Chapter 17

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Morning comes around and I drag myself down to the campsite and start to clean up. I hear rustling come from the tents knowing the boys are waking up. I grab the canteens that I had filled up earlier and place them neatly in a small stack for them. Buyuu and Ryota come out first. Sota finally coming out mumbling about our last two missions.

"Let's hurry everybody. We have to be quick and quiet for these next two missions." Sota says grabbing his canteen then taking down his tent.

We all stay silent as we quickly packing up everything and head out. After a while I finally break the silence. "So what exactly is our last two missions? They are the S-rank ones right?" Ryota gulps in nervousness Buyuu stays silent with a hard expression across his face.

"Let's take a break." Sota says stopping and turning to them. "From here on out you three need to be silent. I don't want to have to explain dragging a dead body into the village gates. That's not my job, and I don't want to explain it to the Hokage or your families." He let out a big sigh then continues. "We have to find and assonate some deadly ninjas that have been wandering around in the Land of Tea." He looks hard at us waiting for a response I pull out an apple and start eating. Buyuu shuffling the dirt under is feet and Ryota looking at him like he's crazy. Sota let's out another sigh. "Any questions? No? Okay let's go." He says turning his back to us.

"What if we fail?" Ryota says causing everyone to look at him.

"We won't fail Ryota." I say flatly. "Just don't get in my way and we'll be fine." I turn and start walking.

We travel for the next day and a half with little to no talk, us shooting each other glances every so often mocking each other. As we are walking Sota throws his hand up signaling us to stop. We all wait upon a tree branch examining the area.

"Two." I whisper.

"No, three." Ryota corrects me. "Three of them and it seems they are close."

"Remember the mission and only the mission." Sota states. "Let's move."

We travel a little bit longer until we are on the tail of the person they are assigned to assonate.

"Uhm, do we have any info on this guy?" I whispers.

"Kenjutsu." Sota says.

"Alright, so how about we take the two others and Mayumi takes the target." Buyuu suggests.

Sota nods in agreement. I look at him with wide eyes.

"M-me? W-why m-me?" I stutter out. They look at me then at the handle of my sword poking out above my head. "I-" before I could finish my sentence Sota and the boys jump out I hesitate then jump out with them landing behind the squad.

"We know why you're here." One of the said.

"But we can't let you do that!" The other said forming hand signs.

"Let's go!" Sota shouts jumping and going after the first rogue. Buyuu and Ryota start taking on the other.

I follow the target that I have to kill. Leaping and jumping trying to catch up to him. I notice I'm slowing down so I quickly take off my weights and gain speed on him.

He turns around to see me gone them smirks as he turns back around and I'm right in front of him.

"You're pretty fast there little girl." He comments.

"I'm not a little girl. But it looks like it's going to be a windy day." I say smiling unsheathing my sword. He looks at me then smirks again taking out his sword. He quickly runs at her with great speed and his shoulder hits my stomach sending me flying back. "I wasn't told about his speed." I mumble getting back up. "Kamaitachi no Jutsu (Slashing Wind)!" I shout sending a wave of wind at him. He falls back a little. I run up to him and swing my sword at him. We fight sword to sword for the next few minutes clacking together with each strike and block. My sword slips down his suddenly and he quickly lunges at me and grazes my arm. Screaming in pain I look down and sees the blood start to trickle down my arm.

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