Chapter 18

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Squad 0 make our  way into Kohona gates Izumo and Kotesu look at us like they have seen a ghost.

"You guys are back!" Kotesu exclaims.

"Just in time too." Izumo says writing on his paper.

Sota walks in front of his squad. "I have to go talk to Lord Hokage. Meet me in the training grounds in an hour"

"But we just got back!" Ryota protests as Sota walks off.

"Well I don't know about you guys. I'm going to go see my parents!" Buyuu says running off.

"I agree, Mayumi? Would you like to join me?" Ryota asks I shake my head.

"No, I need to find Kiba and Naruto. I'll see you guys later." I say with a forced smile then he takes off.


I take off in search of my two best friends when I hear a voice I see Sauske on a tree throwing a rock up and down. I quietly jump on the branch above him squatting down with him still unaware of my presence. I watch as Naruto argues with Kankuro. He seems him holding Konohomaru by the collar of his shirt.

Anger forms inside of me as he lifts his fist to strike the boy. "After this little squirt, it's the little runt that won't shut up!" I throw a kunai at his hand before he could punch him causing him to drop Konohomaru.

"Ouch!" Kankuro shouts looking around. "What the hell was that about?!" He says looking over to Sauske, Sauske freezes and looks up at me everyone elses eyes follow his.

When the heck did she get there? How did I not sense her? Sauske thinks to himself.

"MAYUMI! You're back!" Naruto shouts. "When did you get back?"

"I literally just walked through the gates." I state flatly jumping down and turning to Kankuro and Temari with my hands on my hips. "As for you Kankuro, you should know better than bully little kids. I thought better of you."

"Uhh, who are you?" He asks sweat dropping.

"Oh you don't remmeber me? What a shame."

"Mayumi-chan! I've missed you!" Konohomaru shouts running up to me hugging me.

"I'm sorry buddy, I've been out on missions since I've graduated." I apologize.

"Kankuro you're a disgrace to our village." Gaara says hanging upside down from a tree. "It's been a while, Yumi."

"It has Gaara of the desert." I bow my head slightly.

"Yumi? What what are you talking about Gaara?" Temari asks. "This isn't Yumi."

"Who is Yumi?" Sakura asks everybody except Gaara and I look at each other confused.

"Yumi is what Kakashi made everybody call me when we were in the academy. He didn't want me to use my real name mainly because I wasn't a genin."

"So I guess you met these three when you were out with Kakashi-Sensei?" Sakura adds I nod in agreement.

"I don't believe it, you don't look like her." Temari says crossing her arms.

"Blonde hair." Gaara says walking up to me. "You have blond hair, and your eye is blue. The reason you covered your other eye is so people wouldn't see it and reconize you. That eye is something everyone would remember."


"Where your eye mask?" Naruto asks.

"I lost it on my last mission. Eight missions in one month, all away from home." I explain.

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