Chapter 8

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Who the hell is banging on the door?! I get up as I hear banging on the door. "Where the hell is Kakashi?!" I go back into my room and put on my eye mask and grabs the cloak and pulls the hood up shoving my hair in it. I then go to answer the door.

"Kankuro? What are you doing here?" I mumble turning to walk back into the cabin with Kankuro following me as he closes the door.

"Well, Kakashi came by earlier and said he had to head back to the leaf village urgently."

"So what he abandoned me?! He left me here in a village away from home?!" I shout and throws my hands up. "What the hell is this?" I lookdown to a note on the table and snatch it up.

I had to leave back home to the Leaf village. You will spend part of the day there. Gaara and his siblings will escort you back home. Just don't cause any trouble, please. Please don't cause any trouble.

"Great now I'm alone once again and I have my graduation exam tomorrow." I say as I sit at the dining table and slams my head onto it. Ouch. Why did I do that?

"Awh come on it's not that bad." Kankuro says walking over to me.

"Touch me and you die." I mumble under my breath causing him to freeze. Danger zone.

"Oh I uhh I wasn't going too." He stammers out.

I lift my head up. "And Now I'm hungry." I say as my belly growls.

"Well we can go get some food." Kankuro offers. I look over at my wallet knowing I don't have much in there and I will need it for my journey back home.

"Ugh I'm doomed." I says as I slams my head into the table again then gets up. "There has to be food in here!" I shout as I rummage though the cabinets slamming them. "Fridge?!" I shout desperately. I open the door up only to find it empty like the cabinets. I close it and slides down the fridge door. "I'm going to widdle away!"

"You realize who I am right?" Kankuro says speaking up coming into the kitchen. "I don't mind paying for you to eat." He says with a slight blush forming across his face.

"I don't want you to have to babysit me. I've been fine on my own for this long I think I can manage." I say looking up at him.

"Oh I see, Ms independent. What mommy and daddy die and left you all alone?" Kankuro teases. I shoot daggers with my eyes at him then looks away. Kankuro sees her face drop. "I didn't mean-"

"No, actually never returned.." I say softly looking down at my hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean any harm over it."

"So where are you taking me to eat?" I quickly change the subject. He smirks at me and holds out his hand to help me up. I eye his hand then decline it and get up by myself and accidentally trip and fall into his chest.

What are these feelings inside of me? Why are they making feel this type of way?

I look up at him then push him away. "I'm sorry." Was all I was able mumble and started walking to the door opening gesturing him to follow.

The two of uswalk in silence for a little bit until Kankuro spoke up. "So what would you like to eat?"

"Food." I reply shortly. Obviously I like to eat food. The heck kind of question is that?

"Okay, but what kind of food?"

"Edible food." Duh

"You're going to be the death of me." He says sweat dropping. "Fine let's go this way." He says pointing to the left. Following him close behind I look around at the shops that are open and stop at one.

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