The lead singer of a cover band (pt. 3)

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Light smut warning
Your pov
You and (Y/b/f) were getting ready in your shared bathroom. You were dressed in black jean shorts with an AC/CD t-shirt. You left your hair down and put light makeup, only having light eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick.

When you finished getting ready you both got into your 1967 Chevy Impala and rushed to the other side of town. You parked with some time to spare. You listened to the music as your nerves started to set in. "Are you nervous too or just me?" (Y/b/f) asked. You both looked at each other.

"No it's not just you," You sighed. "Why are you nervous?" You asked.

"I'm scared he'll think I'm too nerdy." She admitted.

"I think you'll be fine, if he doesn't then screw him." You told her. She nodded.

"Yeah, I guess." She thought for a moment before turning to you again. "Why are you nervous?" She questioned. "You never get nervous." You sighed.

"Well he's my type. That's what makes me nervous. Those guys are usually trouble." You told her. She nodded, knowing full well how much trouble they could be. "I don't know, I just don't want another repeat of the past you know?" You looked at the time. It was 6:05. "We gotta go," you told her. She nodded and you both got out of your car, quickly heading inside. Your eyes automatically locked onto Eddie's from across the room.  You smiled and you both walked over to the boys. "Hey boys," you sat beside Eddie.

"Hi," (Y/b/f) pecked Gareth on the cheek, leaving a lip print on it.

"You got a little something, man." Eddie told him.

"Where?" Gareth asked.

"I'll demonstrate," you quickly pecked Eddie on the cheek, leaving a mark on his face.

"Ohhh!" Gareth smirked.

"I hate both of you," Eddie smiled, wiping off the mark with his napkin.

"Don't lie, you know you love it." You snickered.

"I hate you," he repeated, pecking you on the lips.

"Clearly," (Y/b/f) joked as she looked at Gareth, making him laugh. The waiter then walked over and you all noticed how his gaze focused on you. You also took notice the dirty look Eddie was giving him. You leaned forward, exposing your breasts more to him. Eddie noticed and he couldn't help but block the guys view by also leaning forward. You all ordered and everyone seemed to forget about the flirting except for Eddie.

"So how long have you been playing?" Gareth asked you and (Y/b/f).

"Since I was 10," (Y/b/f) replied.

"I was around 12 or 13. We've had our band since 79'." You smiled.

"Wow," he smiled. You guys continued to make small talk until the waiter came with your food. He then handed you a napkin. He winked before walking away. Eddie was starring daggers into his back as he left. You teasingly wagged the napkin in the air.

"Should I call him?" You smirked.

"No," Eddie looked over at you, clearly annoyed.

"Why not?" You questioned.

"Because you came on this date with me remember?" He asked you. You hummed in response before nodding.

"Care to remind me why I picked you?" You grazed his thigh playfully. He stood from his seat and looked down at you.

"Get up," he ordered. You looked at your friends across from you before looking back up at him.

"What?" You scoffed.

"Did I stutter?" He raised his eyebrows. You stood and he took your hand. "Box that up for us." He placed down a $20 dollar bill before dragging you outside to a van.

"What are you doing?" You questioned innocently.

"Showing you that you're mine and only mine." He growled, tossing you in the back of, your assuming, his van. You looked around at the somewhat clean vehicle. You then heard the van doors shut. You looked at Eddie. You smirked and bit your lip as he crawled over to you. You wrapped your legs around him as he pulled you into an intoxicating kiss. You could feel the need and lust coming off of him. Your hands went up into his hair and tugged, earning a soft groan from him. You could feel yourself growing wetter by the second as his hands roamed your body. Lightly touching every bit of you.

He then pulled away and started to kiss your neck. You whimpered as the need to have him grew. You bucked your hips into his, hoping for any kind of friction. He pulled away from your neck and pinned you down roughly. He looked deep into your eyes and you just starred at each other, panting lightly. His eyes traveled around your face, keeping note of every little detail. "What?" You asked, finally breaking the silence between you two.

"I-" he paused. "Nothing." He pulled you back into a rough kiss. You could feel that he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. You reached for his belt, accidentally grazing against his crotch. He quickly pulled away and pinned your hands to the floor. "You are going to do what I say," he told you.

"And if I don't?" You challenged.

"I won't let you cum, now sweetheart, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna be a good girl? Or are you gonna be a brat?" He asked you.

"I like the first option," you looked up into his eyes innocently.

"Good choice," he muttered against your neck before kissing it. "So you aren't making the moves here, I am, I say when or who gets touched." He instructed you. He then continued to suck and bite at your neck. You knew he was leaving marks due to the almost sore feeling he left behind when he moved onto the next spot.

'This is gonna be good.' You thought to yourself.

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