Chapter 43

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"Mayumi! Wait up!" Kankuro shouts chasing after me.

I stop and turn to him. "I'm not even going to the right direction to training grounds am I?"

"Well of course not!" He laughs, as I give him a glare.

"Just show me." I grumble, he takes me to his favorite training spot. It's a small sandy area with short stone pillars around. I jump up onto one of the pillars sitting down crossing my legs as I place my hands on my knees and I deep breath closing my eyes. I feel the gritty sand hit my face as I let out a breath.

"You didn't come here to train did you?" Kankuro asks sitting on a pillar closest to me.

"No, I wanted to be alone." I state sitting up straighter not looking at him.

"Then I'll sit here with you." He says looking over at me watching as my blonde hair gently blows in the wind, my slim face twitching every once in a while from the sand hitting it. He notices me starting to shiver slightly due to how cold it gets at night. But he stays put. Even if he does want to wrap me up in his arms to keep me warm, to keep me safe. And I would love for that to happen.

"Tell me something interesting." I say softly he doesn't answer, trying to pretend he's not there as he watches me next to him with my eyes still closed. "Tell me something interesting." I say opening my eyes looking over at him with a small twinkle in my eyes.

"I thought you wanted to be alone."

"That's not an answer." I say closing my eyes again.

"I like the color blue."

I look back over to him and smile slightly. "I like the color purple." We fall back into a silence when the wind picks up some and blows more sand into my face making me twitch again.

"Here," Kankuro jumps over next to me putting his hat onto my head and adjusting it so it's not over my eyes. I look up at him confused. "Your face is not used to the sand hitting you." I blush and look away making the hat fall on over my eyes again. He laughs and helps move it back and sits close to me. I've always wanted to wear his hat, and here I am.

I feel the heat coming from him and lean a little closer to him resting my head on his shoulder. "Tell me something interesting." I say.

"Nosey tonight are we?" He laughs, I just shrug my shoulders. "I guess, I'm just curious about you is all."

He looks down at me leaning on his shoulder and moves a piece of hair out of my face, he takes a deep breath before he speaks. "I feel awful about everything." He whispers.

I look up at him with a sad smile. "It's not your fault Kankuro.. you didn't know."

"I also feel awful because I wasn't there to be with you.." he whispers again leaning his face closer to mine.

I smile at him and moves my face closer to his where our noses are just barely touching. My breathing hitches some as I feel his arm wrap it's self around my waist. I slowly start to close my eyes then feels something over my eyes. Kankuro laughs pulling away and helps me with his hat fixing it again.

"I think your hat is a little big." I giggle, he smiles and nods his head.

"Come on, let's get back." Kankuro says standing up offering to help me up. I feel the wind and uses it to my advantage and aparates down below. He looks at me and shakes his head and jumps down next to me. I turn to him and he gives me a confused look.

"What? I don't know where we are going." I say crossing my arms. He laughs and I follow him to the house.

We walk in to see the rest of team 0 with Gaara and Temari talking. I place my Sword next to the couch and I go and sit between my team mates.

"It's about time you came back." Buyuu yawns.

"We have plenty of rooms for you guys, one for each." Temari says eyeing Team 0.

"Actually Temari, we only have three rooms right now, which means someone is going to have to share." Gaara states walking off.

"Well, Sota and Mayumi can have their own, Buyuu and I can share." Ryota suggests, Buyuu nods and looks at him then looks down at me with my knees to my chest sound asleep.

"I guess she just claimed the couch." Buyuu laughs making me wake up a little.

"Huh?" I say looking at him.

"Come one, let's get to our rooms." Ryota says standing up, I groan and get up too. "You going to get your sword or leave it there?" He points to my sword still leaning on the couch.

"I got it." Kankuro says walking over to it and tries to pick it up. He picks it up slightly but drops it and cracks the floor. "What the hell?" Kankuro mutters.

"You'll never pick it up." Buyuu states as I walk over and grab my sword from him and easily put it back onto my back like it's a feather and yawn. "Weak." I smirk as I follow Temari up the stairs as she shows me my room.

The rooms are close together, Sota at the very end of the hall, Buyuu and Ryota's room next, then me across the hall from them. I walk into my room and place my sword by the head of the bed then grabs some baggy sweat pants and a tank top. I realized I have to use the bathroom and shower I open my door.

"Something wrong Mayumi?" Kankuro says coming out of his room next to mine.

"Bathroom? And I need to return your hat to you too." I smile.

He turns and points to the door down the hall. "There's one there or you can just use mine, since it's closer."

"Oh, I just need to shower." I say closing my door.

"I mean, I have one of those too." He laughs opening up his door for me. I smile and walk in seeing puppet pieces spread out over a table he walks up behind me. "I'm working on that one still." He says, I jump from his closeness and blush. "Bathroom is through that door." He says pointing to my left.

I nod and walk in as Arul flutters out to Kankuro's head and rests there and turns the big shower on. And quickly strip my clothes off and hop in feeling the hot water sting my skin as it drips down over my body.  I wash my hair and body after washing everything I stand under the water in a daze for a while until I hear a knock on the door causing me to jump out of my thoughts.

"You okay Mayumi? You've been in there for over 30 minutes." Kankuro calls out.

"Yeah, sorry! I'll be right out." I reply.

I turn the water off and dry off. Putting my clothes on and brush my hair out. I slowly open the door and walk out of the bathroom and sit on his bed watching him work on his puppets. I giggle watching him and he turns around to me.

"What's so funny?" He looks over at me.

"Nothing, just a boy playing with his dolls." I giggle more as I walk over to him

He stands up in front of me and looks down at me into my blue eyes. "I like playing with real dolls. Those are just work puppets." he says stepping closer to me wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me in closer into him where our chests are touching. I can feel his heart beating faster with my chest almost like our hearts are beating together as one.

He lifts his hand and moves my hair out of my face, taking his finger and puts it under my chin gently lifting my face up to his where he looks into my eyes getting lost in them. A small smile appears on his lips as he brings his face closer to mine, his lips brush against mine. I freeze for a moment until I feels his warm soft lips on mine, I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. We finally pull back for air and he smiles down at me.

"I was going to get a goodnight kiss one way or another." He grins.

I laugh and playfully push him away where he grabs my arm and brings me back to him giving me a quick kiss.

"You need to get some sleep." He whispers to me, I nod and walk to the door before I turn back to him. I'm caught off guard when I am pushed against the door with my hands pinned above my head and he kisses me harder making me moan. He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead. "Get some sleep." He says as I blush like crazy in a daze walking back to my room.


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