The princess (pt. 4)

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You stepped forward to face your father. "Don't be upset," you sighed.

"Upset doesn't even begin to cover it. Your behavior has been very unladylike and.. well frankly I'm appalled, it's like everything your mother and I taught you was thrown out the window." He told you sternly. You nodded, not even denying you'd been acting in a very inappropriate manner for a princess. "However," he started, making your ears perk up and your eyes grow more focused. "You were very brave, stupid, but brave. A lot like how I was when I was your age." He looked at Eddie. "My boy, do you love my daughter?" He asked him.

"I do, will all my being." His voice was still raspy as he smiled at you.

"It's clear to me you've fallen for him. It would be wrong of me to keep you away from him." Your father smiled softly. "Bring him, he will stay in the solars until you wed." He told you. You smiled, hugging Eddie tightly. "At dawn I will have an announcement. I advise you all to be there." He then nodded to Eddie, before turning and walking back with his guards.

"Yes!" You kissed Eddie happily. You could feel his smile against your lips as he ran his hands through your slightly dry hair.


You giggled as Eddie gawked at the view that came from the balcony of his room. "This is incredible!" He quickly turned and held out his hand. You took it and he pulled you close. "We should run away together, you won't have to be so princess like and we can start a family." He told you.

"You think so?" You smiled. He nodded.

"Even though it's beautiful up here, I don't need it. I've lived 20 happy years without it and I can live 20 more with just you and a small cabin." He told you.

"I'd love that," you nodded. It was then there was a knock on the door. You and Eddie walked to the door and you watched as he opened it. It was your father's guard.

"It is time for the king's announcement," he reported. You nodded and took Eddie's hand, following the guard to the balcony that looks over the kingdom. There were three chairs, your father sitting in the center. Eddie guided you to your chair and he sat on the opposing side.

You looked over at the crowd below, murmurs could be heard as they talked amongst each other. Your father then stood and held onto the cement railing.

"My lovely people, I have some important news for you." He took a deep breath before turning and waving you and Eddie over. You both stood and walked over beside him, Eddie holding you close. "I have decided to resign my role as king." He announced, earning gasps from everyone including you and Eddie.

"What are you doing?" You whispered. He placed a hand on your shoulder.

"I am passing my role to my lovely daughter. I believe she is more than ready to rule our home." He looked at you and you couldn't help but smile at him.

When you were a kid you wished you would've taken the role he had. You didn't want to be a queen that just sat on the sidelines.

Your father pulled you into a tight hug. "Let's make this official shall we?" He questioned. You pulled away and looked over at Eddie. He smiled and nodded to you. You nodded back and turned to your father.

"Let's do it," you smiled.

"(Y/n), do you take on the role of ruling this kingdom like me, my father, and his father before?" He asked you.

"Yes sir," you nodded.

"Will you put your people first and keep peace and order?" He questioned.

"I will," you smiled boldly.

"I here by announce princess (Y/n) the new Queen of Hawkins." He took his crown off his head and placed it on yours, part of it going sideways due to it being too big. You giggled and kissed him on the cheek. Everyone happily cheered at the news. "Go live your life." He told you with a smile. You smiled back and nodded. You turned and quickly hugged Eddie.

"My queen," he smiled, kissing you gently. You giggled and pulled away.

"My king?" You smiled back.

"I'd like that," he nodded, kissing you again.

"Sorry the running away and having our little cabin plan didn't work out," you told him.

"There's always when we're older, and our kid takes over right?" He shrugged.

"Indeed," you nodded.


You sat on your throne when Dustin came running up to you. "(Y/n), Jason's back!" He panted.

"What?!" You quickly stood and rushed to your balcony. You looked into the distance and there he was marching towards your home. You clutched your stomach lightly.

It'd only been a month since you threw him out.

You quickly turned and you rushed to the cabinet room where Eddie talked with General Steve. They quickly looked over as you burst through the doors. "He's back," you looked at Eddie. His fingers gently running against his neck. You could see where his mind went and you frowned.

"Get your men on stand by." Eddie told Steve. He nodded and the Queen's aid, Robin walked in. "Take her to the sleeping chambers, keep her safe." Eddie told her. She nodded and took your hand, leading you to your room.

Eddie's pov
I walked out into the court yard where Jason stood. He immediately pulled his sword from his belt. I repeated his actions and I rolled up my sleeves. "Why are you here Jason?" I questioned.

"I came to take what's supposed to be mine." He glared at me. He looked like hell, his hair was a mess, he was covered in sweat and dirt, and his clothes were ripped.

"I have no rule at this point, all I get is the girl." I told him.

"And I desire both, now step aside or I'll have to hang you once again." He threatened. I chuckled as I shook my head.

"You don't get it, you have nothing. No power, no honor, no respect. I pity you." I told him.

"That's just the thing stable boy. I have nothing to lose, you on the other hand, you have everything you could ever want." He pointed out.

My mind flashed to (Y/n). I looked up at the balcony of our chambers and there she stood with Robin. Her hand rested on her stomach and I could almost see the fear on her face.

"That there dame is the only thing you know you can't live without." He told me.

"Watch how you speak of her, she is the Queen and you should show respect." I snapped.

"I can call the whore what I please." He spat. I quickly went to attack but he blocked me. "She isn't going to save you this time," he shook his head. "Just you and me stable boy." A smirk grew on his lips as he pulled out a short blade. I gasped as he plunged the 4 inch blade into my side.

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