Chapter 39

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"Why am I getting dragged into this?! This is such a drag!" Shikamaru complains running next to Naruto.

"That's what I'm asking myself." I grumble next to Sakura behind the boys.

"It was Kakashi's order!" Sakura explains.

"This way!" Pakkun sniffs the air and jumps right as they four ninjas follow.

"How long until we catch up?" Naruto asks.

"I don't know. He's moving at a pretty good speed." Pakkun answers.

"Mayumi are you going to be okay?" Sakura asks looking over to her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. The pill I took earlier will last a while." I reply.

"Hurry it up you guys." Pakkun tells them.

"What is it? Did you find Sauske?" Naruto looks at him.

"No! There are eight people behind us two squads."

"Nine." I correct him. "And there's more behind them."

"What? Already? Give me a break!" Shikamaru says as we jump down to the ground.

"What's the point in stopping?!" Naruto shouts.

"Shut up and follow me! We're going back over our foot prints." Pakkun says walking back into his paw prints. "If we do that, it'll look to them like our foot prints suddenly disappeared." He states at he jumps onto the tree. We all follow and do the same thing. "It'll buy us some time. That's enough."

"This is not good, though they're on alert for ambushes, they're catching up to us slowly."

"You guys go ahead." I say slowing down. "I'll distract them for as long as I can."

"No! We need to stick together!" Sakura says.

"No, we'll be wiped out if they catch us!" Shikamaru agrees with me.

"Then they better catch me instead." I say stopping and turning back.

"Mayumi!" Naruto shouts.

"Let her go." Pakkun demands.

I stop right before the Sound Ninja reach me. I bite my thumb rubbing it onto my palm and summon my Spirits. Where I stand  between them waiting with my arms crossed.

"About time you guys showed up." I say waving my hands. "I'm not playing around this time, let's go!" I shout grabbing my sword and swinging it.

My summonings easily take out the Sound Ninja as I work on the last but he has me pinned down before I know it the Sound Ninja if punched off of me.

"Not my niece you asshole!" Asuma shouts.

I let out a big sigh and lay my head down. "Thank god." I say in relief.

"Come on, we need to hurry." Asuma says helping me up.

We come up to Shikamaru struggling to keep his Shadow Possession Jutsu up.

I tap on Asuma's shoulder seeing the Shadow Possession retreat back.

"Come on out now!" One of the Sound Ninja states. "And cut off his head." The two of us jump out behind Shikamaru with Asuma holding the other Sound Ninja that was hiding."

"The Calvary has arrived!" I say smiling.

"I've finally caught up." Asuma says throwing the Sound Ninja into a tree as me and Asuma fight the Sound Ninjas.

Shikamaru stands there stunned. "Well done Shikamaru." Asuma says as Shikamaru sits down.

"Asuma, I'm following them."

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