Lovers lake (smut)

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You laid your towel out on the short wooden dock as the stars and the moon provided the only light. You looked up to see Eddie smirking at you. "Eddie, don't." You  told him. He chuckled sinisterly as he came charging at you. You screamed as he tackled you into the water. He was the only thing keeping you warm as you hit the cold water. You both quickly swam to the surface. He laughed as he brushed his wet hair back. "I hate you!" You laughed as you splashed him. He pulled you close as he used one arm to hold the dock.

"You know you love it," he smirked, kissing your neck.

"Maybe," you giggled.

"Is that a new bikini?" He asked as his free hand played with the hem of your bikini bottoms.

"Mhmm," you hummed as you bit your lip nervously.

"It looks amazing on you," he told you. "But, I think it would also look good on my bedroom floor." He looked deep into your eyes.

"That so?" You questioned with a shaky voice. He nodded.

"Hell, I could just take them off right now and please you since you look so beautiful in them." He brushed your wet hair behind your ear.

"Then do it," you told him. "Ever done it on a dock out in the open?" You smirked.

"I knew I loved you," he smiled. You laughed as he helped you onto the wooden platform. He quickly followed and you lied there on your towel. He quickly crawled over and he kissed you deeply. You could feel his warm hands slide down your body and down to your clothed cunt. You moaned as he rubbed agonizingly slow circles into your sensitive nerves. He pulled away from your kiss and he started to kiss down your body, occasionally leaving a hickey behind.

When he reached your bottoms he looked up at you, his eyes asking for permission. You nodded eagerly and he smiled, pulling the wet material down your legs. He tossed them to the side before he threw your legs over his shoulders. You gasped as he licked over your sensitive nerves. "You're so wet for me already," he muttered before he continued to suck your arousal. Your hand went into his hair, making him moan as he ate you out. You only tugged harder due to the vibrations his moans caused. As he sucked at your clit you could feel your orgasm nearing.

"Eddie," you whimpered. His eyes shot up to yours as he continued his actions. "I'm close," you told him.

"Go for it sweetheart," he told you before returning to your clit. He made fast circles with more pressure with his thumb as he started to lick your entrance. Your hands balled into fists in his hair as you finally hit your orgasm. You watched Eddie crawl up to you again. He smiled at you lovingly as he leaned in, kissing you gently but the need was still there. You could still taste yourself on his lips and tongue when it entered your mouth. He struggled slightly but managed to get his swim trunks down along with his boxers.

He pulled away and cupped your cheek. "Wanna got on your hands and knees for me?" He asked you. You nodded and turned away from him as you got on your hands and knees."Ready?" He questioned softly as he pecked your cheek and left little kisses on your neck. You nodded and clutched the towel under you as he put his cock in you. He groaned and placed his hands on your hips as he gridded into you slowly. He then started to move you on his cock, griping your hips tightly as the speed increased.

"Fuck Eddie," you moaned.

"You're doing so good for me baby," he praised. You then started to move your hips for him and his right hand moved from your hip to the back of your neck, helping you move. "Hold on sweetheart," he told you, pulling out. You turned and looked at him. He then laid down on his back. He then pat his lap, earning a smirk from you. You straddled him and kissed him as you rose your hips, grabbing his cock in your hand. You then guided it into you, soft moans coming from the both of you. You then started to move up and down. "Just like that," Eddie moaned as you bounced faster. You could feel him hitting all the right places as you moved on him and you could feel your second orgasm near. You could feel Eddie twitching inside you, letting you know he was close too. "Fuck," he groaned. You started to bounce faster and harder as you pulled him in for a kiss. You could feel that you were about to break at any second. You pulled away from the kiss and placed your forehead on his.

"Eddie, I'm gonna cum." You moaned.

"Me too," he breathed out. Eddie then started to rub your still sensitive clit.

"Oh my god," you gasped as you came for a second time. Your walls clenched around him and that only made him reach his release. He filled you up and you both just panted as you rode out your highs. You pulled him out of you and you sat beside him, looking up at the stars. You saw something move in front of you and you looked down to see your bikini bottoms. You looked at Eddie as he smiled. You snickered taking them from him and sliding them on. He put his boxers and trunks on and you both laid out on the dock, his arm around you.

"I love you (Y/n)." He whispered softly.

"I love you too Eds." You turned and pecked him on the lips. "We should do this more often." You told him.

"What coming to the lake at night to swim and stargaze or to fuck on the dock under the stars?" He smirked.

"Both," you smirked back. He chuckled and nodded.

"I can't argue with that offer." He pecked you on the forehead and rubbed your arm gently.

A/n: sorry I haven't posted in a bit I was on a trip

Let me know if I should keep doing smut or not.

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