Chapter 57

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"I sense someone this way!" I tell Temari as we turn to our left.

"Up ahead" she states and we stop on a tree branch and observe our surroundings and we see two guys sitting down. One is our target, the other must just follow him.

I pull out the information I have on our target and read over it. "He's knowledgeable in explosives, and posses a fire nature."

"Alright, what's the plan?" Temari asks.

"Right, let's get Arul out there and see what's going on. See if there is any blind spots." I state as Arul flutters around. "I want to try and get out the other guy as quickly as we can. But also trapping our target. I am going in first, as a distraction, then you can take out the guy and then when he is taken care of I'll try and trap him into a Genjutsu, and then you can bind him up."

"Sounds like a plan." She agrees.

I jump off and start walking towards the two, pretending I'm harmless and just walking around. I slow my pace to the closer I get to them. Until they finally stop me.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" Our target asks, yuck, I can smell a lot of alcohol on him. I turn to face him already my eyes red.

"Those are some pretty strange eyes." The guy states.

"Yeah, I get that a lot. So tell me, where's a girl gotta go to get something to eat?" I ask fanning my lashes, I've noticed our target is already caught. But I'm draining a lot of chakra holding him. He's tough.

I finally see Temari's attack coming in on our extra guy and I take a step back avoiding the attack. Once she makes sure he is done for she quickly rushes over and binds our target.

I finally let out of his Genjutsu and let out a breath. "Man, that was difficult." I stumble a few steps and catch myself on a tree.

"I don't know why, you've done a lot bigger." She states.

I look down at my leg and barely see a needle sticking out. "Oh shit, Temari. I-I think I've been poisoned." I say slowly pulling the needle out. "We need to get back."

We travel for a bit, Temari carrying our target and I'm limping slowly trying to make it back. This poison is spreading more and more. I pull out an apple and start eating it because I can feel myself draining.

"Temari." I pant, my vision is getting blurry. "I need, I need you to make sure you get him back to the village."

"Mayumi, you look awful. I can't leave you out here alone!"

"Tem, it's okay I promise-"

"Absolutely not!"

"I. I am your squad leader. You do as I-" I feel the wind shift and more people coming towards our way. "Get him back to the village. Now!" I shout unsheathing my sword.

"Mayumi, please be careful. I'll send help back as soon as possible." She states jumping off quickly.

I try and walk as fast as I can, I manage to grip the tree next to me as I drag my left leg on the ground. Shit, they can see the dragging marks. I'm sure as done.

I blink my eyes to red and take a chakra pill, since I'm all out of fruit. I grab my sword out as soon as they pass the tree I'm behind and swing it sending them flying in all directions.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I shout as I bite my thumb and rub it summing Hikari. I quickly jump into his back. "Come on Hikari, I need to get back to the Sand Village..."

I slowly close my eyes and open them again trying not to go to sleep "come on Hikari.." I mutter.

Well maybe if you would loosen up your grip onto my feathers we might get there sooner. It hurts brat.

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