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Trigger warning!!
This story talks about SA and there's one part where it gives a glimpse on what (y/n) went through. So don't read if you're sensitive to this topic. I've personally had to deal with SA and I've been thinking about those past memories a lot lately and this was to help release some of those emotions. So a lot of the nightmares and stuff have been coming back. I was able to tell someone before I was out in full danger. So please if you are dealing with this please tell someone or contact
: 1 (800) 656-4673
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk and also thank you guys for over 2k reads.

Sleep was hard to come by nowadays. Either you wouldn't sleep at all or you would sleep and be woken up by the horrors in your mind. Sadly it wasn't even your fault.

Everyone had taken notice to your spaced out and drained state, Eddie was the most concerned. Your poor boyfriend didn't know what was wrong because he never knew the dark part of your past. He only new the side affects since you refused to talk about it. The nightmares, the depression, paranoia, the anxiety attacks, and untouchable places on your body. He grew accustomed to helping you through it all since you practically lived with him.

When the Hellfire campaign ended you two got in his van. He could see how painfully tired you were. "My place tonight?" He asked.

"He's home all week so yeah," you replied, only looking at the rushing road beneath you.

"Can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm not ready," you looked over to see his blank face.

"Okay," he simply nodded, respecting your decision. That's what you loved about him he respected you in so many ways. He never put pressure on you or guilt tripped you, he let you talk when you were ready.

When you had reached his trailer you both went straight to bed. You both were exhausted from the intense campaign. You had changed into his hellfire shirt and a pair of shorts from your small selection of clothes from your place. You looked at the locket around your neck and opened it like you did every night. You smiled at the family photo of a 5 year old you and your parents. You kisses your finger before placing it on your parents.

"You miss them huh?" Eddie asked quietly. You nodded.

"They were taken too soon." You sighed. "Now I have to live with that asshole." You glared at noting in particular as memories flooded your mind. Eddie wrapped his arms around you and cradled you gently.

"We should go to bed, I know you're tired." He whispered. You nodded and laid down with him. He turned off the light and gently stroked your hair as you fell asleep.

"(Y/n)," a familiar voice taunted. You opened your eyes and you were back at home hiding in your closet again.

"No," you shuttered.

"(Y/n)," he taunted once again. His footsteps fell hard on the wooden floor. His shadow then stopped as it peeked through the crack under the door. You held your breath as fear took over. You were shaking and your only thoughts were please not again.

"I found you," he sang horsely. Tears started to run down your face as the door knob slowly turned. It then opened and there he stood, your aunt's husband. He had lost the title of uncle the moment he touched you. "There you are (y/n/n), you know how I get when you hide from me." He sighed. You nodded.

"I'm sorry," you whimpered.

"That's not gonna cut it this time baby," he then grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you out of the closet as you screamed for help. He stuffed a sock into your mouth and held you in place. "Shh," he whispered in your ear. "Show me how sorry you really are." He told you as you heard the buckle of his belt come undone.

You screamed as you shot up in bed. You were sweating and your face was already stained from tears. "(Y/n)?" Eddie turned on the light and looked at you. You looked around frantically as the hyperventilation started. You felt like you couldn't breathe, as if you were drowning. "Hey," Eddie touched your shoulder, causing you to pull away and look at him. "It's me," he told you. "You're okay," he reassured you. "You're safe. Remember our breathing?" He asked. You nodded and started rhythmically breathing with him.

"Eddie," you sobbed, grabbing onto him.

"What happened?" He wiped your falling tears away.

"I was hiding from him," you started. "And-and he found me and I was screaming for help but he stuffed my mouth with a sock and he.." you continued to sob uncontrollably as Eddie gently rocked you back and forth.

"(Y/n) I need you to breath okay?" He asked you.

"Okay," you whimpered and went back to the rhythmic breathing with him. After what felt like forever you managed to calm down a little. "What's worse about it is that it wasn't even a nightmare this time," you looked at Eddie. "It was a memory." You sniffled. "When I was sent to live with my aunt and her husband I was 10." He nodded, remembering how hard that change was for you after you lost your parents in a car accident. "I was 14 when it started. My aunt would leave for work and I would be alone with her husband. He slowly grew more comfortable with me, from what was once innocent hugs turned into groping and at times full assault." You explained. Eddie's eyes widened. "It kept going for two years almost everyday. He threatened to kill my aunt if I told anyone so I let him take advantage of me." You whimpered. "When I was 16 was when we started dating." You reminded him.

"That's when you started staying with me." He realized. You nodded. Tears slid down his face and he held you close. "I'm so sorry (y/n)," he whispered.

"I love you eds," you told him.

"I love you too," he replied. "Tomorrow, I'm going with you over there and we're grabbing everything you own and you're fully moving in here. I'm never letting you in that house without me or your aunt around." He told you. You nodded and placed your forehead on his.

"Thank you," you whispered. "For everything." He looked into your eyes.

"It's what I'm here for." He smiled softly. You smiled back. "You think you can sleep again?" He asked.

"I can try," you replied. He nodded before turning the light off. He laid down with you again and held you close. You both fell asleep fast after the draining day and night.

That was the best sleep you've had in what felt like years.

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