Chapter 44

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"Mayumi! Come on! Get up!" Ryota shouts banging on my door until he opens it

"Uhhh, five more hours!" I shout lazily throwing my pillow at the door where Buyuu catches it.

"It's mission time." Buyuu states, I quickly jump up and grab my clothes.

"I have a bad feeling.." I say shoving the two boys out of my room and slamming the door quickly changing, braiding my hair then putting my sword onto my back and opening up the door.

"That was incredibly fast." Kankuro states walking out of his room with Arul clinging onto his hat. "Do you want this thing back?" He asks pointing to Arul, I giggle as he flutters to my hair and gracefully flaps his wings.

"Uh, why-" Ryota starts off until I cut him off blushing. "What's our mission?" I ask looking at Sota walking up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"We have to take some important documents a couple towns over."

"How long is it going to take?" Buyuu asks.

"Only a couple of days. Let's get ready and head out." Sota states walking off.

"Uh, no action going on it seems like." I mutter.

"That's a good thing right?" Kankuro question looking at the blonde girl beside of him.

I turn to him and raise an eyebrow. "Do you not know us? We like action." I laugh as we walk down the steps.

"Oh trust me, I know." Kankuro laughs. "I must get going myself." He gives them a smile then leaves, i watch him head down the stone pathway leading into the village.

"Come on guys, let's go stock up before we leave." Ryota says making me jump.

We head down the streets to stock up on medical supplies first. Then head to the weapons store and the fruit stand last.

"Ready?" Sota asks meeting us at the gate we all nod at him and take off. We travel the first day taking a few breaks until we finally settle down, we set up camp and eat. The stars and moon start to peak out from the clouds in front of the purple and orange sky. I stop and look throughout the trees looking at the beautiful sky.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Buyuu says next to me, I let out a deep breath and nod.

"You know, it's more beautiful the higher up you are." I smile biting my thumb and smearing it onto the ground summoning Hikari. I jump onto his back and hold out my hand for Buyuu to take it. "You trust me right?" I smile.

"I've seen what you two do." Buyuu shakes his head. "I like being on the ground."

"Awh, come on B. Live a little! What's life without a little risk?" I'm pretty sure I've told him this before.

He lets out a sigh and grabs my hand and jumps onto Hikari's back. "Just don't kill me okay?"

I laugh at his comment. "Just don't pull on his feathers and hold on tight to me, just don't crush me and you'll be fine."

Hikari flaps his wings and soars between the trees heading to the tree tops. Buyuu holds tightly onto my waist and lets out a small scream when Hikari turns suddenly causing me to laugh. We finally get to the tops of the trees and just gracefully glide in the air.

"Whoa" Buyuu says looking over the tree tops.

"You can loosen your grip." I say trying to shift. He feels Hikari shift and holds onto me tighter, I laugh and wiggle out of his grip and face him. "Scared or something?" I tease looking at him.

"Well yeah, I could fall to my death." He says nervously looking down.

"Don't worry, Hikari won't let that happen. Stop looking down!" I gently slap his arm. "The view isn't down there." I say looking over to my left. His eyes follow mine as the sky paints a new scene every few seconds. The purple sky hiding around the orangish pink sky, the sparkling stars starting to peak out.

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