Chapter 62

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We finallly get to the small town, "Harbor" after sleeping inside trees the night before, tired and hungry.

"This was a very boring mission." Buyuu states as we walk into the building in what almost looks like a small court room. They have benches everywhere and a podium in front. Kinda creepy.

"Yeah, but apparently these are some important documents. I don't know. All I know my stomach is growling at me and it's starting to scare me." I laugh walking up to a lady at the desk.

"Yes?" She rudely asks.

"I am delivering some papers here, where do I need to take them?" I ask her with a smile.

She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "We did not get anything from the Leaf village."

"Oh, I lm sorry, I'm actually here on behalf on the Sand, I am currently helping them out-"

"Whatever you are trying to pull it's not going to work. So leave and don't come back." She spats.

I start tapping my foot irritated. "I don't know what your deal is, but I am just doing my job." I stand up straighter glaring at her.

"Mayumi-" Kankuro says from behind me.

"So you need to get off whatever the hell is up your ass and do your job too. So please, let me speak with whoever is supposed to be in charge." I demand blinking my eyes to red.

"You don't scare me." She huffs out.

"No?" I raise my eye brow. Kinda surprised. Most people freak out.

"Leaf ninjas?" I hear someone ask walking up behind us and turn to them. "It's been a long time since we've seen a leaf ninja. Oh, with a Sand?" He says stopping In front of us. He's observing us and laughs. "Spicy girl aren't you?"

My eye twitches. What?

"Uhm, we just have some documents to deliver." I state showing him the scrolls I carry.

"Thank you! I take it you guys need a place to stay?" He asks looking at me and I nod and shift uncomfortably. "Well! I will put you three into our best Inn!"

"Uhm, it's actually four of us-"

"Now let's get you guys something to eat and I'll show you where you'll be staying!" He says grabbing my arm causing me to stiffen but follow him.

As Sota-Sensei stated once, don't make an enemy too fast. I'm trying, really trying Sota.

He finally guides us to a restaurant and we all sit down. Kankuro to my left, Ry and B across from us and the man next to B right in front of me.

"I'm sorry if I have come out as a little crazy." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "I get a little nervous sometimes with ninjas."

I look at him with an eye brow raised. "Why on earth would you be nervous?"

"Well." He shifts uncomfortably this time and clears his throat. "We have been attacked numerous times. Things stolen, people killed or taken, even houses destroyed. It's been rough the last few years. By the time we finally recover and rebuild, we get attacked." He explains as we eat.

I'm silent. That is truly awful and I couldn't imagine how it feels to just randomly sit around and wait for my home to get attacked.

"Do you have any clue who these people are? How often does it happen? Do you have any suspicions on anybody? Where do they normally atta-"

"Mayumi, that's enough. There is nothing you can do for them here." Buyuu states.

"You don't know that." I say looking at the man.

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