The lead singer of a cover band (pt. 1)

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Eddie's pov
"I don't see what's so special about this place," I told Gareth. "It's just another hole in the wall bar at the edge of town." I sat at a table in front of the stage with him.

"The cover band is what's special, you'll like them trust me." He sighed. "Plus the drummer is just gorgeous." He added with a stupid smile on his face.

"I came here so you could watch a girl?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Look," he nodded to the stage. I looked as the curtains opened. There was a base player, the drummer Gareth was talking about, and one guy guitarist.

"No singer?" I looked at Gareth.

"Be patient," he replied. I couldn't help but notice the crowd that's formed. My eyes rushed back to the stage as a girl ran onto stage. She was beautiful. She had her (y/h/c) hair fluffed and parted to the side. She was dressed in black leather pants that hugged her curves and a Möntly Crüe t-shirt with a pair of bright red converse on her feet. She had a few tattoos running up her arms and a few piercings. I watched as she walked over to the only guy on stage and took the guitar from him. He walked off stage and she walked up to the microphone. She looked back at her band mates and back at the crowd. The start to Love in an Elevator by Aerosmith started and my eyes focus on her. I couldn't help but think she looks so familiar.

"Workin' like a dog for the boss man.
Workin' for the company. I'm bettin' all the dice I'm tossin'. I'm gonna have a fantasy. But where am I gonna look? They tell me that love is blind. I really need a girl like an open book, to read between the lines." She sang as she strummed her guitar.

"Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. Love in an elevator, lovin' it up 'til I hit the ground. Jacki's in the elevator. Lingerie second floor. She said can I see you later, and love you just a little more? I kinda hope we get stuck. Nobody gets out alive. She said I'll show ya how to fax in the mail room honey and have you home by five." Her gaze landed on me and she smirked. "Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. Love in an elevator. Lovin' it up 'til I hit the ground." She winked. "In the air, in the air, honey one more time now, it ain't fair. Love in an elevator. Lovin' it up when I'm goin' down." Her eyes moved to her guitar. She played flawlessly. Her fingers worked quickly as she hit every note perfectly.

"Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up 'til I hit the ground." She then looked at the guy at the table beside mine.

"Gonna be a penthouse pauper. Gonna be a millionaire. I'm gonna be a real fast talker and have me a love affair. Gotta get my timin' right. It's a test that I gotta pass. I'll chase you all the way to the stairway honey. Kiss your sassafras." Her tone changed it almost sounded angry.

"Love in an elevator. Lovin' it up when I'm goin' down. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up 'til I hit the ground. Do you care? Do you care? Honey one more time now it ain't fair. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. Do you care? Do you care? Honey one more time now it ain't fair. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. In the air, in the air. Honey one more, one more, one more. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. In the air, in the air. Honey one more, one more, one more. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. In the air, in the air. Love in an elevator. Livin' it up when I'm goin' down. In the air, in the air, in the air, in the air. Love in an elevator. Living it up when I'm going down." She finished as her eyes looked back at me. She smiled and stepped back. As we all cheered. "Thank you guys, we'll be back tomorrow night at 6 till 12 like tonight so stop by. Goodnight." She smiled.

"Sing another song!" The guy beside me yelled. The girl looked at him. I could tell she was annoyed with him in general.

"The bars closing and that was the last song. So go home." She told him sternly.

"Play another song (Y/n)!" He yelled once again. That name sounded familiar. She hopped off the stage and tossed me her guitar.

"I said leave, or you don't be able to return, do you understand me?" She looked down at him.

"Play another song whore." He spit in her face. She quickly reached back and smacked him across the face, earning a wince from everyone else.

"Run home to the girl you cheated on me with Michal." She hissed.

"You little-" he jumped out of his seat and I quickly tossed the guitar to Gareth and shoved him back before he could touch her. I grabbed him by his white t-shirt collar and pulled him to his feet.

"Never touch or get near her again, so you understand me?" I glared at him. He nodded and I walked him to the door and shoved him outside. I then walked back to the table to see (Y/n) taking her guitar from Gareth. She turned and smiled at me.

"Hey," she stuck her hand out.

"Hi," I shook her small hand. "You we're great up there." I told her.

"Thank you," she brushed some of her hair behind her ear. "And thank you for helping me out just now." She shoved her thumb into the waistline of her pants.

"Of course," I replied. "I can't help but think I know you from somewhere." I admitted.

"I was thinking the same," she told me. "What's your name?" She asked.

"Eddie Munson." I replied and a large smile formed on her face.

"Corroded Coffin," she pointed at me. "I knew you back in middle school." She giggled.

"Oh my god, you're (Y/n) (Y/l/n)!" I gasped. She nodded. "Glad to see you're still cute." I teased.

"You as well, the hair and tattoos are a lot better though." She smiled. I chuckled and looked into her eyes. "Are you gonna come tomorrow?" She asked.

"Yup," I smiled over at Gareth. He smiled back and I looked back down at her.

"Great, I'll see you then." She hugged me before hopping on stage.

"Looks like she likes you." Gareth told me.

"You think so?" I looked at him.

"Mhmm." He hummed as I looked back over, watching her pack up with her crew.

"Well I think I like her." I sighed happily.

(A/n): Anyone else super stressed for tomorrow? Like I'm panicking.

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