Chapter 63

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"Mayumi! I have told you, you can't do anything!" Buyuu shouts.

"Use your brain for a minute B. These attacks aren't  random. They come during times where they get their supplies, shipments, documents. Use your brain! So any day now, there will be an attack! And we need to be here to stop them and get them."

"She does have a point." Kankuro steps up next to me. "I don't know what those documents are inside, but if there is something important in them, then there will be someone to come taking them."

"Then why go to the office?" Ry questions.

"Because, who else would know about when and where everything is coming in and out?" I state looking back at them. And glaring at Buyuu.

I rush off to the office and see the lady who didn't like me earlier. I also put a wind barrier at the door so the boys can't get inside and follow me.

"What do you want?" She huffs out. I look at me and smile.

"I just had a few questions."

"I don't have time for questions."

"Those are interesting scars." I state and I notice her stiffen and look away almost like she's ashamed. "Something tells me you're not the enemy here.."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well, I think we both know what I'm talking about. And you already know what I'm thinking."

"I'm not afraid. Of you." She grits her teeth.  I look at her again, at her tense body, acting like she's ready to attack.

"You're not afraid of me... but I know you're afraid of him."

"You have no idea what you are talking about." She states grabbing some papers "Now, I have to get home.."

"Or would you like to tell me what is going on? We can protect you, keep you safe." I offer.

She looks at the boys nervously.

"Do you have somewhere where the both of us can talk? Privately?" I ask and she nods.

"Mayumi, I don't think-" Buyuu starts out before I cut him off.

"Don't think for once B. Stay here and let me know if anything happens." I state.

I walk with the secretary down a hall and into a dark small empty office.

"So talk, what is going on here?" I huff out.

"Well... you see, Rai, hasen't lived here in years. He comes and goes-" She starts off.

"I know that part, I want to know why, where is everything going?" I pant out. "Is it hot in here?"I ask putting and hand on the wall leaning on it.

"Yeah. The Air is broke in this part of the building."

"I guess the lights don't work either?" I try and flip on the light switch and it doesn't work. Then, red flags are starting to go up and I hear shouting from the other side of the building.

I take a step before I fall, I feel lightheaded and weak. What is going on?

"Oh, you're not going anywhere. The Air you have been breathing in, makes you sleepy and takes your chakra."

I grit my teeth trying to keep my eyes open and fall to my knees.

"Well, it won't kill you, but at least it'll slow you down." She laughs and rushes out of the room locking the door.

I'm panting really hard, sweat covering me. I feel so weak, I grab onto the door handle and channel as much chakra as I can and bust the door open. I gasp crawling out of the hell hole and lay there on the floor with a tear falling down my cheek.

I need to get up.

I need to help.

I need to protect these people.

I need to make sure my squad is safe.

I take a deep breath and grab a chakra pill. I don't usually have to take these, but if I don't.. well, lets not think about that.

I slowly pop it into my mouth and swallow feeling the bitter taste slide down my throat. I wait for a moment until I start to feel some energy come back.

I get up and hold onto the wall getting my balance and I hear a blood curdling scream. I quickly rush to the front of the building and see my squad fighting off some rogue ninjas. I hear screams all around me and I quickly spot someone about to strike a lady and her baby.

In a heartbeat I unsheathe my sword and appear and block the ninjas attack and blink my eyes to red. He's caught and stuck, and I finish him off.

The lady thanks me as I run away and finish off a few more ninjas.

"Mayumi!" I hear my name being called and see Ry struggling with the damn secretary. I rush over to Ryota and help him.

"I see you got out." She says pulling out a kunai.

"Yeah, it wasn't too hard to break a door down and crawl out." I state putting my sword in front of me. "Where are the documents? Where is he?"

"I have no clue where he is." She laughs, taking a step. I put my sword up the tip facing her.

"I'm tired of your games." I state letting go of my sword letting the air hold it into place. "I'm ending you, and finding those documents."

"And that's fine." She says dropping her weapon and walking up to the tip of my sword. "He's done with me anyway. I was loyal up to my last breath, just end me."

"Is this bitch psycho?" Ryota asks stunned. I don't think, I just do.

We watch her body as it is impaled by my sword and we watch her body fall to the ground.


"Don't, lets go." I state looking down at her body and we rush off to find the others and our target.

We find Kankuro and eventually find Buyuu finally having all of us together.


Authors note~

So, this is my last pre-written chapter. I am currently working 3 jobs (unexpectedly) plus taking care of my own house, and my kids. So I'm only home 6hrs a day to sleep. So I'm really sorry for the late update, and I'm trying hard to write more chapters. There's only like 10-15 chapters left of this story and I've started like the first 10 on the second story. So please be patient with me 💙

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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