Good girl gone bad (pt. 1)

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Request by @officialDionyx
You eyed Eddie as he messed around with his friends. Something about him drove you wild. Maybe it was the fact you were complete opposites. He was the "bad boy" as some would say. The metal head, devil worshiper, the freak. You? You were little miss perfect. Outstanding grades, sweet, innocent , a cheerleader. Hawkins princess.

You sighed as you leaned against your locker. "Hey," your brother, Jason sighed.

"Hi," you replied. "You got practice?" You asked him. He nodded.

"Are you going home?" He questioned.

"Probably, I might see what Chrissy's doing if not maybe I'll stop and get something to eat. I don't know." You shrugged.

"Okay, just don't stay out too late okay? You know how mom gets." He told you. You nodded and shot him a small smile. "You want the keys or are you gonna walk?" He held up his car keys.

"I'll walk," you replied. He nodded and pat your head.

"I'll see you at home." He then walked down the hall. You turned to your locker and stuffed your books in your backpack. You quickly straightened out your skirt before walking out of the cold building. The walk to town was a lot farther then the walk home but you didn't mind.

You couldn't help but hear the engine of a car trailing behind you. You turned and a van pulled over beside you. Fear started to take over as your stomach dropped. You stopped walking as the drivers side door opened. To your surprise Eddie hopped out. He kept his distance and he remained by his seat. "Hey, you need a ride somewhere?" He smiled softly.

"Um, you going in town by any chance?" You asked.

"I was planning to just drive around because I have nothing to do today. But I can drop you off in town if you want." He offered. You thought for a moment and nodded.

You and Eddie have known each other for a while. You weren't quite friends but you weren't complete strangers. Your brother often questioned you why you'd talk to him or smile at him in the halls. You had a connection with him so you had some form of trust in him.

You got in the passenger seat while he hopped back into the drivers seat. "You scared the shit out of me, I thought I was about to be kidnapped." You told him. He chuckled.

"What if I did kidnap you?" He started down the road.

"Then I would get my brother." You crossed your arms with a smug smile.

"I'm not scared of your brother. I'd take him on any day sweetheart." He smiled at you.

"Then I'll have to fight you myself." You told him.

"Now that's a fight I'd probably lose." He sighed, earning a giggle from you.

"Do you think we can hang out, since be both have nothing to do?" You asked. He nodded.

"I was thinking maybe watch tv and smoke a little with maybe a beer or two." He suggested.

"I'm cool with tv but I'll stay away from the drugs and alcohol," you told him.

"Aw, little sweet and precious (Y/n) doesn't want to be naughty huh?" He smirked at you.

"I hate you," you smirked back.

"Whatever you say," he winked, earning an eye roll from you. You both made small talk and listened to music as he took you to his trailer.

Once you got there you followed him inside. You looked around, observing the hat collection on the wall as Eddie went to the kitchen. You sat on the couch as Eddie walked over, two blunts and a six pack of beer in his hands, one coke being held between his chin and chest. You smiled and took the coke from him and he dropped to the couch, making the both of you bounce lightly at the harsh impact. "Any requests for movies?" He asked.

"Let me see," you stood and walked over to the box of VHS tapes beside the tv. You looked through all the tapes and Dirty Dancing caught your eye. You picked up the tape and held it up so Eddie could see it. You waved it teasingly with a smirk as he sighed.

"That was supposed to be in my secret stash." He rubbed his face, embarrassed you had found a romance movie in his things. You pulled the tape from its sleeve, placing it in the player before grabbing the remote and sitting beside Eddie. He opened a can and took a sip, licking the light coverage off his lips.

You couldn't help but stare. But you also couldn't help but wonder, what it would be like to drink it. "You okay?" Eddie questioned, making you look back up at him.

"Yeah, I just.." you hesitated before looking back at the can. "Can I try it?" You asked timidity.

"You want to try beer?" His eyebrows raised.

"Mhmm," you nodded. He smiled and handed you the can. You looked at the opening and took a deep breath. You held it to your lips as your mind overthought your decision. You then threw your head back, taking in a mouthful of the bitter drink. You swallowed, crinkling your nose at the taste.

"Don't like it?" Eddie chuckled as he reached for the can. You pushed his hand away, holding up a finger. You then took another sip before downing the whole thing.

"How many do you have?" You asked him.

"5 more," he handed you a new can and grabbed one for himself. "But that's why I brought these," he held up a blunt.

"Can I try that too?" You asked. He looked at you, amusement and surprise evident on his face.

"You think you can handle it?" He teased.

"Give me the drugs Munson." You held your hand out. He snickered as he placed it in your hand. You placed it between your lips as Eddie took out his lighter and lit it.

"You know how to smoke right?" He asked you. You shook your head. "Just inhale, not too much, and then you breath out slowly. You might cough a little so prepare." He warned you. You nodded and he lit the end. You breathed in, pulling it from your lips. You held the smoke in a little before a coughing fit started, puffs of smoke shooting from your mouth as you coughed. You reached for you beer and took a sip to ease the coughing. "You okay?" Eddie questioned.

"I'm fine," you nodded as you caught your breath. You then placed the joint between your lips again and took a drag. You breathed it out lightly, gentle coughs escaping. With you being inexperienced you already started to feel the affects. You passed it to Eddie and he took a drag with ease. His head tilted up as he blew the smoke in the air. "You're so hot," you muttered. His head snapped back to you.

"What?" His eyes were wide and you immediately buried your face in his couch. "Hey," he pulled your face by your chin so you could look at him. You both just stared at each other, your eyes watching each other's longingly.

You leaned forward and you placed your lips on his, your hands going up in his hair. He pulled you into his lap so you were straddling him, his hands resting on your waist. The kiss quickly became needy and you quickly pulled away.

"When does your uncle get home?" You asked.

"He just left for work before we got here, so like 8 in the morning." He told you. "Care to stay for breakfast?" He smirked.

"Okay," you snickered as he pulled you back into the kiss.

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