Chapter 54

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It's been a few days since Kankuro returned back home and I let out a big sigh.

"What's wrong Mayumi?" Ryota looks over at me as we are heading to the Hokage's Office. I just got released and I finally get to go on a mission.

"Honestly, I miss Kankuro.." I say embarrassed, of course, it was my fault for breaking-up with him. I feel he needs someone better than me. Someone who is always there with him, us being in two different villages make it so much more difficult. I feel like I'm losing myself again.

"Awh, everything will be okay." Buyuu says wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Shut up" I mutter we walk into Lady Tsunade's office. I don't even knock and I bust the door open. "Your favorite squad is here!" I shout with my hands on my hips. Gotta try and make everything seem like it is fine. Right?

"Are you finally ready for a mission?" Lady Tsunade asks. We all nod our heads looking over to Sota who lets out a big sigh.

"Good, here is the run down of the mission. I expect you to be back in two days." Lady Tsunade states handing us a scroll. "Mayumi, when you get back I need you to report right back to me as soon as possible." I agree and we all head out and pack a bag and meet up at the gates.

"Are you finally happy to be able to go back on missions?" Ryota asks.

"Of course!" I smile at him. Anything to be away from the village, anything to help distract me.

"Good, because you are leading this mission." Sota states.

I come to a halt and look at him. "N-no I-I-I can't do t-th-that." I stutter out and the boys stop and look at me confused.

"Mayumi?" Sota asks but he sounds a million miles away. My breathing starts to pick up and I'm gasping for air. "Mayumi?" He asks again. "I think she's having a panic attack!" He shouts.

"What do we do?" Buyuu asks.

I can't breath, I can't see, I can't hear. What the hell is going on?

Next thing I know I'm pinned against a tree struggling to break free, my brain is going a mile a minute I try to lift my arms out they are pinned next to me. I'm still breathing heavy when I feel a hand in my hair rubbing it and a voice in my ear.

"It's okay Mayumi, everything is going to be okay. You are strong and smart." I blink the tears from my eyes and see Ryota's brown hair pressing against my face. "Nothing bad is going to happen on this mission. You can do this, I will be here every step of the way." I can smell his vanilla body wash on his skin.

Comfort, trying to find comfort in my teammate, he's never let me down. I can feel myself shaking, I can feel the weight on him pressing against me, and the weight of his chin ontop of my head. I can smell his vanilla sshampoo, and the damp forest ground. I can see the trees in front of me and see the path to my right. I take a shaky breath and try to relax for a moment. Then I feel a presence and quickly and harshly push Ryota away accidentally pushing him to the ground and turn my back away from the path.

"Everything okay here Sota-Sensei?" Temari asks walking up.

I shoot Sota a glare to my left and he turns to her. "Everything is fine, just leaving for a mission."

I notice Ryota standing back up and walking up to me slightly nudging my shoulder and pressing his chest to my side. Knowing that I need some sort of comfort right now.

"Already? Seems like your team should be healing more." Kankuro says, I look up to Ryota with my tear stained face and he nods and turns to them.

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