Memories (Pt. 3)

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You woke up to the sun shining through your open window. You were alone and you took a double take at the window. The window was closed when you went to sleep. You jumped when you heard the sink run in your bathroom. You walked into the bathroom, eyes widening when you see Eddie standing there, covered in blood. "Eddie?" You called out quietly as fear took over. He quickly turned to see you to then quickly turn away.

"You weren't supposed to see this." He sighed.

"Eddie why are you covered in blood?" You asked.

"Don't worry it's not mine," he turned to look at you. You then noticed how much was around his mouth.

"I don't understand, Eddie, you're covered in blood and all you have to say is 'don't worry it's not mine?' That's very reassuring." You sat on the lid of your closed toilet seat. He walked over to you as he continued to wipe off the blood with a rag.

"So you know how I said I'll explain everything?" He knelt down so he was at a better eye level. You nodded hesitantly. "Well, back when the bats attacked me they didn't quite kill me." He told you.

"I..please explain." You sighed.

"Um, I don't know the science of it but long story short I'm a vampire." He told you.

"I'm sorry you're a what?" You blinked a few times, making sure you were seeing and hearing things right.

"Look I know it sounds crazy, but think about what happened back in Hawkins." He rationalized.

"So like you're a real vampire, like drinks peoples blood and can't be in sun light and can't eat garlic?" You questioned.

"Well no to all accept the blood thing," he told you.

"So you drink peoples' blood?" You questioned anxiously. He nodded.

"I don't go around killing people if that's what you're thinking." He told you.

"Now why would I think that considering you're covered in human blood?" You smiled sarcastically.

"Just listen," he sighed. "I use my amazing burglary skills and I break into a blood bank once a day. I accidentally ripped the bag open a little too much so it spilled all over me." He explained.

"Oh my god," you muttered.

"Take as much time as you need to process that," he told you as he finished cleaning up. After a bit of just thinking and coming to terms with the slightly scary idea you decided to talk about it more.

"So do you have any special abilities?" You asked.

"X-ray vision," he looked you up and down before winking.

"Perv," you teased.

"I'm joking, no, it's not like I'm a superhero, though that'd be awesome." He smiled.

"Can you fly?" You then asked. He laughed and shook his head.

"I have wings but I don't use them here, for obvious reasons." He brushed your hair behind your ear.

"Do you ever eat people food?" You questioned.

"Even if it tastes amazing I stay away if I can." He replied.

"Why?" You tilted your head in question.

"Makes me bloat, also remember that one time you ate too much cake batter and you spent half the day on the toilet?" He asked. You nodded, remembering how miserable you were and how Eddie took care of you the whole time. "Well, take that and imagine it 10 times worse." He told you. You winced at the thought. "Yeah, but for your cooking I'm willing to face the consequences." He pat your thigh. "Any more questions?" He asked.

"Do we tell Belle?" You then asked.

"Have you told her about what went on in Hawkins?" He questioned. You shook your head in response. "Then not yet." He sighed. "You sure you're okay with this?" He asked.

"Eddie, I'd still love you if you were part Demagorgan." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "But if I catch you sucking my blood, you're sleeping on the couch." You told him. He laughed and nodded.

"Yes ma'am." He pecked you on the lips, an iron taste present. You pulled away, licking your lips.

"And please brush your teeth after," you snickered. He nodded and stood, walking over to the sink. "Do you have fangs?" You then asked. He looked over at you and flashed his teeth to show his short fangs.

"Sure do, they're cool, just not when you accidentally bite your tongue." He joked as he placed a toothbrush in his mouth. You watched him brush and he looked over at you as he spit out the toothpaste. "I was thinking.." he started as he swished water in his mouth and spit it out, wiping his face with the back of his hand.

"Oh no," you teased, earning a playful glare.

"We should have some fun." He told you.

"When you say fun.." you smirked. He snickered as he leaned against the wall.

"My sense of fun, sadly has changed. I can't get drunk or high anymore, the sucky bit of this situation is that my metabolism, body healing, and stamina is a lot stronger." He sighed.

So what do you mean then?" You asked.

"I saw a fair farther into town. We should take Belle." He smiled. "Also, do you have a babysitter?" He asked.

"Our neighbor, why?" You looked at him.

"Maybe we could have dinner," he suggested. "Well, you could have dinner and I'll watch you eat." He laughed.

"Sure," you giggled. "Not too late though, Belle has school tomorrow." You told him.

"Well, we could still have some fun after she's asleep." He smirked.

"Of course, we gotta test out your new stamina." You stood, winking. You both then walked out of your room and into Belle's room.

"Can I do it?" He asked. You smiled and nodded. You watched as Eddie shook her gently. "Belle, time to wake up." He told her.

"No," she muttered into her pillow. He looked at me. You pointed to the pillow on the ground. He raised an eyebrow and you made a hitting gesture. He nodded and picked up the pillow.

"Belle, this is your last chance, wake up or feel my fatherly wrath." He threatened.

"Screw off," she muttered.

"That's it, you've made your choice." He then bashed her with the pillow. She turned and looked at him, unfazed as her eyebrows raised. "Anymore sassy comments?" He asked her.

"I'm saving my breath," she turned back to her pillow.

"You really are your mothers daughter." He sighed. He then started to tickle her, making her shriek and laugh as she tried to push his hands away. "WAKE UP!" He laughed.

"OKAY!" She cried out. She giggled as he picked her up and threw her on his shoulders. "What's for breakfast?" She asked.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" You smiled.

"Hell ya'!" She cheered as Eddie carried her out of the room, you following with a large smile on your face.

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