A visit back home (pt. 2)

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You and Eddie drove around town and talked about all the fun things you used to do together. He then parked in front of the vinyl store. You smiled and looked over at him who had an adorable grin on his face. "You're too cute," you told him.

"Yeah, well, I try." He joked. "You know why I chose this place first?" He questioned.

"Of course I do," you smiled as the memory replayed in your mind for the trillionth time since you left.


You rushed out of the rain and into the vinyl store. Your converse tracked in puddles of water on the tiles. You normally wouldn't have ran all the way here since you lived a good ways away but the new Black Sabbath album had just came out and you needed to get your little hands on the vinyl before they were gone. You rushed to the back and looked through the selection before you found the right album. You were lucky you got there in time since it was the last one.

Suddenly it was grabbed before you could take it. "HEY!" You turned to see a boy your age. His brown eyes looked down at you.

"Sorry sweetheart, I think you're in the wrong section, Madonna is over there." He pointed down the aisle.

"I came here for Never Say Die, asshole." You glared at him. He looked at you blankly. "You know? The new album by Black Sabbath? The one you took from me?" You raised your eyebrows questionably.

"Yeah, I know it. And I didn't take it from you." He told you, grazing his hand over his buzzed hair.

"Yes, you did. I found it and you grabbed it." You argued.

"Right, I grabbed it from the shelf not from you so I technology didn't take it from you." He shot you a smug smirk. You glared at him when an idea popped into your head. You then grabbed the vinyl from him and ran. He quickly ran after you and grabbed the belt loop of your jeans and pulled you back, earning a yelp of surprise from you as you fell to the ground. He then grabbed it and pulled but you kept your strong grip on it. "Let go!" He struggled.

"No!" You snapped. You then put your feet on his hips and with all your strength you pulled, however he lost his balance and fell on you and the vinyl. You both gasped as you heard a sharp snap. Your eyes locked with his and you both scrambled to your feet. You looked down at the album cover. You looked up at the boy and his eyes were already watching you.

"Do we check it?" He asked. You nodded and slowly picked it up. You looked at him, hesitating to open it. You held your breath and opened the cover to see the vinyl broken in half. "Guess neither of us get it." He sighed.

"You better be paying for that, both of you!" The clerk snapped. You and the boy fallowed him to the counter and split the charge and walked out of the store. You both stood under the awning as it continued to rain.

"I'm sorry," he sighed, peeking over at you.

"It's fine, I'll just have to wait next month I guess." You looked at the bag in your hand.

"I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson." He stuck out his hand.

"(Y/n) (Y/l/n)." You shook it gently. You both looked across the street to see the ice cream shop.

"Well, (Y/n), wanna grab some ice cream?" He asked timidity. You hesitated before a smile spread to your face.

"Sure, you're buying though." You smirked.

"I'm cool with that." He chuckled. You took his hand and you both ran across the street and into the little shop.


You smiled as you walked into the store. It looked the same from when you were last here. Eddie took your hand and lead you to the back. You watched him as he looked through the selection of albums. A large smile then appeared on his face. He then picked up the Never Say Die album. You smiled as he handed it to you. "You never ended up coming back to get it since we would just listen to my vinyl that my uncle got me for my birthday. So I thought why not get you the one you never picked up." He brushed a lock of your hair behind your ear. Your smile grew as you looked at the familiar cover.

"This is amazing Eds," you stood on your tip toes and kissed him gently before smacking his arm. He pulled away and rubbed his arm.

"Why?" He laughed.

"That's for taking and breaking my first one." You giggled. He smiled as he shook his head.

"Do you still have your pic?" He pulled out his chain to reveal his pic. You pulled your chain out of your shirt and revealed the matching pic.


Eddie kissed you as tears ran down his face. He pulled away and placed his forehead against yours. "Please don't go," he whispered.

"I have to," you wiped your tears away. He shook his head.

"No, your parents do, you could live with me and we can stay together." He told you.

"Eddie," you wiped his tears away before holding him gently. "I have to go." You sniffled. "As much as I don't want to I have to." You then let him go. "I got you something," you stood from his bed and walked over to your things in his dresser. You rummaged through your backpack and grabbed the small box. You walked back over and sat across from him. You handed him the box. He looked up at you before looking back at the black box. He pulled the lid off. He paused before picking up the pic necklace.

"Is this made from a vinyl?" He asked you. You nodded and he turned it over. "Never Say Die," he read the engraved writing. "E+(y/f/I)." He looked up at you. "It's our record?" He smiled.

"Yeah," you held back tears as you smiled softly. He hugged you tightly.

"Thank you," he put it on and he noticed the second one. "This yours?" He asked. You nodded and he put it on you. "When do you have to be at the airport?" He asked.

"An hour," you looked down. He stood and helped you up.

"I love you, (Y/n), I always will." He sighed.

"I love you too Eds." You kissed him before gathering your things. You both then walked over to your van. You hopped in the back as your parents sat in the front.

"Eddie," your dad turned to him. "When we leave, take care of this thing, yeah?" He smiled.

"I will sir." He nodded. You then started for the airport.


You paid for the vinyl and got in the van. "Where too now?" He smiled at you.

"Home," you smiled back. He nodded and started for his trailer.

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