Chapter 30

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Third person POV-

"So where are we going?" Mayumi says as they jump from branch to branch. They have been traveling for the past three days while Kumiko has been silent on where they are going.

"Like I said, you'll find out. Since we don't have time to for to the Land of Iron. I'll take it upon myself and teach you what I know. We will stop at the next village and gather supplies."

"I already have supplies."

"No, you only have fruit and a few kunais. We need medical supplies. I'm not going to go easy on you from here on out."

"You've never even helped." Mayumi retorts.

"Well, Mayumi. For the next two weeks. I'm not helping. I'll be your worst enemy. So I'm going to say sorry in advanced for anything that I may say or do." Kumiko says as they walk into a small village. They gather some medical supplies, fruit and some food.

"Do we really need this much stuff?" Mayumi asks.

"Yes, once we are in the forest. We're not leaving until it's time to head back to Kohona." Kumiko says as they hurry and leave the village. "So, why is your hand covered?" She asks looks over at Mayumi's hand.

"It's called a Heigo, it's a blood seal I figured I would hide it for now, the more experienced I am with it, the quicker it fades." She explains. "If I ever summon them I have to use the 'Dead Soul Binding Technique' just because I can summon them, doesn't mean they will listen and give me their power. Uncontrolled spirits is very dangerous. Heck even spirits can be dangerous."

They keep talking for a little while taking a few hours to get to the forest.

"This looks like a normal forest. What's so special about it?" Mayumi asks as they start walking through the forest.

"Oh trust me.. you will see." Kumiko says smiling.

They continue to walk through the forest a bit longer until Mayumi comes to a hault. "What is-" She starts off saying until she sprints towards a luminous light.

She pushes back some bunches. "What..what is this place?"

"This Mayumi, is what I call luminous forest!" Kumiko says smiling down at her. "I found this place while I was out a few years ago. Go on. Have a look around!" She says as she pushes Mayumi forward.

Mayumi walks around seeing everything light up. Fireflies flying around, toadstools glowing, peeking through the trees the sky is a beautiful orange and pink color. She brushes her fingers over the green bushes.

"This..this is amazing! But why did you bring me here?"

"Well Mayumi, nobody will bother us here. There is going to be emotions running high during our training.  This forest will mess with you Mayumi. You will even feel different. I'm going to warn you now, I am not going to be your friend through this. I'm going to push you to your limits. You're going to hate me so much you'll try and kill me. And that's exactly what I want you to do." Kumiko says as they start looking for some fire wood.

They get the fire going and start cooking up some rice and beef they grabbed on the way.

"Kumiko, so I've heard a little bit about you, but never heard it from you."

"I don't really talk about myself much." Kumiko replies.

"I'm the same way.. so, how do you know Sota?"

"Oh, we were squad mates! I hated him with a passion for the longest time." They both start laughing.

"I couldn't imagine why! Has he always been such-"

"A prick? Yes, I know he's never talked about himself. I would love to tell you about him. But it's not my place to say. But just know, he really does care about his squad. He has his best interests. He just has a funny way of showing it."

"He would never talk to me about himself."

"Oh yes he will. I can tell he has a soft spot for you. Ask him to lunch or something, shit, even training. He would love that. But he's not going to open up to you right off, but give him time. But anyway, our time will be spent training. I will also warn you again, it's not going to be easy."

"Good I don't do easy." Mayumi looks at her with a serious expression on her face.

"Your grand father was right. You really are a hard one."

"What do you mean by that? You said earlier that I was one of the top in my class and that I'm on the hardest team, what do you mean by that?"

Kumiko laughs. "I've been wondering when you would ask that. So, yes you are in the top of your class. You, Sauske Uchiha, Ryota, then Buyuu. Your squad is like the 'hardcore' of the rookies. You three pack the biggest punch, you also have all five nature chakras in your group."

"Yes, Ryota has earth release, Buyuu has fire release, Ryota has water and lighting. Then me, I have wind release."

"That's right! Another reason why you three were put in the same squad because all three of you didn't have any team skills. You would rather work alone."

"Still do sometimes." Mayumi mumbles.

"Well, that's why you were put together with Sota. Sota is really hard on his students. You three were the first to ever pass."

"Kumiko, why did he take us on such dangerous missions right after we graduated?"

"That I don't really know Mayumi, but your grandfather... your grandfather agreed and signed off on all of it. I know a lot about your grandfather.." Kumiko says softly.

"He trusts you a lot you know, I think you're his favorite." Mayumi laughs causing Kumiko to chuckle. "You're like, the daughter he never got to have."

"Yeah, you could say that." Kumiko smiles at her then her smile disappears knowing about her mission to her Hokage pain in her heart. "I am sorry, about your parents." She says softly. "I understand what it's like not having parents. I lost mine when I was 6."

"I'd rather not talk about that." Mayumi says looking over through the trees.

"I knew them, well of them. They were in the ANBU. I do know the blocked memories you have... he loves you, you know. Your grandfather.. he talks about you a lot, always saying that you were born to raise hell." Mayumi turns and looks at her with a few tears down her face. "Hey now, don't let your emotions show. Or your weakness. Let's go to sleep. We have a long few weeks ahead of us."

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