Mr. ghostface (pt. 1) (smut)

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You laughed with Robin as she geeked over how gorgeous Vicki looked in her Tiffany Valentine outfit. You thought it was cute how Robin dressed as Chucky so they could match. "So where's Eddie?" Robin asked as she took a sip of her soda.

"Probably helping Dustin and Steve hand out candy to trick or treaters." You replied.

"Baby?" Vicki rushed over with a smile and took Robin's hand.

"Yeah?" Robin turned to her.

"Can you go with me to buy more candy?" She questioned. "The boys are running low and Steve gave me his card." She smirked, holding up the plastic card.

"Sure, you wanna come with us?" Robin asked you.

"Nah, I'll hang back and make sure the boys don't do anything stupid." You smiled.

"Okay," Robin smiled back and walked with Vicki to the front door. You walked to the kitchen, in search for some food or candy to munch on. You decided to look through the cabinets first and you stood on your tip toes as you looked inside.

You gasped as you were quickly grabbed and pinned to the fridge, a fake bloody knife placed at your throat. You giggled as you looked up at the familiar ghost face mask. "Hi Eds." You smiled.

"Sidney, who's this Eds you speak of?" He questioned, deepening his voice. "He sounds lame." He joked.

"Ya' he is so lame," you smirked, quickly catching on to his little game. "Are you gonna hurt me?" You questioned softly.

"Sure am, and imma do it nice and slow." He got close, making you smirk as the familiar tension and sensation between your legs started to intensify.

"Then what are you waiting for." You trailed your fingers down the side of the cold white plastic that hid his face.

"EDDIE DID YOU FIND THE CHIPS?!" Steve called out from the other room. Eddie placed a gloved finger at his fake mouth, telling you to remain quiet as he snatched a large bag of chips from behind you. He then walked out of the kitchen, leaving you a needy mess. You looked down at your Sidney Prescott costume, the fake blood was starting to rub off your arms and it was starting to dry on your Jean jacket that sat on a bloodied purple t-shirt.

You smirked once you saw your boyfriend return. His hand grabbed your neck suddenly. "You are gonna do what I say, do you understand?" He titled his head slightly. You nodded, making his grip tighten. "Use your words baby." He ordered.

"I understand," you breathed out.

"Turn," he directed. You turned your back to him and he grabbed your wrists, grabbing a random cord and binding your wrists together. You then saw him toss the fake knife on the counter and he grabbed a real one from the knife block.

He returned to you and he held the cold blade to your neck. "Go up the stairs and don't make a sound." He ordered you. You started walking as he kept the knife to your neck and his free hand on your shoulder as he guided you to Steve's bedroom. He let you go and shut the door, locking it before turning back to you. "I'm gonna untie you and what are you not gonna do?" He questioned.

"I'm not gonna run away." You told him. He placed the knife on Steve's desk.

"Mhm," he walked over and he untied the cord around your wrists. He picked the blade up once again. "Get on the bed," he pointed with the knife. You obeyed and climbed onto the soft mattress. "Take off your jacket, shirt, and jeans. Nothing else." He told you.

You nodded and decided to be a little tease. You looked deep into his eyes as you slowly pulled the jacket off. You tossed it on the ground and you pulled your shirt over your head, revealing your black lace bra. You then pushed your jeans off and laid there in front of him, legs spread as you laid back, your arms keeping you sitting slightly up.

"Fuck," he muttered. He walked over and he trailed the cold knife along your burning skin, making you shiver with excitement. He hooked the blade underneath the thin material and with a swift motion you felt the light compression disappear. He pulled the ruined bra from beneath you and tossed it onto the floor.

He then trailed the blade down to your panties, placing the cold metal on your cloth covered folds. You whimpered as your eyes flickered up to his black one's, which were already directed to your face.

Just like your bra he cut the material and pulled them off of you, tossing them with the rest of your clothing. He pulled off one of his leather gloves and he gently ran his bare fingers down your soft thighs. You whined when he stepped away from you. "What are you doing?" You questioned.

"You don't question me. You do as you're told. Now get off the bed and get on your knees." He snapped. You starred at him with a slight smirk before dropping to the floor. You helped him pull his pants and boxers down, his dick still hidden from the large cloak he wore. You were practically drooling as you watched him pull the cloak over his head, leaving the mask on.

You looked up into his covered eyes as you spit on your hand and grabbed his dick. He groaned softly as you started to stroke him slowly. You smirked and brought your head closer, placing his tip in your mouth. You could hear his stifled moans as you took him inch by inch in your mouth. You hollowed your cheeks as you bobbed your head roughly. His hands flew to your hair as he hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him.

"Oh my god," he groaned. It was then you noticed the cord on the ground beside him. You smirked as you quickly grabbed it and pulled his hands from your hair and his dick from your mouth. You quickly tied his wrists together and he struggled against the restraint as he looked at you, clearly surprised.

"Incase you forgot. You lose in this movie. Sidney kills Billy." You stood and pulled him to the bed, turning you both. You shoved him onto the bed as you climbed on top of him, straddling his waist, his dick hitting his stomach. "So I'm in charge and you are going to do what I say." You smirked.

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