Daddy made me do it (pt. 1)

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Request by @Lindsay_Mania
"I don't see why I have to get it for you." You sighed as you grabbed your bag.

"Because I'm your father and I told you to." Your dad snapped, throwing the cash at you. "Get out of here," he glared at you as he went into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey. You sighed and stood, shoving the cash in your backpack since your skirt had no pockets.

You then hopped into your old truck and sighed as you placed your head on the steering wheel. "Just one more year, one more year and I can get out of here." You told yourself. You started the truck and dove to school.

When you parked in a parking spot you got out and walked into the building bustling with people. You walked over to your locker to see a note hanging from it.

Curiosity flowed through your mind as you pulled it off the locker. You then opened it, frowning as you saw your yearbook photo with a mustache and a unibrow with multiple of your teeth colored out. On and around the image were things written like "Loser!" Or "nerd," and the one you usually got "teachers pet."

You knew exactly who did this. The person who hated you more then your dad, Eddie Munson. The guy literally took pride in making your life hell. It was almost like a game to him. You learned to block most of it out but sometimes he can go to far. Like once he poured old, moldy milk into your backpack and threw it in the mud, ruining the pack of cigarettes you managed to steal for your dad. You had to buy a new bag, pay for all of the ruined books and redo multiple assignments.

You crumpled up the photo and threw it in the trash and started for your class, your books in hand. You sighed as you saw Eddie walking the opposite direction as you. He smirked and shoulder chucked you and smacked your books out of your hands. You glared at him as he laughed, walking away. You gathered your things and went to class, the urge to turn around and hit him growing by the second.

Yeah, you two hate each other but a part of you had the strong need for him. Part of you wanted to know what he was like with the girls he brought home. Maybe it was because he treated you like shit or maybe it was because he was your type but something about him had you in a chokehold.

You knew it was wrong to think of someone in a dirty way but you couldn't help it. The fact that everyone thought you were the most innocent girl to ever exist only made you explore just how dirty you could get. And you were far from being innocent.

You had left a note on Eddie's locker yesterday telling him to meet at the usual dealing spot that your dad and him met up, but he didn't know that you'd show up instead of your dad.

So when class ended you raced over to the forest and walked for a bit before you found a weathered wooden picnic table. You tapped your fingers on the table anxiously as you waited.

You gasped when you heard a twig snap from behind you. You turned and Eddie stopped walking.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I'm your client," you replied.

"No, no, nope. Go home." He pointed to the direction of the school.

"I'm not a dog Munson, just give me the damn drugs." You told him.

"Woah, harsh language from little Ms. Innocent." His eyes widened.

"Screw you, I need weed so are you going to give it to me or not?" You snapped. He sighed, sitting across from you at the table. He placed his metal lunch box on the table and opened it.

"Since when do you use drugs?" He asked.

"I don't, they're not for me." You told him.

"You got a rich boyfriend or something?" He rolled his eyes.

"No Eddie, they're for my dad." You sighed, tears welling up in your eyes. You noticed him staring so you turned you head so he couldn't see your face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Why do you care?" You snapped as you wiped away your tears. He remained quiet. "Do you have it?" You asked.

"Right here," you heard the bag drop onto the table. You then felt his ringed fingers grab your cheek and turn your face so you were looking at him. "Should I be worried?" He asked you.

"I'm fine," you pushed his hand away.

"Mhm, and that's why you have brides along your arms?" He looked your arms over at the fading, healing and new bruises.

"Just take the money," you handed him the cash.

"(Y/n)," he sighed, giving the cash back.

"Eddie take the money." You told him sternly. He shook his head. "Take. It." You glared at him.

"Tell me why you have bruises." He told you.

"Eddie, take the fucking money." You said, clearly agitated.

"Who hurt you?" He demanded.

"HE'LL HURT ME IF I DON'T GET THOSE DRUGS!" You yelled as you handed him the cash once again. "So take the damn money Eddie." You whimpered. He just watched you in disbelief. "Please," you sighed as you held back tears. He stood and walked over to you, pulling you into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry," he whispered to you as you cried softly. "You're 18 right?" He asked you. You nodded. "Do you have somewhere to go besides home?" He the asked. You shook your head. "This might be strange but you can stay with me." He offered.

"Why are you being nice?" You questioned.

"Because I care, I always have, I just didn't want you to know because I know I'm not good enough for you even if you gave me a shot." He admitted.

"So what you like me?" You snickered. He hesitated before nodding. "I thought you hated me," you smiled. "Well you're my type so I think I'll give you a shot," you winked. "How many rooms you have back home?" You asked.

"Two, mine and my uncle's." He told you.

"Is your uncle home?" You asked. He shook his head.

"He works graveyard so he's at work right now." He told you.

"Care to give me a room tour?" You but your lip as you looked up into his eyes.

"My van's close, we can pick up your truck later." He took your hand and you both rushed to his van.

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