Chapter 23

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"What the hell happened to you guys?" Kiba shouts grabbing me, while I'm still unconscious.

"Oh you know frolicking through the woods having a grand old time." Buyuu grunts searching through her bag. "Dammit, I can't find any pills!"

"Me either!" Ryota says searching his bag.

"Here." Kiba says shoving a liquid down my throat.

"K-Kiba should you give her that?" Hinata asks quietly.

"Yes, it's a syrum that Mayumi gave me a long time ago." Kiba says laying me down. "The reason why she eats so much, she's similar to Choji. For the chakra, she is constantly using chakra without her control and she'll never be able to fix that. It's just what she was born with. The sugar helps with chakra and replenishes it."

"You realize she's not going to wake anytime soon right?" Temari says walking up.

"I wonder why she never told us." Ryota says standing up.

Kiba laughs. "Have you met her? She doesn't tell a soul about herself."

"Then why do you know so much about her?" Kankuro says squatting down next to him.

"We've been best friends since we were born." Kiba starts out looking at his unconscious best friend. "We've always been a team. Her mom and my mom were best friends ever since they were little..." He pauses and gently moves my hair out of my face before taking a deep breath. "I'm the brother that she never got to have..."

Everyone watches as Hinata steps over to help the wound on my side. Carefully cleaning it and fixing it up.

"So what exactly happened out there? You were the first team here but are in rough shape." Kankuro asks looking over to team 0.

"Well, we got our scroll the first five minutes of everything starting." Ryota boasts.

"Yeah it was a bang." Buyuu laughs causing him to wince and grip his shoulder.

"Wait, so that explosion was you three?" Temari asks. "It was a huge explosion! I can't believe anybody could have survived that!"

"Yeah, Mayumi thought it would be a good idea to make fake scrolls. So we made them and then when someone tried to take them. We willingly threw it at them then quickly jump away." Buyuu explains.

"Then we just decide to head straight here when we got caught by some Rain ninja. We had gotten separated so we don't really know what all happened to her." Ryota adds. "All I remember was carrying Buyuu and I sat down then I ended up here."

"I remembering thrown into a tree and that was it." Buyuu says.

"So you're saying she carried you both here?" Kankuro asks, they both nod.


Four days go pass as Team 0 wait for me to finally wake up. We start our fifth day, waiting for some type of indication that I'm going to wake up.

"Are you sure she's going to wake up soon?" Kankuro asks walking over to Kiba. He hasn't left my side since we got there while Kankuro hovering close trying not to make it seem that he cares so much. Kankuro still doesn't understand why he feels protective over me.

He just wants to hold me close and make everything okay. He doesn't even know me that well, so why does he feel like this towards me? He keeps watching my chest rise up and down, watching every breath I take.

Kankuro pretty much has ignored his brother and sister the entire time they have been in the tower. Feeling jealousy when Kiba or my team mates check on me, or touch my hair. He hates it.

Movement catches Kankuro's eye and he snaps his head and sees me lifting my hand up to my face.

"Hey take is easy." Kankuro says walking over to me. I look up at him in confusion.

I sit up and spit out blood then go into a coughing fit.

"Mayumi! You're awake!" My team mates rush to me.

"Yeah, I forgot to add me to my will." I say rubbing my head. "Only people currently in it is myself and I. And I can't forget me."

"Now is not the time for jokes." Kiba states. "We'll be leaving the tower soon."

"Yeah yeah whatever." I wave him off bringing my knees up to my chest and laying my head on my knees.

"Are you okay?" Buyuu asks rubbing my back.

"Don't. Touch. Me. My head is pounding and I feel like death."

"So uhh, May..." Kiba starts out. "So like, you were in pretty bad shape when we came here and I Uhh...had to use that serum that you gave me.." he says rubbing the back of his head.

I look at him with half open eyes. "Well shit."

"I think it's time for them to have their space." Kiba says getting up with his team and leaving. Kankuro looks back at me and follows his team out also.

"What's wrong? Is the serum a bad thing?"

"We'll see in a few hours. Hopefully it's nothing. Has anybody talked to Sota?" I ask turning to my team mates.

"Yes, we opened the scrolls at the same time and he was summoned here." Buyuu states helping me stand up.

"Oh! The scrolls!" I say pulling out an extra earth and heaven scroll. "I wasn't just going to let them laying there after I finished off that guy." I say grinning.

"You're insane Mayumi." Ryota says facepalming.

"She's our insane girl dumbass." Buyuu says turning to him.

"I'm not a dumbass!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not! I'm smarter than you!"

"That's a great comeback." I sigh staggering to the window of the tower and look out of it.

"Congratulations on surviving the second exam." We all turn to see Sota standing there with his arms crossed. "Now, let's head to the arena for the third exam."

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm still working on how to write fighting scenes and make it not so cringy

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