Chapter 50

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Earth Style: Sphere of Graves!" He shouts throwing the ground sphere were we the quickly dodge the sphere.

"This is insane." I mutter standing up. "Heads up! There's another one coming!" I shout trying to jump up but his hand grabs my ankle and he jumps out holding me upside down. Well this isn't good.

"So you're the platoon leader if I'm not mistaken." He laughs.

I shoot Shikamaru a look of stay quiet, we talked about this before we even got our group together. If he wants me dead and spare my squad then fine. But don't touch my team. "Figured it out that easily Huh?" Is he really that slow?

"You do suffer when you have a stupid leader." His words make me twitch and growl.

"Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege." I spat that was an awful reply, and I'm far from stupid. I mean, stupid is as stupid does right? Or something like that. I don't know, the blood is rushing to my head so I would think I would be smarter.

"Nobody wants a leader like this!" He states swinging me around like a rag doll. Crap, I may get sick from this. "Let me get rid of her for you!" He let's me go and I start to fly through the trees.

"Expansion Jutsu! Human Boulder." Choji quickly blocks me from hitting a tree.

"Thanks Choji." I'm so glad for Choji. Out of everybody here, I think he's the sweetest.

"I don't know which is more pathetic, the fool or those who follow her. Well, I'll kill you losers before you suffer."

"It's time for you to shut your big mouth!" Naruto yells.

"Naruto stop." I step beside him and turn to Choji. "Choji, I've noticed you have been more tense, I believe that you can take him."

Choji stands up. "I'll handle it. This guys is mine!" He says through gritted teeth.

"Choji?" Shikamaru gives him a questioning look.

"Shikamaru, take these food pills for everybody. Especially for Mayumi." Choji states handing him a bag.

"Choji you're not gonna-"

"That's right, don't worry, I have my secret weapon with me."

"Choji this is- Mayumi?"

"One thing you need to watch for Shikamaru is the eyes of your team. Something is fueling him, his eyes are angry, determination and hurt." Come on Shika. Learn your team, watch them you can tell when their moods change by their eyes. I know you're more observant enough for that.

"Oh this is priceless. You losers, I won't let you have your way!" Jirobo laughs.

"Heads up!" I shout and Choji stands in front of them.

"Go everyone! Hurry!" Choji demands, Shikamaru and I give each other a nod and the rush off leaving Choji and Jirobo alone.

"Choji's going to be fine." I say looking at Shikamaru he nods and hands me the bag Choji had given them. "Parting gift from Choji. Eat up." He states as everyone grabs one and eats it.

"Shikamaru, that pill that Choji took earlier, it seems like a last minute trump card. Do you really think he can win?" Neji asks.

"He said that he has a secret weapon." Kiba states.

"Don't worry, he brought the Akimichi clan's ultimate secret pills on this mission. Here pills of green, yellow and red. The energy that each pill contains is absolutely massive."

"So that's why he so confident!" Naruto says.

"Yeah... but with a pill that well.. always comes with side effects.." I say softly as we continue on our way leaving marks on trees to Choji to find them.

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