Chapter 61.

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We all walk back to the house with Kankuro holding onto my hand. The boys quickly retreat back up to their rooms and Kankuro drags me to his room causing me to giggle.

As soon as he closes the door his lips are on mine and his hands are roaming my body.

I walks me backwards to his bed and pushes me onto it and straddling me. He begins kisses from my chin to my neck finding my sweet spot making me moan.

"Kankuro." I gasp. He quickly throws his shirt off and pulls mine off sending goosebumps across my body.

I quickly flip Kankuro over and kiss over his face, down his name and trail kisses down his stomach to the waist band of his pants. I tug his pants down and throw them in the floor with our shirts. I rub the length of him through his boxers and gently pull them down letting his hard on spring free.

I take my mouth and tease him a little by giving small licks onto the tip of his cock making him buck his hips wanting more. I slowly take the tip into my mouth making him moan and wrap his hand into my hair.

I take him more and more into my mouth picking up the pace make him moan louder. He quickly pulls me by the hair letting him pop out of my mouth with saliva connecting from my mouth to him.

"If you keep going I'm going to finish quickly." He breathes flipping us over and quickly take my shorts and underwear off.

He begins to roughly kiss my inner thighs making me squirm and kisses all over except where I need his mouth to be.

"Please" I beg and he quickly pulls his mouth over my clit and starts sucking while shoving a finger inside of me.

I lose myself and moan loud bucking my hips as he does a good job keeping his mouth attached to me. I can feel the build up fast and before I know it I let out a small scream. He lets me ride out my orgasm before he pins my hands above my head with one hand.

I whimper and bring my lips to his and hiss him hard as he slowly pushes into my entrance causing me to moan in his mouth and close my eyes.

"Eyes on me baby. I wanna see those beautiful blues look at me while I make you cum." He demands as he thrusts in and out of me still holding onto my wrists while the other hand pinches my left nipple.

"Yes." I pant. "Right there."

He keeps going hitting just the right spot, j can tell he's about to finish when his thrusts start to become sloppy.

"Cum for me baby." He begs looking into my eyes, the eye contact, the deep thrusts, and him holding onto my right nipple now sends me over the edge.

He falls beside me panting and pulling me close to him.

"That was amazing." He mummers kissing my hair causing me to smile and blush.


I groan awake with Kankuro next to me. I must have fell asleep in his room lastnight. I feel him holding onto me tighter and pulling me close causing me to giggle.

"Kankuro, we have to get up. I have to get the boys up." I say trying to slide out from his arms.

"Fine." He sighs out letting me go and grabbing my clothes. "But, I'm going with you on your missions though. I've already talked to Gaara and he said it's fine."

I let out a sigh. I really don't want him going with me. I feel as it's too dangerous, but at the same time. He's strong too. He saved me when Kiba and I were fighting Sakon and Ukon. It also means we get to spend time together.

"Okay." I say opening up his bedroom door and heading towards the other two rooms down the hall.

I open Buyuu's first and see he's still asleep curled up in a ball. I go and open Ryota's door and he is also asleep with is right side about to fall off the bed.

I make a wind clone and go into each boys room and slap them hard awake scaring them.

"What was that?!" Ryota shouts covering himself with his blanket.

"Man, I hate being woken up." Buyuu states walking to the door rubbing his eyes.

I laugh hard while I hear Kankuro laugh down the hall.

"And I thought I was difficult trying to get up." I giggle more. "Come on, we gotta head out for our mission. Pack a bag because it's a day trip, we'll be gone for about three days."

I walk out letting the boys wake up and get ready while also packing my own bag.

"You sure do pack light." Kankuro states leaning onto my door frame.

"Actually, I pack a lot. A lot of fruit." I giggle turning to him and giving him a quick kiss. "We have to stop at the fruit stand before we leave." I state grabbing my bag.

We meet with the other two boys at the door and leave the house. Might as well be a damn mansion. It's huge.

"Alright, let's load up on weapons and I have to grab some fruit then let's head out." I state.

I gather my apples and oranges and meet up to the guys loading up on kunai's and I noticed Buyuu has some new wire and paper bombs. He is really good with trip wires. He has been practicing on me and Ry lately and catching us every time.

"Ready?" I ask, they all nod and we head out.

We travel for a few hours until Ryota's whining becomes too much for me to handle so we stop and take a break.

"Seriously Ry, what's going on with you today? You never complain." Buyuu blurts out causing all of us to look at him.

"Man, I'm just tired." He grumbles.

"I'm sure me waking you up didn't make you tired." I state sitting down onto a rock.

"No, it's not you." Ry explains. "I uhm, just left lastnight-"


"I went to see a girl." He finally says putting his face in his hands embarrassed.

I laugh. "Really Ry? You don't have to be embarrassed!"

"You really don't. You should have been there lastnight because these two were going at it like jack rabbits." Buyuu points to us with his thumb.

"Wha- us? We- I mean-"

"I have no regrets." Kankuro says casually taking a sip of his water. Making everyone except me laugh.

"Alrighty! I think it's time to get going." I state standing up and nearly tripping over my feet. Three days with these guys? Oh, this is going to be rough.


Dear god I'm so sorry for the late update! Even since my oldest got out of school he fell sick. Then as soon as he got better my daughter got sick. At the end of her getting better I have been extremely sick for two weeks and ended in the hospital. And today I finally don't feel like death to update. So please forgive me. 💙

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