The drag racer

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Eddie's pov
I walked with Dustin out of the school as we talked about the party Steve wanted to have tomorrow night. It was then we noticed there was a crowd formed. We looked at each other before walking over to see what was going on. There was a girl arguing with Billy Hargrove. I'd seen her around school every now and then, of course checking her out respectfully. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to her and the fact she was arguing with Billy made me like her even more. "Here we go again," Dustin sighed.

"What?" I questioned, looking down at him.

"Billy and (Y/n) like to drag race and every now and then he'll say something to her that pisses her off so they start fighting, then that leads to them challenging each other to another race so they don't start hitting each other." He explained.

"And you know this because-?" I raised my eyebrows in question.

"Because I know (Y/n) and she's max's half sister. So that makes her Billy's step sister." He told me. I nodded and watched her yell at him.

"FUCK YOU BILLY!" She glared at him.

"What? You know I'm right." He told her. "He's a freak, why do you like him?" He asked her.

"Shut up," she snapped getting up in his face.

"Or what?" His eyes then met mine, a smirk rising to his lips. (Y/n) then turned and looked directly at me, quickly turning.

"Tonight, same time same place as always." She told him before pushing through the crowd. She looked at me before she walked over to her black 67' Chevy Impala. Her (y/h/c) hair blowing in the light wind as she opened her door, again looking at me as she put her sunglasses on. She then got in the car and started it, Seek and Destroy by Metallica blasting through her speakers and rolled down windows. She flipped Billy off as she drove by.

"Where is this race?" I asked Dustin.

"No clue." Dustin shrugged.

"Munson," Billy called out. I looked over as he walked over. He handed me a piece of paper with an address and time. "For the race tonight," he told me. I looked at Dustin then back at him. "Don't worry, it's not from me." He told me before walking to his car. I looked down at Dustin again.

"You going?" He asked. I looked at the time on the note. 6:30.

"I have a meeting with my band but I'm skipping it to go to the race." I told him.

"You like (Y/n) don't you." He smirked.

"Shut up," I walked with him to my van.

"You totally do," he said as we got in the van.

"As I said, shut up." I told him as I started for his place.


I pulled up to the address Billy had given me and there the two cars were and there was a crowd. (Y/n) was talking with her friends while Billy was flirting with some girl. I then saw Max standing far from everyone else. I walked over and stood beside her. "Hey kid," I sighed.

"Eddie?" She looked at me with raised eyebrows. "You like watching drag races?" She asked.

"Nope, do you?" I asked.

"Not really, I just like seeing (Y/n) kick Billy's ass." She grinned.

"I came to see that too," I admitted.

"She talks about you," she told me.

"What?" I looked down at her. She nodded. I looked back at the girl who made my heart race. She was laughing and she happened to look over. Her cheeks turned red as she smiled and she flashed a little wave. I smiled and waved back. She then looked at her friends again and I turned to Max.

"She hasn't even met you but she asks me about you. I got tired of not knowing so I gave her Dustin's number and he's told her all about you. She's actually coming to Steve's party tomorrow so she can get to know you, though she knows pretty much everything." She said.

"Really?" I smiled. She nodded.

"If you ask me, I think she's in love." She admitted. My smile only grew and I looked back at (Y/n). "And from the looks of it, you are too." I turned back to Max who was smirking.

"I think you're right," I admitted.

"Here's how you win her over, talk to her, make her laugh, complement her, praise her, and guitar makes her weak." She told me. I raised my eyebrows. "Her words not mine." She chuckled.

"Noted," I looked back over as Billy and (Y/n) walked over to their cars. They started talking before they got in their cars. (Y/n) turned it on, the engine roaring to life as the lights flicked on. Her windows were down and her stereo was playing Bad Obsession by Guns and Roses. Her left arm feasted on the steering wheel while the other was flipping off her step brother, a lit cigarette hanging loosely between her lips. Everyone got ready as the two drivers prepared for their take off. A girl stood far down the road in the center, her arms held out to the side.

"GO!" She shouted as she took off running to the safety of the grass. The two cars then took off. This road was one of the only one that wasn't used that went into a random end. We were able to see them for a while before they hit the trees.

Your pov
You took off from the start as Bad Obsession moved on to Kickstart My Heart by Möntly Crüe. You looked over at Billy as you hit a straight away. He looked over at you and you smirked before flooring it, putting you in the lead as you went though the trees. You slowed slightly to turn around the bend which made Billy pass you slightly. Once you saw the end you quickly sped up.

"I'm sorry in advance baby," you pat your dashboard. You passed Billy and drifted around the end making the tires squeal as you turned around quickly. You then floored it once again as you quickly came back to the bend. You looked in your rear view mirror to see Billy right behind you. You refused to let off the gas and you could see the crowd and the finish line. You chewed on your lip as Billy inched closer. You two grew closer to the end and you managed to pass the group first. You won like you usually did. You two stopped and turned your cars around and drove back to the now cheering crowd. You parked and turned off your engine as you got out your car. You walked over to Max who stood beside Eddie Munson. "Hey," you hugged her.

"Hi," she smiled. "This is Eddie," she nodded to Eddie. You nodded as you shook his hand.

"I've heard of you," you smiled.

"Really? All good things I hope." He smiled back.

"All good things," you nodded.

"You were amazing by the way, and that car is beautiful." He told you.

"Thank you," you noticed Eddie and Max exchanged looks.

"Yeah, but that driver, even more beautiful then the car." He winced. You felt your face grow hot and you chuckled, hanging your head bashfully.

"Thanks," you looked back up at him. "There was actually a really cute guy in the crowd and I won for him." You told him.

"That so?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Mhmm, you should see his hair, it makes him 10 times more gorgeous." You admitted. You looked at Max as she smiled.

"Eddie is actually going to Steve's party tomorrow." Max told you. You looked back at him as he smiled at you.

"Really?" You smiled back. He nodded. "Well, I guess I'll see you there." You told him. He nodded.

"I actually wanted to ask you," he started. "Um," you noticed him start playing with his rings. "Would you like to go out for lunch sometime?" He asked you, a nervous look on his face. You smiled, nodding. He smiled as his eyes lit up. "Really?" He looked like he was surprised you said yes.

"Of course, pick me up tomorrow at 1 since Steve's party is at 5. We can pick where we go when you pick me up." You told him.

"Sounds good." He nodded.

"Cool, well, I gotta take her home, I'll see you tomorrow." You pecked him on the cheek before walking with Max to your car. 

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