Chapter 47

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I look around to see the fireflies dancing in and out of the grass. The cool water cascading through the rocks and the breeze making the leaves on the trees dance. This is and always will be my favorite spot to be. Always peaceful, life becomes a disaster without peace. 

I haven't been here since the time I brought Kankuro here. And that's been a long time. I jumped onto a low tree branch, resting my back into the large trunk, I'm pretty sure my back has left an imprint into this tree. I pull out the three envelopes and scroll.

I take a deep breath and open my moms letter first.

To my little Butterfly,

Be the light in someone's storm Mayumi Sarutobi. You always have been my light. You have helped me through so much more than you would ever know.

I hope when you do finally read this you are much older. But there are things in your life that you never knew, or knew about yourself.

You are special Mayumi. You truly are a unicorn in this world. But before I get to that, the reason why your father and I left was to get him away from you. And the only way to get him away, was if I were to go also. We both know he is a dangerous man. I couldn't keep letting him stay in the village with you. So when your grandfather let us leave for a long mission. I quickly accepted it.

I know Asuma was also a help in that too. He loves you and I hope you never turn your back on him. Because one day you're going to need him one day. And he will need you.

I know about your grandfather training you. I know that you are able to use all five elements. I know about your chakra seal that your grandfather helped you with. He has taught you so much to be able to defend for yourself. And I know you will only become stronger. I know you want to be able to learn as much as you can and will do as much as you can as long as your body allows it.

But enough of all of that. I need to talk about you, Mayumi.

You may or may not know by now your chakra drains so easily to your seal without you personally doing it yourself, naturally storing itself. When in battle you are only having 40% chakra, as for the 60% goes to the seal.

The day you release the chakra seal you will release so much chakra, you will be powerful, but only at a cost. You need to be careful when you release it.

Now, onto your kekkei genkei, yes, you possess both ketsurygan and Fuinjutsu. You get those from me. My grandfather had the Ketsurygan and my grandmother had the Fuinjutsu. It is something I hid for years, my father also had the Fuinjutsu, but that was it. It skipped me and carried onto you. Sadly, I know hardly nothing of either because everyone was so secretive about it.

All I know about it each. Are very powerful once you master it. To be able to have them together I can only imagine the power you hold with both. There are two people that I know that can help you. One has moved to the Land of Moon. The other is in the Land of Sky. I hope you travel there and see how beautiful it is and able to train. 

The Land of Fantasy. Where do I begin my butterfly, I was born there. I'm pretty sure a few members would remember me. Sadly enough as far as I know, there are no family members left there. They all had left and separated. It may look like a run down village, but it's really art. Genjutsu is really a beautiful type of art. You are an artist with yourself, it is up to you on how to perfect yourself, but make sure you don't make mistakes because you may never be able to erase them.

I know deep down you will make a difference, you are strong, brave, and loving. I hope one day you become a great Kunoichi, scratch that, you will. And I know you will.

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