Memories (pt. 2)

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"Eddie?" You cried softly. He nodded and hesitantly cupped your cheek.

"Hey sweetheart." His hands were warm and soft just like you remembered.

"Oh my god you're real," you pulled him into a tight hug. You looked up at him. "How?" You looked up at him.

"It's a long story and I promise I'll get to it." He sighed.

"Mom?" You heard from behind you. Eddie looked between you two. You turned to see Belle standing there, nervousness evident in her eyes. "Who is that?" She asked.

"Belle," you stepped aside so they could get a better look at each other. "This is your dad." You smiled softly. Her eyes widened as did Eddie's.

"We have a daughter?" He looked at you. You nodded.

"I found out when we left the upside down." You told him. Tears welded up in his eyes and he looked down at her.

"You're my dad?" She smiled.

"Guess so," he smiled back. He walked over while you closed the door. He knelt down and stuck out his hand. "I'm Eddie," he told her. She pushed his hand away and hugged him.

"Hi dad," her voice broke as you saw tears fall down her face.

"Hey kiddo," his voice quivered. They pulled away from their hug and he looked at her. He then looked over at you and held his hand out to you. You walked over and took it in yours and he pulled you down to them and held you tightly. You took in his usual smell of woods, cheap cologne and the smell of cigarette smoke. He pulled away and he held your face in his hands. He was crying though he had a smile on his face. He hesitated before pulling you into a kiss.

"Ew," you heard Belle snicker. You and Eddie pulled away as you laughed at her.

"I missed you so much," he whispered placing his forehead on yours.

"I missed you too," you pecked him on the nose.

"After all these years that still gives me butterflies," he admitted, shaking his head as he let out a breathy chuckle. You smiled and looked over at Belle. "So kid, you okay any instruments?" He smiled.

"Mom's teaching me how to drum like her." She told him. He nodded, a proud smirk pulled at his lips.

"Well, she's the best drummer in the world so you're lucky you have an amazing teacher." He looked over at you. You smiled and looked at her.

"Wanna show him?" You asked her. She nodded frantically and took his hand. You giggled as she dragged him to her room, him hunching over so she could pull him better. You followed and walked over to her cosset tape player. "What song?" You asked her.

"The one you just taught me." She smiled confidently.

"You haven't learned the whole song." You told her.

"I'll manage," she hat at her stool and pulled out her sticks from the sleeve that hung on the high hat cymbal. You pushed play in the machine and Slice of Your Pie by Mötley Crüe started to play. Eddie looked over at you as she started going gentle on the high hat. She suddenly picked up the pace and hit the drums just as Tommy Lee did on the tape. Eddie's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he looked at her. She was a natural and you couldn't help but smile at how happy she looked. It was then you remembered something. You slipped out of the room and into your bedroom. You walked over to your bed and reached under it. You then pulled out the guitar case, opening it. You pulled out Eddie's guitar, still clean, you tend to tune and polish it like he used to every now and then. You then walked back into her room. Eddie turned to you, his smile was huge as he watched his daughter. His eyes then landed on the guitar. He walked over and hugged you.

"Thank you," he pecked you in the cheek. "Can I join you?" He smiled.

"Think you can do it old man," she teased.

"Old man?" He laughed as he started to play his guitar. "Wanna see what this old man can do?" He smirked. She smirked back. She stopped played and so did he.

"Mom, put on the song." She told you.

"Belle," you snickered.

"You heard the girl," he nodded. You put in the required tape and For Whom the Bell Tolls started playing. They both played together and Belle watched in awe as Eddie played. They were both incredibly talented. You smiled at her starstruck face.

They played for hours, trying to see how skilled the other was. In the end they were exhausted so you threw moved to the living room. "You're a badass kid." Eddie picked her up and spun her around as she laughed. You smiled as you watched.

"You're a badass dad," she told him.

"Meh, you get it from your mom." He winked at you. You smiled bashfully. "You know what," he looked down at Belle. "We should gang up on her." He told her.

"What?" You chuckled.

"Good idea," Belle nodded and they both tackled you onto the couch. They both started tickling you, making you cry out in laughter.

"Stop!" You laughed.

"Never!" Eddie smirked.

"Belle, keep this up and no tv before bed." You threatened. Belle quickly pulled away.

"Woah, you just backed out of battle for tv?" Eddie looked at her.

"It's cartoons," she shrugged.

"Good point," he stopped. "(Y/n), can I talk to you?" He asked. You nodded, standing and walked to the kitchen, Eddie following as Belle turned on the tv. "God I missed your cooking." He smiled, sitting on the counter.

"And I missed you cleaning the dishes for me." You joked. He snickered and hung his head.

"You raised a cool kid," he told you. "She's perfect in every way. It's concerning how much Rock she listens to at this age, I'm surprised she's not smoking yet." He chuckled. You nodded.

"She's 6 that's being saved till she's 15." You told him. "And thank you, it definitely wasn't easy." You admitted. "Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" You questioned. He shook his head.

"I was gone for almost 7 years, so I've been told." He sighed. "I've missed a lot, not to mention I'm still wanted for murder back in Hawkins. I want to be a part of Belle's life and I want to be with you again." He told you. "But I want your permission for me to stay." He played with his rings nervously. You walked over to him and cupped his cheek.

"Please stay," you placed your forehead in his. He nodded and touched your hair gently.

"I love you, (Y/n)." He smiled.

"I love you too." You smiled back. You both then walked into the living room and Belle was asleep. You picked her up and carried her to bed, pecking her on the forehead before closing her door. You walked back into the living room to see Eddie preparing a place to sleep. "What are you doing?" You questioned.

"Making my bed," he told you.

"You can't sleep there," you told him.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you have a reserved spot in my bed." You walked down the hall. You could hear him drop everything and follow you into your bedroom.

"This bed is huge." He dove onto the mattress. You giggled and nodded, getting in bed. He got out of bed and undressed until he was down to his boxers. You looked him over. The scars made your smile fade. He saw your face change and he got in with you.

"You died," you whimpered as he pulled you into a hug.

"I know, but I guess it wasn't my time. We'll talk more about it in the morning." He told you. You pulled away and laid down with him. He held you close just like you did all those years ago. "Goodnight, I love you." He whispered as he turned the lamp off.

"I love you too," you whispered back as you held onto him and quickly fell asleep.

A/n: should this be a mini series?

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