Chapter 33

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"Are you ready Mayumi?" Kumiko says to me as we finish up packing everything, I smile and nod at her as we leave the forest.

We travel for the next two days with no run ins with rogues. We stayed at an inn due to the rainy weather. The next morning we leave making good time until something catches Kumiko's eye. "Mayumi down!" She shouts. I duck down as ninja stars are throw at us.

"What the hell was that?!" I shout looking behind us.

"Mayumi, I want you to stay behind me no matter what happens." How about no?

"The hell I will."  I retort. Kumiko gives me a warning look and I step back. I wonder if that's what my warning look looks like? I can only hope.

"Well it's good to finally see you Kumiko." Out steps Orochimaru.

"K-Kumiko?" I stutter wide eyed.

"It's been a while.. my lord.." Kumiko dips her head slightly.

"What the hell is going on here?!" I shout.

"I see you have a friend."Orochimaru smiles down at the me as he takes a step towards me.

"She's not for you, she's with me." Kumiko steps in between us. "She-"

"She's strong if you are training her. Im sure she would be a great asset to me."

"I said. She is with me." Kumiko states a little more loudly.

"Hmm, shame, I just want to know what is underneath that eye mask." He says smiling taking a step back. Kumiko looks behind her at me and gives me a nod. I close my eyes and take off the eye mask, I slowly open my eyes and he looks at my blue eyes. "Hm, beautiful eyes."  He states. "Why cover?"

"Because I get headaches. I strain my left eye too much because I can't see much out of it."

"Oh, you know-"

"We must be going." Kumiko interrupts pushing me and looks back at him.

"Until next time. And I'm sure there will be a next time." He says giving us a creepy smile as he holding my gaze then we jump off.

"Come on Mayumi, we must keep going until we hit the Sand Village." She whispers.

"Kumiko- Sensei what the hell was that?" I whisper back to her.

"That Mayumi, was ANBU confidential stuff Mayumi. You cannot say a word about what just happened. Do you hear me? Not a damn word." Kumiko looks at me with a hard look. I nod my head understanding how dangerous it is. My parents were ANBU so I know how serious this is.

We finally get to the Sand Village gates out of breath.
"Are..are we staying here tonight?" I ask as we walk into the village looking around.

"No." she whispers also looking around. "Let's get what we need and hurry the hell up Mayumi. I know you're tired but we need to get back home. It's not safe right now."

"Kumiko-sensei, You're scaring me." I say as we quickly go to the medical store and grab a few things. Something feels off and I don't know what it is.

"I'm not trying too Mayumi. Remember you're strong. But I can't have you out here with just myself."

"I can protect myself-" I got cut off by Kumiko as we get to the produce stand.

"I can't protect you from him Mayumi. I saw the way he looked at you, I saw that look because it's the same look he gave me." She pulls the collar of her shirt down a little and reveals a curse mark. "He gave me this. And I'm telling you Mayumi, I will do everything in my power to not let that happen."

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