Chapter 53

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I'm woken up by a knock on my door. I look over to Kankuro laying in the floor next to me, I use my pillow and hit him in the face making him jump awake.

"Huh what?" He mutters rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"The door." I grumble, Yep, I'm in a bad mood today.

I watch as he groggily walks to the door and opens it and Sakura pushes past him and into the living room to me. "You!" She says with her hands on her hips.

"Me?" I pull my blanket closer to me. If one thing I am afraid of. It's Sakura. I swear, she has so much power in her hands it's terrifying. I hear another knock on my door and Kankuro let's Sota and my team mates in.

"Have you taken your medicine? Have you ate? Kankuro's not hurting you is he?" Oh yeah, that's why I'm better friends with guys. They mind their own business.

"Hey Mayumi!" Ryota smiles walking inside. "Have you ate?"

"Have you taken your medicine?" Buyuu asks also. That was a lie. My teammates don't count as guys at this point.  "We wanted to see you before we left."

"Are you in any pain this morning?" Sota asks. I pause, nobody has asked me that, I shake my head. "Yes you are, take your medication and rest." He states as he walks out the door. Well good morning to you too.

"Anyway, I'm here to give you these medications, I won't be able to be by much this week  so please take it easy. I love you, but not enough to deal with you in a hospital." Sakura states putting a bag on the counter. I agree and wave bye to her and my team mates. I just want to be alone.

The next few days were hard. Kiba came and brought us food, and all Kankuro would let me do was sit and eat, I'm bored out of my mind I needed to get out of this place as soon as possible. I can feel myself get more depressed and crazy the longer I stay here.

I get up out of bed carefully not to wake up Kankuro next to me and take a shower and put on my ninja outfit. When I come back out I see Kankuro leaning on the door frame giving me a look and I let out a sigh.

"I'm leaving this place. I can't stay here any longer. Even if it's into town. I can't take it anymore." I state, staring at Kankuro daring him to say no. He's the only person I've talked too, the others may have gotten a word from me here and there. But I really don't want to talk to any of them.

"You know, you're lucky you're very beautiful." He states giving me a gentle kiss, I smile up at him and grab my shoes he follows me outside as we start walking down the street while I slide my hand into his.

"So, where do you really want to go?" Kankuro finally asks breaking the silence.

"I guess to the Hokage's office." I mumble, we head to the office and I open then door and see Tsunade sitting there looking like she is bored out of her mind.

"Why are you here?" She questions putting her chin on her hand, Kankuro stays outside letting me have some privacy.

"I need to give you my statement." I state.

I tell her everything that happened and she gives me another look.

"Why are you here? We both know you wrote your statement. And you never come by for a verbal statement. You are one of the best who write reports."

"I'm bored." I state. "When can I be cleared?"

She looks at me for a moment. "You're supposed to be resting for three more days."


"NO BUTS! I'm tired of sending you out when you're not fully healed. I cannot afford to keep losing my people. I still have others that are in the hospital Mayumi!"

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