Harrington's sister

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Request by @yunohhhh
You smiled as you did your makeup.
"(Y/N) HURRY UP!" Steve yelled from outside your door.

"JUST A SECOND!" You yelled back. You dropped everything and rushed out of your bathroom and quickly dropped on your bed as you put your shoes on. You scrambled, knowing you were late.

You rushed downstairs and to Steve's car. You got in the passenger seat with a sigh. "Why are you so dressed up? It's just us hanging out." Your brother questioned.

"Worry about driving and not how I look." You told him. Why were you dressed up? Well here's what happened..

"So Saturday right?" You smiled as you held the phone to your ear.

"Yup," Eddie replied, you could almost hear the smile on his face.

"What's Saturday?" Steve asked as he sat on the couch beside you.

"Did Steve just ask what's on Saturday?" Eddie sighed.

"Yeah," you replied.

"We can't tell him, not yet, he'll kill me." He told you. "Tell him I called to take you two out."

"Okay," you turned to Steve. "Um, Eddie wanted to see if we wanted to go hang out at the new mall. When I say we I mean you and me." You told him. He looked at you questionably.

"I was supposed to hang out with Robin but I could bring her." He shrugged.

"Did you hear that ba- Eddie?" You pursed your lips into a thin line, praying Steve didn't catch that.

"That Steve's coming with Robin?" He questioned. You hummed in response. "Then yes, I'm fine with it but we have to be really discreet. If anything Robin could cover us." He told you.

"Yeah," you nodded.

"Okay so how about 1:30?" He asked.

"1:30 good?" You looked at Steve. He nodded and you turned back to the phone. "That's perfect." You smiled.

"I love you, (Y/n)." Eddie told you. Your eyes widened as you looked at Steve. You panicked as you tried to figure out what to say.

"I do too," you replied, making Eddie laugh.

"I see how it is," he sighed. "I'll call you tonight." He told you.

"Okay, bye." You smiled as you hung up. "I'm going to my room," you told Steve as you stood.

"I'm gonna call Robin and tell her the plan." Steve smiled. You smiled back and walked to your room with a sigh.

You looked out the window of Steve's car. What was once a date is now a group hangout. You and Eddie were dating and everyone but Steve knew. He didn't like how close you were as friends so the fact that you two were now dating and doing more then being snuggly with each other you had a feeling he'll either kill Eddie or go into cardiac arrest.

That's why Eddie was so hesitant to ask you out in the first place. He wasn't scared of Steve per say but he was scared that Steve would stop you from letting you two see each other. But you were 19 and an adult now, so you told him that it'll be okay. And it has been, your relationship has been going on for a year and two months and is very surprising that it's still a secret, especially since the way your friends found out was cause Robin accidentally walked into your room while you and Eddie were making out and she told everyone but before she could tell Steve you threatened her, lovingly of course. You were surprised she haven't said anything yet because Steve was still clueless.

When you pulled up to the mall you saw Eddie's van and beside it was Eddie and Robin talking. Steve parked and you both got out. You rushed over and hugged Eddie, placing a kiss on his cheek. You both realized it quickly. "Shit," you muttered. You let Eddie go and quickly hugged Robin, kissing her on the cheek.

"Hello to you too," Robin pushed you off.

"Are you okay?" Steve looked at you questionably.

"I'm great, let's get going yeah?" You nodded to the large building they all nodded and Steve and Robin walked ahead while you took Eddie's hand and walked behind them.

"That was very smooth," Eddie joked.

"Shut up," you giggled. "I think we should tell him soon, I don't know how long I can keep up the just friends act." You sighed.

"I know," Eddie sighed.

"Hurry up you too," Robin turned to look at you both. You quickly dropped Eddie's hand and left some space between you as Steve turned to look at you both. You and Eddie walked closer to the two and you walked beside Robin, Eddie following and discreetly taking your hand again.

"You guys wanna see a movie? Dirty Dancing is playing." Steve suggested.

"Sure," you looked at Eddie, who nodded. You followed Steve and Robin into the theater and grabbed snacks before walking into the screening room and finding your seats. Robin was the only reason Steve couldn't see you and Eddie holding each other. His warm arms held you close and he was gently rubbing your thigh as you both watched the movie.

Towards the middle of the movie you noticed you were out of popcorn. You looked up at Eddie and he looked down at you. You held up the container and he nodded, understanding what you were trying to tell him. You both stood, making Steve and Robin look over. You pointed to the bucket and they nodded.

You and Eddie walked out and over to the concession stand. The line was somewhat long so Eddie took advantage of it. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and he started placing little kisses on your neck. "I love you so much," he muttered.

"I love you too," you giggled, kissing him gently.

Steve's pov
I looked down at my soda and it was empty. "I'm gonna get more to drink," I told Robin.

"Let me come, I have to get more popcorn anyway." She told me. I nodded and we both walked out of the theater. I stopped when I saw Eddie and (Y/n) in line. His arms were around her and he was kissing her neck. I felt something build up in me. That's my little sister! I then saw (Y/n) kiss Eddie on the lips.

"Whoa! Nope! Not my sister!" I snapped. Robin quickly pulled me back as I started for the line.

"Steve," she glared at me. "(Y/n) is 19, she isn't a little girl, she can chose who she dates and you should be okay with it. Plus it's Eddie, we know and trust him." She told me.

"Are you not surprised?" I asked her.

"Well, I was when I first found out." She replied.

"When did you find out? How long has this been going on?" I questioned.

"They just had their one year anniversary a couple months ago." She told me. I held my forehead.

"Oh my god, why didn't anyone tell me?" I asked.

"Well, considering you looked like you were gonna rip his head off no one wanted to tell you because we had a feeling you'll get protective and what not." She explained. I sighed and nodded.

"Makes sense," she then lead me to the line and they quickly separated.

"Shit," my sister muttered.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"How much did you see?" She sighed.

"All of it," I looked at Eddie, who had a nervous look on his face. I hugged him and pat his back. "Hurt her and I'll hurt you." I told him.

"Understandable," Eddie nodded. I let him go and I looked at (Y/n).

"Be responsible," I told her. She smiled, nodding before hugging me.

"Thank you for not freaking out." She let me go as I nodded. She then held Eddie and he rubbed her back gently.

"They're cute huh?" Robin whispered so only I could hear.

"Yeah," I smiled.

Eddie Munson one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now