Chapter 9

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"Mayumi! Mayumi! Wake up!"

I hear Naruto pounding on my door and shouting.

"Oh shit! I'm going to be late!" I rush and throw on my clothes and grab my shoes and open the door. "Come on Naruto! We're going to be late!" I say hopping on one foot trying to put my sandals  on.

"Us?! You were the one who decided to sleep in!"

"Well you're the one who woke me!"

"Just say thank you and put your other shoe on before we are really late."

I quickly put on my other shoe and we rush off to the academy and get there just a minute late barging into the door.

"Naruto, Mayumi why are you two late?" Iruka asks with his arms crossed.

"I overslept." Naruto says.

"I can either be late or not wearing pants. Pick one." I say walking to my seat next to Kiba causing the room to laugh.

"Like I said Mayumi, keep hanging around Kakashi you're always going to be late." Iruka says as we take our seats.

"Alright class listen out for your names and squad number."

"Maybe we'll be lucky and get on a team together." Kiba says leaning over.

" Team 10 Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, Chouji Akimichi."

"Team 7 Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki."

"Looks like we are on the same team." Kiba whispers as Naruto shouts about being on the same team and Sauske.

"Wait Kiba who's-" I start saying looking around the class room

"Team 8 Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga."

"Wait what?" I look at Kiba confused.

"Team 0. Mayumi, Ryota Miura, Buyuu Kaneko."

"Damn girl, sucks for you. You don't have me or Naruto." He says as he gets up and follows his new team mates out the door.

"Mayumi, you okay?" Naruto asks walking up to me.

I just shrug my shoulders getting up. "I'll be fine."

"Good now go meet your team and Sensei and let's become the best! Well don't become better than me anyway. And don't clam up like you always do!" He says with a toothy grin. I sigh and take the paper on where to meet my team from Iruka.

"At the gates? Aren't we supposed to start training?" I mumble to my self as I walk to the gates. Being the only one there I spot Kotesu and Izumo they wave me over.

"Meeting your team Mayumi?" Kotesu asks I nods in response.

"Well good luck with him. We heard you have Sota as a Sensei. Don't let him break you." Izumo says.

"I'll be fine. Lately I'm the one always late. But seems I'm early for once." I say taking an orange out of my bag and start peeling it.

"Stress eating?" A voice behind me asks.

"Stress eating would consist of chocolate, ice cream and lots of ramen." I state eating a slice turning around looking at the boy. "If I stress ate I'd be big as a house."

"You eat enough fruit to make the produce stand to go out of business." Kotesu mumbles.

"It's going to suck when wintertime comes around." Izumo laughs. I shoot them a glare they go back to talk to each other and I turn back to the brunette boy.

"I take it you're on team 0 also?" I ask taking another bite of orange eyeing him. He's wearing shin length sandals, with baggy black pants, chain link shirt under a red jacket, dog tags with his forehead protector on his arm. My eyes gaze up seeing his shaggy brown hair my eyes catching his emerald green eyes a small scar on his cheek, and he's slightly taller than me.

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