Chapter 1

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All I hear is the dogs barking, the alarm going off and Kiba's mom shouting. Great, this is going to be a lovely day. I throw my blankets off of me and change my clothes, looking over at the clock I realize I'm late. Great.

I rush out of the bedroom and find Tsume yelling about something like always. "Kiba's already there!" She shouts as I'm putting on my sandals.

"Really?!" I shout. "That mutt is never on time!"

I rush to Iruka-Sensei's class just barely beating him there and take my seat beside Kiba as I send him a death glare.

"You could have woken me up mutt." I grumble.

"Yeah, but I figured it would look good on me, if I were here before you were for once." We laugh and I punch his arm.

"Alright class, lets go over some basic things before your final exam in 6 days" Iruka-Sensei told the class causing us to groan.

"Do we need too?" Asked Naruto. "I'm ready to graduate! Believe it!" He yells as he smacks his hands on his desk.

"Well Naruto, the more you practice, the better you will be come." Iruka says as he walks around his desk. "So, the remainder of this class we will go outtide and work on some target practice."

Lame, I never miss my target. I wish we could do something else. I need to work on more important things. I should have just stayed in bed...

We all take turns throwing at the targets. Naruto hitting the target once with three kunai's. "Man, all three of those should have hit that target." He yells.

"Well Naruto if you would take it more seriously and focus you wouldn't miss." Sauske said as he hits all three kunais on the target one at a time but not hitting the bullseye. Ugh shut up Sauske.

I step up and it is my turn. I take a deep breath and focus on the bullseye, I release my breath and throw all three kunais at the same time hitting the bullseye. Peace of cake.

"This is so boring." He says turning to me "You don't even need the practice, I don't understand why you are still here."

"To achieve what you want. You practice and focus. If you slack too much, you'll become weaker or even killed." I state watching as the others miss their target rubbing the side of my head.

"You know, sometimes you scare me." Kiba said as Akamaru barked.

"Hmf." I reply. "Apparently I scare everybody. I should have stayed home."  I mumble pulling out an apple. "I'm out of here." I quietly slip behind leaving everybody on the field.

"Going somewhere?" A tall man with grey hair and mask over his face asked causing me to turn around.

"Bathroom." I said sharply rubbing my head again. Mam, why can't this  just go away?

"Hm, you must be lost here, the way you are going is the exit, the bathroom is the other way." The masked man said pointing behind him, mentally kicking myself looking away. "I take it Iruka is boring you with his teaching?" I just lookup at him.

Is this the girl Iruka was telling me about? He thinks to himself, looking at her braided blonde hair, her eyes, one blue, one red with speckle of black in it. "Come." He says as he turns back to the door outside I follow as I eat my apple.

"Iruka, I'm taking a student. Seems like she was trying to skip class." He says pointing with his thumb to me behind him.

"Hm,  don't harm my student Kakashi. The Hokage won't like if you hurt her. But don't go easy on her., " Iruka says looking at Kakashi. "I'm sure you can teach her just well. She doesn't talk much but learns exceptionally quick."

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