Last November

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What's wrong (Y/n)? What's got you so down? Are you okay? Is it that time of month again? What's got your panties in a twist?

That's all you ever hear now. It has been a year and you still feel numb. You feel like life isn't the same. Like nothing matters. You just wanted people to stop questioning you. You wanted them to just leave you alone. Everyone tended to get the hint. Well.. everyone but one.

You sighed as you felt an arm snake around your shoulders. "What's got my girl down huh?" Eddie smiled softly as he sat beside you on the weathered picnic table out in the woods. Your typical meet-up spot with your boyfriend.

"Nothing," you shook your head.

"Baby, I can see it. Somethings on your mind. It has been for quite a while." He frowned lightly as he rubbed your arm gently.

"It's uh.." you hesitated as tears threatened to fall down your cheeks. If anyone knew how much you hated crying it was Eddie. He knew you were uncomfortable with crying in front of someone and your way of coping was to let it build up. So he quickly took notice as you tilted your head up as tears welted in your eyes.

"Hey, it's okay." He rubbed your back gently. You nodded and took a breath as you looked at him, letting the couple of tears fall. "Whatever it is, I'm here okay?" He wiped the stray tears and pecked your forehead. You nodded and tried to gain your composure.

"You know how I had to pick up a job to pay the bills back home?" You asked him. He nodded. "Well I didn't do it because I wanted to help out my grandpa," you started.

Eddie's eyes searched your face as he tried to figure out what you were trying to tell him. "I don't follow." He told you.

"Um last November he uh.." you let out a soft whimper as tears started to fall down your cheeks again. "He passed away," you sobbed. His eyes widened and he quickly pulled you into a tight hug.

"Holy shit sweetheart, why didn't you tell me?" He questioned.

"Because I didn't want your pity." You replied between sobs.

"I'll never give you my pity okay? But I can help you through it." He rocked you gently as he rubbed your back. "I know he was pretty much like a father to you. I know it sucks and that it hurts. But trust me everything will get better I promise you right now." He told you. "Look at me," he pushed your chin up so you would look at him. "I promise it will get better, everything will feel worth it again." He told you. "Promise me you'll try and that you'll come to me if you need me." You nodded and giggled as Eddie wiped your snotty nose with the sleeve of his hellfire shirt.

"I promise," you smiled lightly. "And don't ruin your shirt." You scolded him playfully.

"That's the least of my worries baby." He stood and held his arms out to you. You stood and hugged him tightly, his head resting on yours. "How about we go fix the sadness with some window shopping and ice cream?" He suggested.

"Yes please," you smiled.

"There's my girl." He pecked you on the nose and took your hand as he lead you through the woods and to the van.

You both got in and started for the bigger part of town. "You should just move in with me, it'll save you the stress of bills." He told you.

"That's true but it's my childhood home Ed's." You told him. "I had a lot of my firsts there. My first birthday, my first time riding a bike."

"Your first time." He wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"Shut up!" You laughed, smacking his arm playfully.

"I'm sorry!" He laughed. "It's true though," he added.

"It is," you snickered. "It'll be hard leaving that." You sighed.

"You know what, why don't I move in with you and help. 50/50 since I still got that job at Teacher Tire, and the drug deals, and my gigs." He told you. "That way you won't be as stressed, keep your house, and we can see each other all the time." He added. You nodded liking that idea. "And plus we can recreate your first time whenever you want." He winked.

"Slow down there horndog." You giggled.

"What?!" He laughed. "Okay, in all seriousness, you think you wanna do it?" He smiled.

"Move in?" You questioned.

"No to move to China, yes to move in." He joked.

"Yeah, I wanna. You don't think you'll get sick of me?" You smirked.

"Oh please, like I could get sick of you." He rolled his eyes. He parked in front of a store and you both got out. You walked hand in hand, looking at all of the shops and what they displayed in the windows.

It was then you stopped outside of a pet store. A litter of puppies resting on the other side of the glass. "Oh my god Eddie look at them." You screeched happily.

"You want a dog?" He questioned. You turned to look at him.

"Can we?" You pleaded. "I don't want kids yet and this is the closest thing. Please?!" You smiled.

"Making a baby is so much more fun," he whined.

"Eddie," you whined.

"Fine," he smiled.

"YES!" You grabbed his hand and you quickly yanked him inside with you. You rushed over to the litter of little black labs.

"They're so big." Eddie breathed out.

"That's what she said," you smirked.

"Oh my god," he pinched the bridge of his nose making you chuckle. You picked one up and held it in your arms as he licked your face.

"Hi," you smiled at him. He yawned in response and looked at Eddie. "He won't hurt you," you giggled. Eddie moved closer and he stuck his hand out. The dog sniffed him a little before licking his hand. "I want this one," you told him. "What do we name him?" You questioned.

"Pops?" Eddie suggested. You smiled and nodded.

"Wanna go home with us pops?" You asked the dog, making his head tilt. "Well, you have no choice so get used to us," you scratched behind his ears.

"Let's go pay," Eddie told you. You followed him to the counter and the store owner, Herbert stood there. "How's it going Herbert?" Eddie smiled at the man.

"Great," he replied with a smile. "How are you two?" He looked between you and Eddie.

"We're good," you smiled back. He nodded.

"Your first dog?" He asked you. You nodded. He held up a finger and left the counter. You looked at Eddie who just shrugged. He then returned with a bag filled with, what your assuming as dog supplies. "Everything you need right here," he handed Eddie the bag.

"How much?" Eddie questioned.

"Doesn't matter, I got it." He told him.

"I can't do that," Eddie shook his head.

"I can't either but I'm still going to to. Eddie I've known you both for years, since you were kids, let me do this for you two." He smiled at you.

"Thanks Herbert," he hugged him before taking out a collar and a leash snd putting it on Pops. You set him on the ground and hugged Herbert.

"Thank you so much." You smiled before letting him go. "I'll see you around?" You said to him, making him smile and nod.

"I'm sure," you turned to Eddie who smiled at you. "Bye," you waved with Eddie and you both walked out.

"What do you wanna do next?" He questioned.

"I think I just wanna go home." You looked at him.

"You sure?" He looked down at you. You nodded. "Okay," he took your hand and walked with you back to the van.

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