A visit back home

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You walked out of baggage claim to see Steve. You smiled and ran over hugging him tightly. You hadn't seen him since freshman year and you were happy to be home. "(Y/n/n), god it's been so long." He sighed.

"I know, I've missed you so much." You let him go.

"Well, I have a lot of people that are dying to see you." He smiled.

"Mister popular huh?" You smirked.

"Not as much anymore but yeah." He took your bags and tossed them into the back seat. You both got in the front and started for the little town you used to call home. Steve told you how his kids were. Well you called them his kids though he was friends with them. "So Dustin has a girlfriend now," he smiled.

"Wow, proud mom moment." You teased.

"Shut up," he shot you a look before smiling. "Robin said she missed talking to you in band." He told you. You smiled remembering when you used to play together. "She's also planning to take you everywhere." He warned you.

"I think I'll manage." You laughed. "Where to first?" You asked as you looked out the window to watch the familiar shops pass by.

"The park, everyone wanted to reunite with you." He smiled. You were happy all your friends had formed their own bonds with each other. You were friends with Nancy and grew to love her brother and his friends. So the fact that Steve and Robin were also friends with them now just felt so nice. Steve also kept you updated with Max and El who supposedly lived in California with Will and Johnathan so you won't get to meet her but you were still exited.

When you pulled up to the park you were freaking out with excitement because you could see a little group of teens waiting at a cement table and benches. "That's them," Steve smiled. You smiled and quickly got out of the car. You walked as fast as you could and Steve had to jog to keep up. "Why not run at this point?" He joked.

"Good idea!" You then took off running. "ROBIN!" You screamed happily.

"(Y/N)!" Robin quickly put her arms out and let you crash into her. "Oh my god you're real." She sighed, causing you to laugh.

"I missed you dude," you let go of her and smiled. "You look so different, but in a good way." You told her.

"Thanks you too," she smiled. You then turned to see the boys.

"Dustin, Lucas, Mike. Christ guys you're all grown up," you could almost feel tears welling up in your eyes.

"Hey (y/n/n)," Dustin hugged you tightly. He let you go and Lucas hugged you.

"We missed you," he smiled. You let him go and hugged Mike.

"Well I missed you guys!" You smiled. "Where's your sister?" You asked Mike. Your eyes were then covered. You gasped and turned to see Nancy. "Where the hell did you come from?!" You laughed as you hugged her.

"Magic," she joked. "Max, come here." She waved over the red head.

"Hi," you smiled at her.

"Hey," she waved. "Where are you from?" She asked.

"Here originally, but I just came back from California." You told her.

"I used to live there too, what part?" She asked.

"Ventura," you replied. "What about you?" You then asked.

"Los Angeles." She replied.

"Not to far from me," you smiled. She smiled and nodded.

"Oh Eddie's here," Dustin smiled. Eddie?! You turned to Dustin.

"Eddie, as in Eddie Munson?" You asked him. He nodded and you turned to see someone walking over.

"Do you know him?" Robin asked.

"Know him? Robin, I was in love with him." You breathed out. His head was down and his hair draped over his face. You hesitated but started to walk towards him. "EDDIE?!" You called out. His head quickly snapped up. He stopped walking and just watched you. He then started to run and you ran too.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled. You held back tears as you ran right into him, knocking you both to the ground. You held him tightly. "Oh my god it's you." He smiled. "Your here," he grabbed a lock of your hair and touched it. "Oh my god," he hugged you tightly. "Why didn't you call or write?" He sat up with you.

"Well with how things ended I thought you wouldn't want to see me." You told him. He shook his head.

"I've missed you everyday since you left." He told you. "And I've never stopped loving you either." He smiled. You smiled and pulled him into a hug once again. You then heard quick footsteps and panting.

"What are we missing here?" Steve asked.

"We never told anyone but we dated though middle school to freshman year." You smiled. "When I moved to California we tried to do long distance but it just want working, though we didn't want to, we decided it was best that we broke up and we haven't talked since. God I missed you so much." You held him close again, not wanting to let go.

"Why didn't you tell me she was coming?!" Eddie smiled at our group of friends.

"We didn't know you knew her!" Dustin replied.

"How did you guys meet?" You pointed between Eddie and the group.

"I'm the leader of the hellfire club which is our schools D&D club and that's how I met Dustin, Lucas, and Mike and everyone else I met through them." Eddie told you.

"Still playing D&D huh?" You smiled as you gently stroked his hair. He nodded. "Still play guitar?" You then asked. He nodded once again. "Thank god you haven't changed." You sighed causing him to laugh.

"Will you two just kiss and get back together already? It's obvious you still love each other." Robin told you two. You looked at Eddie.

"What do you think?" Eddie smiled.

"Sounds good to me." You ran your hands though his hair and kissed him. Your friends cheered and you couldn't help but smile. You got the boy of your dreams back. You pulled away and placed your forehead on his.

"I can't believe your back." He pecked your forehead and stood to his feet. He helped you up and he looked you over. "Still looking gorgeous after all these years." He winked.

"And still a flirt I see," you winked back. "And tattoos," You looked up at him. "Nice addition," you touched his marked skin gently.

"Um, should we leave?" Dustin asked.

"You're fine," you laughed.

"Come get their things, you're not staying with me." Steve told you.

"Why?" You asked.

"You got him," he pat Eddie's shoulder. "Don't get her pregnant," he warned Eddie before walking to his car. Eddie's jaw dropped and he looked down at you then to our friends.

"You heard the man," Dustin smirked.

"Come on," you giggled taking Eddie's hand, you followed Steve to his car to gather your things.

A/N: should I make a part 2?

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