Chapter 59

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We get back to the Inn and I let out a breath. I'm so tired. I don't know why I'm so tired.

We walk into the cabin and see Sota-sensei filling out some paper work and Kiba asleep in the couch. I turn to Kankuro and smile slightly at him.

"I'll see you in the morning." He says and kissses me. I smile like a little school girl as he leaves and I look over to see Sota looking at me with a raised eye brow.

"Don't start." I mumble blushing. "When are we going back home?"

"Well, I have to turn in this paper work early morning then we will head out. You know, you are a Chunin, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Have you thought about leading the squad more?" He questions.

"No, not at all."

"Well, you do know, if you were to join the Black Ops, you'd be leading your team. I think it's about time to let you take lead."

I stand there and ponder for a brief moment. "You- you really think so?"

He looks at me and smiles and real genuine smile. "I think it's passed time for you to lead. I believe in you Mayumi, it's time for you to believe in yourself. I know it will take a while. But chase your stars brat, life is too short." He says and gets up to go to bed.

I stand there for a few moments and wake Kiba up and force him to go to bed. And I eventually follow suit.


"Thank you Sota, we will be seeing you again soon." Baki says letting us leave.

We head towards the gate stopping by the fruit stand. I feel an arm wrapped around my waist and giggle.

"Going to miss me?" I ask turning around to Kankuro.

"Of course." He smiles and kisses me. "But hopefully I'll see you soon."

"I hope so." I smile and kiss him again.

"Mayumi! Ya coming?" I hear Kiba shout.

"What?" I ask.

"I asked if your coming!"

"Not yet you're not." Kankuro whispers into my ear making me blush hard. "I'll see you later."

I give him one last kiss and rush over to Kiba and Sota.


We finally get back to the village and we head to the Hokage's office and I give her our report and Buyuu and Ryota walk in.

"You ready best friend?" Ryota asks smiling throwing his arm around my shoulders.

"Ready for what?" I look at him confused.

"To head back to the Sand village!"

"I just got back, and why would I go back so soon?"

"To pick them up." Lady Tsunade says. "I have word that the Sand village needs some students to teach for medical and education. And I figured since you're basically a female version of Ibiki, you could see about their Interrogation unit. Plus, it would be good for a team to learn more with an ally village. I thought you three would be best."

"They don't have an interrogations unit." I frown.

"What- what do you mean, don't have one?"

"They have a room, with a lamp and a chair, no office, no workers nothing." I explain.

"That's.. that's awful. Well, I guess you'll be in charge of that, while the boys do their thing. You three will still go out on missions without Sota-"

"Sota-Sensei isn't coming?"

"No, you're a Chunin, I think you three are more than capable of handling things yourselves. Sota and I have talked, he said you two have talked. So I figured we're all in the same page."

"So is this like, a village transfer or something?" I question my heart rate picking up.

She laughs and shakes her head. "No, yall should be back home in about a month or two. Depending on how fast the three of you destroy the village."

"It was the first time I've ever used that jutsu." Buyuu grumbles folding his arms.

"You set the entire forest on fire." Tsunade says looking over to Ryota with her eye brow raised.

"Samething here!" He defends himself.

"You made a giant wall in the middle of the hospital."

"I know, I know, I've blown papers all over the village, accidentally let go of my sword and it pierced the Hokage statues-"

"Yeah, you've done enough." She signs. "Here, just, please don't do anything to make us look bad."

I take the papers and let out a sigh. These are not the papers I wanted. But we pack up before we head out and begin our journey back to the Sand Village once again. This time, just us three.

I'm not really too nervous that Sota isn't going to be here. But at the same time I am.

"Ready May?" Ryota asks smiling. I nod and we head out again.


I'm sorry for the short chapter! This is the shortest chapter out of all this series! But I promise it'll get better soon! I had to set it up for most of the rest of this book! I'm thinking 10-15 more chapters until we are done with Book 1, I've only completed like, 15 chapters on Book 2 so far.

Also, I know some of you are wondering why there hasn't been any art in a long time. My tablet broke that I was using so I haven't been able to do more, but I hope after this story is done, I'll try and spend some time and do some!

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