Chapter 10

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"You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!" He says throwing kunai at me. I quickly take a small step to the side letting the kunai breeze past me.

"Let's make a deal?" I request throwing ninja stars at him as he easily deflects them.

"No." He states.

"If I win, you answer my questions for the next, hm let's say 30 minutes." I come at him with a chakra filled punch.

"You're not going to win so why make a deal?" He says blocking my fist. They start kicking and punching blocking each other's hits.

"We'll fine. If you win I'll keep my mouth closed the rest of this month." I focus my chakra into my hands and slams it onto the ground creating a crater.

He quickly jumps out of the way. "You might as well close it now you little shit. Deal."

"It's going to be a windy day!" I shout jumping above him forming hand signs. He quickly sends a bolt of lighting down on the trees where they were creating a massive fire underneath me.

"Air pocket burst!" I shout sending myself higher up into the air. Sota catches himself on a branch and jumps around more throwing shurieken at me. I pull the air through my fingers and throws my hands up creating a dome around me they hit causing a puff of smoke deflecting the shurieken back at him as I stand onto of a tree engulfed in flames.

"This is getting pretty ugly." Ryota says watching the fight.

"Is he crazy or something? I mean, she didn't have to square off at him but damn." Buyuu shouts.

Sota forms hand signs and pulls the water out of the plants. "Doiru Suiyari no Jutsu (Drilling Water Spears)!" He shouts as the water forms into spears sending them straight at me. I quickly pull the air up to make another dome. The water pierces right through it cutting into my skin. Blowing through my dome he forms more hand signs quickly.

"This is bad!" Ryota says glancing over at Buyuu.

"I mean, she did kind of deserve it."

"I already hate you." Ryota says turning to Buyuu. "That's our team mate!"

"Well, she brought it onto herself- wait, what's -what's going on?!" Buyuu exclaims.

Water starts shooting back at me. "Suirou no Jutsu (Water Prison Technique)!" Sota shouts trapping me into a water prison not able to breath. He keeps holding it there for another minute. I squirm and try and break free, then I calm down and slowly float inside of the water prison with no movement.

"You're not attacking the right me. I figured you would be able to tell the difference between me and a wind clone." I say with my sword at Sota's back. The two genin gasp in shock, Sota slowly turn his head to me. "Looks I win...Sensei." I smirk.

Trying to control his anger. "Let's get a move on." He looks at me then jumps off.

"Man are we ever going to get a break?" Ryota complains as they follow him.

"So, since I won. I get my 30 minutes of questions." I say with amusement my her voice pulling an apple out of her bag.

"You never specified when."

I stop running and take a bite of my apple. "Now."

"You really are a pain in my ass. You I know that?" He stops just ahead of me.

"A pain in all of our asses." Ryota mumbles.

"I've heard it a time or two before. So, where are we going for a month?"

"Like I told you-"

"Yeah missions you already said that. But we have the right to know what our mission are. We don't want to go in blind. That's just a death trap waiting to happen. When I went out on missions before I was told all of the details before we lost sight of the Kohona gates."

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