Chapter 15

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"There sure is a lot of owls in here.." Ryota states.

"Probably why they call it 'The Hooting Inn." Buyuu laughs.

I looks over to see the familiar brown feathers and limp over to it and begin petting it.

"What are you doing touching him!" The Inn keeper shouts. I quickly withdraw my hand from it.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I've just seen him around while we were traveling and he helped me earlier today!"

"Seen him? Helping? I don't understand what you are talking about. Hikari here hates everybody." The lady states.

"Hold up." An older man says walking up. "Hikari helped you?" I nod at him looking back over to Hikari the owl hoots at me flapping his long wings. "It's intresting you say that. The owls here choose their partners. It seems like Hikari chose you young lady."

"What do you mean chose her?" Ryota butts in.

"It means, Hikari feels something with you. He is always mean to everybody, never listens and always causing trouble." The old man states.

"Sounds a lot like her." Buyuu whispers to Ryota.

"Tell me child, do you think you can handle a summoning?" he asks.

"What's a summoning?" Ryota questions.

I look at the old man with a small twinkle in my eyes. "Summonings are creatures who you sign a contract with to help you out." Owls are beautiful wise creatures, being able to summon a creature like him? That would be amazing!

"Like Arul?" Ryota asks.

"Kinda." I walk back up to the owl. "I don't have to summon Arul. He's not that kind of animal. Kinda like Shino with his bugs. Or Kiba with Akamaru." I stroke his feathers and he hoots in happiness. "What's his story? Do you know?"

"He came to us injured we found no parents or siblings with him. He was alone, that's all we know." The lady replies. I turn around to them.

"I want him." I state then lookback at Hikari.

"I'll get the summoning scolls." The old man says walking off.

"Mayumi, are you sure about this?" Sota questions petting the owl, he quickly screeches and pecks at Sota's hand.

"Of course I am." I say petting him again. "He's like me.." I say very softly as Sota looks down at me.

"Here we are!" The old man says coming up to us. "Now, I need you to sign your name with your blood." I give him a strange look then look down at my leg, I swipe some of the oozing blood off and sign my name.

"That's it?" I ask he nods then walks off. "Well that was.. odd..."

"I'm going to bed." Sota says walking to his shared room with the boys.

Ryota looks over to where the owl was sitting. "He's gone!" He gasps.

"Well yeah, I just signed a contract with him, idiot. Now if you will excuse me I need to fix my thigh." I say pushing through the two boys limping down the hall way.

I get to my room and open it, i take off my sword and bag and lay it down next to my bed. I proceed to go into the bathroom and start cleaning up my wound. Wincing in pain biting my lip trying to not scream. I hear a soft knock on my door. I limp over to the door and open it. There stands the Inn keeper.

"I noticed your leg was bleeding when you came in, I just followed the trail of blood to your room." She says softly. "May I?"

I look out into the hall way seeing the trail of blood I left and nod and let her in.

"I'm sorry for making a mess in your hallway." I apologize letting her in.

"It's no problem dear. It's more common that you think." She says cleaning my wound. "Do you have a name?"

"Mayumi." I reply looking at the lady.

"Tell me dear, why did you take Hikari? I heard you say something earlier but didn't quite catch it."

"Oh, because I can relate to him in a type of way. He was found without his parents. My parents went missing two years ago. It'll actually be three years at the end of the month.." I wince in pain as she wraps the bandage around my leg. "Also, Hikari means light, maybe he can be my light in my storm."

"Oh, I'm so sorry dear. I'm sure they are very proud of you. Do you have any other family?"

"Not really.." I say. "I have an uncle, he and my dad never got along. I never understood why. My grandfather is the only family I talk to when I can, he's always busy so I can't always see him." I say shrugging my shoulders. "It's always been me, then my moms best friend helps me out a lot. I'm friends with her son, we've been friends since we were little. Then I have another friend we always have each others backs no matter what."

"Well Mayumi, I hope you accept the love you think you deserve. Now come on, we have a hot springs and it will help your muscles." She says standing up I limp and follow her. I open the door and see the boys walking to the hot springs also.

I get to the changing room of the hot springs and change then puts on a towel. Looking at my in the mirror realizing I'm is still my weights I sigh and take them off.

"I'm used to them anyway, might as well get more added." I say taking off my towel and get into the water. I stay like that for about an hour lost in my thoughts.

I finally get out and dry off putting my clothes back on and head to the front desk.

"Mayumi back already? Everything okay?" She lady asks.

"I was wondering if you had any type of fruit? I'm a little hungry and I don't belive anything is open right now."

"I have a couple of oranges if that's alright." I thank the lady and walk back to my bedroom and devours the oranges. I lay onto my bed finally drifting asleep.


My eyes flutter open and see it's starting to turn daylight. I stretch and get up hooking my weights back on along with my bag and swords then head out of my room. I get to the front desk no one seems to be there so I walk outside taking a deep breath and start walking around the small village. I pick up a bag of fruit then find a weapon store where I stock back up on my weapons. Next is a medical shop where I pick up some necessities. By the time I get what I needs I head back to the Inn to see my squad walking out.

Sota eyes me looking at my thigh. "How is it?"

"Just sore mostly." I tell him.

He just nods. "Come on. Let's go." he says as we take off.

Picture of Hikari at the top except without the glowing blue eye! Picture respectfully belongs to the original owner!

Alrighty, we are coming to a close for their first month away from the leaf village soon! Thoughts?

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