Chapter 25

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"No objections right?" Hayate asks before they begin. Both of them shake their head no. "Now then, we will begin the first battle. Everone other than the two foes, please move to the upper area."

I slowly follow everyone up the steps with Buyuu by my side. "What's you plan?"He whispers next to me as he watches me struggle up the steps taking a place between Kiba's team and Kankuro's team.

"I'll let you know as soon as I find one." I mumble under my breath.

"You don't have a plan?!" He shouts causing Kiba to turn to look at them.

"Hush!" I say.

"Mayumi, you don't look good at all, you really shouldn't be here." Kiba inisists.

"I look better than you! I'm fine, I have a plan!" I spat.

"You  just said you didn't have one!" Buyuu retorts.

"I do! I just haven't thought about it yet idiot!" I catch Kankuro looking at me and turn to him. "What are you looking at?" I say leaning on the rail and turning back to Buyuu. "Right now, Ryota needs our support."

"Mayumi, you shouldn't be doing this." Sota says stepping behind me.

I roll my eyes. "I have a damn plan." I say through gritted teeth as I watch as Ryota starts fighting his opponent.

Ryota quickly flips backwards dodging Youri's attacks making him fall onto the ground, he quickly looks up and dodges a punch. swinging his legs around he kicks him making him fall as he quickly jumps up and forms a hand heal and slaps them onto the ground making the ground shake violently. earth spears come flying up from the ground then right back at his opponent hitting him in the shoulder causing him to scream out in pain.

He falls to the ground panting trying to get up. but falls back down. Ryota forms more hand signs making the ground shake violently again then he makes another seal making more shards of earth flying directly at him hitting him until he fall unconscious.

"Winner of this round is Ryota!" Hayate says.

"YEAH! LET'S GO RYOTA!" I shout fist pumping the air.

"Where did this energy come from?" Buyuu asks rubbing his ear.

"It's the serum. It gives a boost of energy for a while. I'll be blacked out later anyway." I say shrugging  it off.

Hayate coughs out the next fight which is Buyuu and some other leaf ninja.

"Come on! Let's go Buyuu!" I shout at him as Ryota sits at my feet tired.

"You want to to save that energy for your fight." Kankuro says leaning on the rail next to me lightly touching my arm with his. Oh, he feels warm..

"What afraid I'm going to forfeit?" I ask with a serious expression across my face. Pretty much my only option at this point.

"Mayumi, we both know that's not like you." Kiba says.

I grin and cheer Buyuu on.

Is she really going to forfeit? Kankuro thinks to himself.

Buyuu stands in front of of his opponent waiting for him to move first. The second his opponent takes a step running towards him he quickly forms a spark in his hands then hits his opponent a few times with a fiery fist burning him knocking him to the ground.

"You're pretty fast." Buyuu states jumping away from his opponent.

"Come on Buyuu!" I shout.

"And you're pretty dumb not to attack me when I'm down. Who's that? Your girl friend?" He snorts running at him again.

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