Chapter 20

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I stand there frozen all eyes on me, I hate being the center of attention. I feel a push on my back from Ino. Kankuro looks over at me with wide eyes and starts moving his fingers connecting chakra strings to me making me walk. What am I puppet now? I'm too stunned to do anything though, I follow my grandfather out the door and see Asuma and Sota.

Kankuro's POV.

Her grandfather is the damn Hokage?!

He looks over and sees her teammates giving each other looks.


"Did you know Ryota?" Buyuu asks he shakes his head not knowing.

"I'm her best friend! How come she have never told me?!" Naruto shouts.

"NO! NO! NO!" Kankuro hears screams outside.

"Obviously she's never told you about her father either." Kiba jumps in. "She doesn't tell anybody about herself."

Her father? What about him? Before Kiba could continue Ibiki continues to explain about the exam as they hear a bunch of commotion outside the door causing the room to shake.

"This first exam for the Chunin Exam has been completed!" Ibiki states with a smile. "I wish you well."

While everybody watches Naruto cheer in happiness something breaks through the window and stands Anko.

"You guys! This isn't the time to be celebrating! I'm the proctor for the second exam! Anko Mitarashi!" She says standing in front of everyone. "Follow me!"

"Read the atmosphere." Ibiki mumbles to her.

"78?! Ibiki you let 26 teams slide by? I guess the first exam this time around was too easy."

"It seems like this time there are a lot of excellent candidates."

"Huh, well all right... I'll drop more than half of them in ther second exam!" She says looking at everyone. "I'm getting excited. I'll give you the details tomorrow! Well be changing locations, so get information from your Jonin about the location and the time! That's it. You're dismissed."

🦋Third Person POV🦋

Mayumi stands there in front of her grand father, Uncle and Sensei. They stand there in concern.

"Mayumi, I'm sorry for having to pull you out like this.. this can't wait." Her grandfather said.

"Is everything okay grandfather?" She looks at him with worry. Both Asuma and The Third Hokage look at each not able to say anything looking over to Sota.

"They found your parents Mayumi." Sota says softly.

She stands there in complete shock. "Wha-what? Wh-where are they?!" She shouts tears streaming down her face. "Where are they! I need to see them! I need to know they are okay!"

"Mayumi... my beautiful grand daughter.. our special forces... found them... dead.."

"They are in the hospital. Basement floor." Asuma says looking down at her.

She looks at them unable to comprehend what they just told her. "No." She says taking a step back knowing exactly what the basement is used for.

"Mayumi, let me walk with you." Asuma says taking a step towards her.

Then a switch flipped in her head. "NO! NO! NO!" She says holding her head screaming. A strong force of wind blow through the hallway almost knocking the three men down.

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