Chapter 55

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We finally got back to the Leaf Village and walk into Lady Tsunade's office and I freeze when I see The Sand Siblings standing there talking to her.

"Team 0!" She exclaims. "You guys aren't supposed to be back until in the morning!"

Sota pushes me forward, I forgot I was the leader of this mission and have to give a full report and I hand her my paper report. She takes it and smiles.

"This is the best report I have ever seen, it's so detailed. Team 0 will be off for a while." She hands us each papers. "Buyuu you will be working in the hospital, Ryota you will be working with Iruka. And Mayumi, you begin working starting now. You better go, downstairs, I don't want to hear him fussing. you three are dismissed." She states sitting down.

"Well, I'm heading down to my death." I say walking pass my team and out the door. I finally reach the basement and walk into Ibiki's office, where I see piles and piles of papers everywhere. weapons strung up everywhere and I see Ibiki staring at me.

"It's about time you got here." He states.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm here, what are we doing today?" I question.

"You, are doing paper work while I go the interrogation room."


"Hush up and listen pip-squeak. You will earn your way up here. You're not just going to jump into an interrogation right off the bat." He says as he walks out of the door before I could say anything.

I turn back around and look at all of the paper work and let out a sigh and start on them.

After a few hours I finished the paper work and had started organizing all the files and putting them into their right boxes and file cabinets and scroll placements.

I look at up see Ibiki standing there at the door shocked, I didn't think anything phased that man, but he was seriously shocked.

"Its- It's-"

"I'm so sorry Ibiki-Sensei! I overstepped but it was so messy and I can't stand such a big mess and-"

"Stop." He walks in and analyzes everything I have done in the past few hours. "Let's go get some dinner." He says walking out of his office and I quickly follow him as he locks his office door.

We stop and get Irachu Ramen when he finally speaks.

"I have never seen my office to clean and organized."

"Like, I said I'm sorry for over stepping-"

"No, it's a good thing. I think I might like you a little more now. You're staying with me." He laughs. Like a genuine laugh. "Me and you are going to have a lot of time together, so I guess you will be cleaning up my messes."

"As long as you don't snap me like a twig I'm okay with that." I state causing him to laugh.

We finish up eating and we talk about me working with him. Not for him, as he keeps saying, but with him.

It almost seems to me he sees us as equal, which is kind of strange, I don't know if he's trying to be nice, which is rare because he really is mean but he has been rather nice to me since I've been here.

"Well, I will see you in the morning, we don't have too much to do, so I'll probably make you do some grunt work  for me." He states as we spoilt off.

I get to my door and let out a big sigh and open the door, realizing I didn't unlock it but it's unlocked. I pull out my kunai and slowly open the door and see Ryota and Buyuu sitting on the couch.

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