Chapter 38

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"Release!" I shout releasing the entire stadium of the Genjutsu and they blink as my eyes turn blue.

Step 3, done.

"Wait, what just happened?!" Everyone starts looking around at each other.

"She put everyone in a Genjutsu!" Ryota exlaims.

"But how?! What we saw is right there!" Naruto shouts pointing at me.

"Uh-oh. Look at Mayumi." Buyuu says looking at me as I'm bleeding from my arm, leg, and spits out blood. That was one hell of a fight. I'm just glad they didn't get to see or hear everything.

"She casted a Genjutsu on everybody so they can see what she wanted them to see. Not so they can see what really went on." Sota states. "She only let us see the ending of the fight."

"I can't believe she can cast a Genjutsu so big!" Says Naruto.

"Well, Genjutsu and Kenjutsu is her specialty." Buyuu states. "I can't believe neither Ryota or I were able to figure that out. But by the looks of it, even the Hokage's didn't even realize it was a Genjutsu."

"Wha.." my opponent tries to say with the tip of my sword poking through his chest.

"I casted a Genjutsu as soon as we started. That little dust cloud I created first? I made a wind clone and went and hid for a bit. You had amazing speed, but with my chakra pill and wind, I could move even faster." I say struggling trying to get up.

"That's why she was hiding in the beginning." Naruto says.

"They didn't see what really went on." I wince holding my arm. "Only the last part."

"Did-did they.." he tries to get say before he falls to his knees gasping for air.

"No, they didn't get to see how badly you tried to kick my ass." I smile walking up to him and crouch down next to him. "They also didn't hear everything we talked about too."

"Th-thank you.." he says as he completely falls face first.

Everyone speechless as everyone goes silent unable to comprehend what just happened. I get closer to him. "Say hello to both our moms." I stand up taking my sword out of him and look over to Genma who is in complete shock. Oh shit, maybe I went too far?

Genma clears his throat. "Mayumi Sarutobi wins this match."

I proceed up the steps back to the waiting area where all eyes are on me. I take my place back where I was standing nobody saying a word. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around to Sota motioning for me to follow him. I follow him down a hall for a few where he stops and turns to me.

"Are you better?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. I also heard about your break down while with Kumiko."

"Did I do wrong?" I whisper.

"No, you did what you had to do." He steps forward. "I did the same thing when I took my Chunin exam. What really happened during the fight?"

"He fought really good, I may have gone a little far with the mind games, but when it came down to it.. he really wanted it.. he begged." I look down then look back at him. "I messed up didn't I?"

"No actually, there are now people who want you to join them. They say your are ruthless, fearless. They saw what you can do. Nobody around our nations can do what you have done. But I want to make sure you're okay, and you're not leaving."

I smile at him. "Sota-Sensei, you can't get rid of me that easily!"

"Good, now get back over there and let Ryota help your shoulder." He grumbles.

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