Chapter 22

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"Let's keep going. We want to get as close to the tower as possible." Buyuu states as we jump from branch to branch. We travel for a little while until we come in front of Mist ninja's.

"We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." The guy states. "Just give us the scroll and well be on our way."

Squad 0 all look at each other and nod. Buyuu pulls out an earth scroll and throws it at them then we quickly jump away. Before the Mist ninja coud grab it it explodes killing them. We jump back down to the crater grabbing the heaven scroll.

"That was too easy." Ryota says looking down at the dismembered bodies.

"Yeah good thinking about having a fake scroll. Let's head to the tower." Buyuu says.

We rush off and see the tower in full view. "Something feels off." I state pulling out my sword.

"Ryota, what can you sense?"

"One team coming-" Before he could finish a ton of kunai are thrown at them hitting us.

"Where the hell did those come from?!"Buyuu shouts pulling a shurieken out of his arm.

"Over there!" Ryota shouts pointing into the bushes. More kunai come flying at us, I quickly jump in front and easily deflects them with my sword.

"Come on out. You've already been caught." I demand standing with my sword out infront of me, Buyuu and Ryota in a defense stance.

Three Rain ninja jump out. "I'm suprised you dodged those attacks. We're just looking for the heaven scroll."

Feeling an uneasy tension in the air I pull out our earth  scroll. "Same here." I state. Putting it back up.

"Thought we would camp out at the tower and get whoever tried to enter it."

"We thought the same thing." Ryota jumps in.

"I don't believe that.. it seems like you three have both scrolls." The other Rain ninja says. "Give us the scroll or prepare to die."

"Actually, you three prepare to die." I say swinging my sword around. Both Buyuu and Ryota throw kunai and ninja stars. "Yadama Furooseigyo (Projectile Control Skill)!" I shout making the boys weapons travel faster at their enemies. They quickly dodge the attacks.

"Mayumi, take the one on the left, Buyuu take the middle one I've got the one on the right!" Ryota shouts.

Ryota jumps up and dodges an attack with needles from his opponent. He forms a hand sign. "Rikujou Douyou no jutsu (Earth Release: Ground shaking technique)!"  He shouts then slamming his hands onto the ground make it shake then holes apearing into the earth making his opponent fall. He grabs a handful of dirt and rubs it over his chest, then quickly forms another set of hand signs. "Sekkai Koutetsuban (Earth Release: Stone Breast Plate)!" He shouts as the earth he smeared onto his chest hardens to protect himself.

The Rain ninja quickly gets back up and sprints towards Ryota forming his own hand signs. And gets hit right in the chest  launching him into a tree. The rain ninja screams in pain holding his leg.

"I can make dirt into armor. Not only does it protect me, if one were to hit, their bones would be crushed." He says as he spits out blood and staggers back up. Creating a hand seal then placing his hands onto the ground. "IwaToge Chakushu no Jutsu(Rock Thorn Launch Jutsu)!" He shouts again forcing chakra into the ground creating spikes to be thrown out of the ground then back down at his opponent leaving him lifeless. He looks down at himself see that he got stuck with several needles. He stumbles over trying to look for his teammates after hearing explosion after explosion...

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