placed his hands around your waist while yours went around his neck while you both gently swayed to the music. "This is actually fun," he smiled. You nodded in agreement as you smiled.

"I told you should've gone before." You told him.

"I don't know, there's only one thing here that makes this fun," he sighed. You then watched as Jacob walked over.

"You okay? Is this freak bothering you?" He asked not even acknowledging Eddie. You let go of Eddie and turned to him.

"No, and he isn't a freak." You snapped.

"So what you pity him or something?" He asked.

"No, he's my date and I care a lot about him." You told him.

"Right well, 'your date' could never love you the way I could." He quoted with his fingers. "I doubt you even have feelings for him." He scoffed. You quickly turned and pulled Eddie down by his tie and kissed him.

You didn't know it but Eddie's eyes were wide in surprise but they quickly shut as he smiled into it. You pulled away and looked up at Jacob. "Fuck you," you glared at him. "There is no way in hell I'd ever pick you over him." You told him. "Now I'd like to dance with my date in peace." You told him. You saw Eddie make shooing gestures. He rolled his eyes and walked away as another slow song started, Heaven by Bryan Adams. Your mom loved this song, she would always pull your dad from the couch and dance with him to the song in the living room. The thought made you smile to yourself as you wrapped your arms around Eddie.

"You sure showed him," he grinned, placing his hands on your waist.

"Yup," you let out a light huff of amusement. You both swayed slowly to the song just starring at each other.

"So are we not gonna talk about it?" He asked.

"About?" You tilted your head.

"You really don't see it?" He questioned with a smile. You raised an eyebrow in question. "'There's no way in hell I'd pick you over him' was that true?" He asked you.

"Of course," you whispered. You both weren't sure why you whispered but that quickly left your mind as it started to kick in. "I meant that kiss too," you told him.

"Really?" He smiled, shock written on his face. You nodded. "The beautiful (Y/n) (Y/l/n) willingly kissed Eddie the freak Munson?" He joked, making the both of you chuckle.

"Mhmm," you hummed. "And I'm about to do it again." You smirked. He smirked back and cupped your cheek as you kissed him gently. He pulled away, swaying to the music with you again.

"Oh, I wanted to tell you, there's this girl, she's really cool, I think you'd like her. She's so pretty and I get really nervous when she's around. And I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know if she'll say yes." He told you. You knew he was talking about you by the way he was looking at you, the pure joy and love struck sparkle in his chocolate colored eyes.

"I have a feeling she'll say yes." You smiled.

"Yeah?" He the look of hope and joy written on his face.

"Yeah." You nodded before kissing him for the third time that night.

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