How to cure a bad day

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You sighed as you collapsed face first over the armrest of your couch. "Hard day?" Eddie questioned, clearly holding back his laughter. You nodded and turned to look at him. He was reading the Hobbit and he had an open beer bottle on the coffee table. You scooted your body forward so you were lying on the soft cushions with your head in his warm lap. Eddie was already in sweatpants and a loose t-shirt with his hair up in a bun.

"How long have you been home?" You asked. He folded the corner of the page and tossed the book on the table.

"A few hours, Gareth had a date so we had to end practice early." He told you. "Now, what's got my girl so upset?" He stroked your hair gently.

"She's talking shit again," you sighed. "So I might have hit her and gotten fired." You told him.

"Well, she had it coming, did you win?" He smiled softly. You snickered.

"Gave her a bloody nose and had her on the ground." Your smile then faded. "But Eds, I loved that job." He pulled you up so you were sitting in his lap.

"I know," he rocked you gently. "Hey, you know what cheers me up?" He questioned. You hummed in response. He reached into his pocket and held up a bag of weed. "High movie night?" He smiled.

"How could I say no to a face like that?" You smiled softly, earning a laugh from him. He pecked you on the lips and sighed happily.

"I love you, (Y/n/n)." He brushed some of your hair behind your ear.

"I love you too Eds," you booped his nose, making him chuckle. He got everything ready on your coffee table and he handed you the first blunt. You placed it loosely between your lips as you looked for a lighter.

"I got it," Eddie flipped open his lighter and lit it. He then lit the blunt and you took the first hit. You let out the smoke as you passed it to Eddie. "I was thinking," he started as he took a hit. "We should watch a polar bear documentary." He told you.

"Are you already high?" You laughed.

"No, I'm serious, I hear they're really smart, like they're the Einsteins of the bear family." He passed the blunt to you. You took a hit as you thought about it.

"Sure," you smiled as he turned on the Tv.


"LOOK AT THE BABY ONE!" You pointed at the polar bear cub on the tv. "I NEED ONE!" You told Eddie.

"Don't they need ice to live?" Eddie asked.

"No," you scoffed. "Have you been watching or not?" You poked him.

"I have been." He argued. "Maybe a puppy would be better." He told you. You gasped loudly, making him fall off the couch in surprise.

"Can we get a dog?" You smiled. He thought for a moment.

"What kind?" He questioned.

"What's the one with the squished face?" You asked.

"There's a few," he laughed. "Maybe we should just go to the pet store and see what they have?" He suggested.

"Yes," you nodded and stood, taking his hand. "Let's go," you then dragged him out the door.

"Wait," he stopped. You turned to look at him.

"What?" You questioned.

"The store is probably closed right now." He told you.

"Why do you say that?" You asked.

"Because it's," he looked down at his watch. "11:46, they close at 10 on weekends." He told you.

"Damn," you pouted.

"Come here," he pulled you back inside and sat you on the couch. "I'll be right back," he then walked down the hall. You went back to watching the bears on tv, not really knowing what was going on but being entertained by how they waddled through the snow.

"Eddie you're missing the bears!" You called out. Eddie walked back into the room with a box.

"Sweetheart, those are penguins." He told you. You turned to the tv and he was right.

"I must be high." You muttered. He chuckled and sat beside you.

"I was gonna save this for Valentine's Day, but I'll just get you something else." He told you. You pulled the top of the box off and looked inside to see a cute stuffed bear. You gasped and pulled it out of the box. It's fur was light brown and soft to touch as you looked it over. You held it close as you smiled.

"Thank you." You pecked Eddie on the lips.

"You're welcome," he pulled you back into his lap and you both went back to watching tv together. "Want pizza?" He asked.

"Yup," you nodded. He then moved you to the couch and he walked over to your small kitchen where the phone hung on the wall. You then got up and started looking though your options of movies. You then picked up Footloose. You took out the tape and put it into the VHS player. You then sat back on the couch as Eddie walked over. He laid down and pat his chest. You smiled and crawled over, laying on his chest. Your arms were wrapped around him while his held you close, your legs tangled together. You listened to his heartbeat as you both watched the movie, finding it calming.

"You feel any better?" Eddie asked you softly.

"A little bit," you smiled. He moved your head so you were looking up at him. He pecked you on the forehead.

"What about now?" He tilted his head playfully.

"Almost," you snickered. He chuckled and kissed you on the lips gently. You both stayed like that for a moment before pulling away.

"And now?" He smirked.

"All better," you pecked him on the nose before turning back to the tv. "Hey Eds," you whispered. He hummed in response. "I love you." You smiled.

"And I love you," you could almost hear the smile from the tone of his voice. You sighed happily as you lay there with your boyfriend. He stroked your hair as the light sound of rain started and the moon shown through the window.

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