Stay with me

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Request by @hploves25
You watched Eddie as he packed his things backstage. You played around with the pins on his jean vest as it laid in your lap, you yawning as you tried to remain awake. He turned to you with a smile as he held his hand out to you. You smiled and took it in yours. He pulled you to your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Ready to go home sweetheart?" He smiled lovingly.

"Mhmm," you hummed back, kissing him gently. He pulled away after a moment. He looked up at the clock on the wall.

"It's already 1:20?" He sighed. You nodded yawning. "Nope, don't go falling asleep on me now." He started tickling you. You screamed as you tried to pry his hands off.

"I WONT SLEEP!" You told him as tears began to form in your eyes from your laughter. He then stopped and you glared at him jokingly. "Rude," you took his hand and he took his guitar case. You walked hand in hand out of the bar and to his van. You got in the passenger seat while he put the case in the back. He then got in the drivers seat and started for your shared home.

You both bounced your heads to the music that came on the radio, Eddie's hand holding yours as he drove. As Eddie's thumb started to rub soothing circles into the back of your hand you could feel your eyes feeling heavy, quickly shutting.

You opened your eyes to Eddie shaking you gently. You were home and he was standing beside you with your door open. "Let's go inside baby," he told you. You nodded and he helped you out and onto your paved driveway. He closed the door for you, taking your hand once again and leading you to the front door. He unlocked the door and opened it, walking in with you. He sat you on the couch and he started to walk away.

"What are you doing?" You asked as he started for the kitchen.

"I don't want to go to sleep, I want to be with you." He told you. "So do you want soda or coffee?" He smiled.

"I want sleep," you joked, making him chuckle. "Soda is fine," you sighed. He nodded and walked into the kitchen. You could hear him moving around since a short wall is all that separated the living room from the kitchen and dining room.

He came back with a cup and handed it to you. You downed the cup as you waited for the little bit of caffeine to hit your system. "I'm gonna get some pajamas on." You told him.

"I should too," he followed you to your bedroom and you both changed into more comfortable clothing. "Baby, you think you could do my hair?" Eddie asked.

"Yeah, get everything you need." You told him. He walked into the bathroom with you following not far behind. He got out a hair tie and a brush. He sat on a stool so you could reach his head and he watched you in the mirror as you put the tie around your wrist and took the brush in your hand. "I'm sorry if I tug to hard." You told him.

"Don't be sorry," he smiled at you through the mirror. You smiled back and started brushing through his hair. Occasionally you'd hit a bad knot but you managed to fix it. You would occasionally look up at the mirror and he was watching you with a smile.

"What?" You smiled back.

"If I was told a few years ago that we'd be living together and you'd be doing my hair in our bathroom I wouldn't have believed it." He snickered.

"Same here," you chuckled lightly.

"I love you," he told you as you set the brush down and wrapped your arms around him, your hands resting on his chest.

"I love you too," you smiled as he took your left hand and kissed it gently. "Are you gonna let me put up your hair?" You joked.

"Nope, I'm gonna keep you like this forever." He smirked at you through the mirror. You placed your head on his and sighed.

"Is everything okay? I haven't seen you like this in a while." You questioned.

"I'm okay, like you said it's been a while. It's not like it was before you know, like I got that job at the car shop down the road and I got gigs and you are helping your parents with the restaurant so we've been gone and I think I need to have these moments to keep me sane." He smiled. You chuckled and nodded in agreement. He let your arms go and you put his hair up in a messy bun.

He stood and you both walked downstairs and Eddie laid down on the couch, holding his arms out to you. You smiled and laid beside him, clinging to him like a koala as his arms wrapped around you. "I missed this," you whispered.

"Me too," he nodded. You shivered as the air conditioner kicked on. Eddie then grabbed the blanket that hung on the back of the couch and draped it over the both of you. You immediately felt better and snuggled up to him, though you couldn't get any closer. "I could stay like this forever." He sighed happily.

"Me too," you smiled. "What time you go in tomorrow?" You asked.

"I'm opening the place so I have to be in by 7 so I should wake up at 6:15." He told you. You pulled his wrist up and looked at his watch.

"It's already 2:40." You told him. "You really should get to bed." You told him.

"I'd rather pull an all nighter and lay here with you then go to bed now and barley see you tomorrow until tomorrow night." He told you.

"I know, but you can't be all zombie like at work, you already had a warning from them." You told him. "I'll try and get off work early so we can be together longer." You told him. "If I do that we have to go to bed now. Deal?" You looked up at him.

"Fine," you both sat up and he stood. He held his arms out and you happily wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. He carried you to your room and he dropped you on the bed, making you giggle. You both got under the sheets and you immediately cuddled up to him once again as he wrapped his arms around you. "I love you," he pecked you on the forehead.

"I love you too," you smiled, closing your eyes.

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